# # Author:: Ian Meyer () # Copyright:: Copyright 2010-2016, Ian Meyer # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" Chef::Knife::Bootstrap.load_deps describe Chef::Knife::Bootstrap do let(:bootstrap_template) { nil } let(:stderr) { StringIO.new } let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ ] } let(:linux_test) { true } let(:windows_test) { false } let(:linux_test) { false } let(:unix_test) { false } let(:ssh_test) { false } let(:connection) do double("TrainConnector", windows?: windows_test, linux?: linux_test, unix?: unix_test) end let(:knife) do Chef::Log.logger = Logger.new(StringIO.new) Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_template] = bootstrap_template unless bootstrap_template.nil? k = Chef::Knife::Bootstrap.new(bootstrap_cli_options) allow(k.ui).to receive(:stderr).and_return(stderr) allow(k).to receive(:encryption_secret_provided_ignore_encrypt_flag?).and_return(false) allow(k).to receive(:connection).and_return connection k.merge_configs k end context "#check_license" do let(:acceptor) { instance_double(LicenseAcceptance::Acceptor) } before do expect(LicenseAcceptance::Acceptor).to receive(:new).and_return(acceptor) end describe "when a license is not required" do it "does not set the chef_license" do expect(acceptor).to receive(:license_required?).and_return(false) knife.check_license expect(Chef::Config[:chef_license]).to eq(nil) end end describe "when a license is required" do it "sets the chef_license" do expect(acceptor).to receive(:license_required?).and_return(true) expect(acceptor).to receive(:id_from_mixlib).and_return("id") expect(acceptor).to receive(:check_and_persist) expect(acceptor).to receive(:acceptance_value).and_return("accept-no-persist") knife.check_license expect(Chef::Config[:chef_license]).to eq("accept-no-persist") end end end context "#bootstrap_template" do it "should default to chef-full" do expect(knife.bootstrap_template).to be_a_kind_of(String) expect(File.basename(knife.bootstrap_template)).to eq("chef-full") end end context "#render_template - when using the chef-full default template" do let(:rendered_template) do knife.merge_configs knife.render_template end it "should render client.rb" do expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/client.rb <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match("chef_server_url \"https://localhost:443\"") expect(rendered_template).to match("validation_client_name \"chef-validator\"") expect(rendered_template).to match("log_location STDOUT") end it "should render first-boot.json" do expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/first-boot.json <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match('{"run_list":\[\]}') end context "and encrypted_data_bag_secret was provided" do it "should render encrypted_data_bag_secret file" do expect(knife).to receive(:encryption_secret_provided_ignore_encrypt_flag?).and_return(true) expect(knife).to receive(:read_secret).and_return("secrets") expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match('{"run_list":\[\]}') expect(rendered_template).to match(/secrets/) end end end context "with --bootstrap-vault-item" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ "--bootstrap-vault-item", "vault1:item1", "--bootstrap-vault-item", "vault1:item2", "--bootstrap-vault-item", "vault2:item1" ] } it "sets the knife config cli option correctly" do expect(knife.config[:bootstrap_vault_item]).to eq({ "vault1" => %w{item1 item2}, "vault2" => ["item1"] }) end end context "with --bootstrap-preinstall-command" do command = "while sudo fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock >/dev/null 2>&1; do\n echo 'waiting for dpkg lock';\n sleep 1;\n done;" let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ "--bootstrap-preinstall-command", command ] } let(:rendered_template) do knife.merge_configs knife.render_template end it "configures the preinstall command in the bootstrap template correctly" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/command/) end end context "with --bootstrap-proxy" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ "--bootstrap-proxy", "" ] } let(:rendered_template) do knife.merge_configs knife.render_template end it "configures the https_proxy environment variable in the bootstrap template correctly" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/https_proxy="" export https_proxy/) end end context "with --bootstrap-no-proxy" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ "--bootstrap-no-proxy", "localserver" ] } let(:rendered_template) do knife.merge_configs knife.render_template end it "configures the https_proxy environment variable in the bootstrap template correctly" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/no_proxy="localserver" export no_proxy/) end end context "with :bootstrap_template and :template_file cli options" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ "--bootstrap-template", "my-template", "other-template" ] } it "should select bootstrap template" do expect(File.basename(knife.bootstrap_template)).to eq("my-template") end end context "when finding templates" do context "when :bootstrap_template config is set to a file" do context "that doesn't exist" do let(:bootstrap_template) { "/opt/blah/not/exists/template.erb" } it "raises an error" do expect { knife.find_template }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end end context "that exists" do let(:bootstrap_template) { File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "test.erb")) } it "loads the given file as the template" do expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:trace) expect(knife.find_template).to eq(File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "test.erb"))) end end end context "when :bootstrap_template config is set to a template name" do let(:bootstrap_template) { "example" } let(:builtin_template_path) { File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../../lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/templates", "example.erb")) } let(:chef_config_dir_template_path) { "/knife/chef/config/bootstrap/example.erb" } let(:env_home_template_path) { "/env/home/.chef/bootstrap/example.erb" } let(:gem_files_template_path) { "/Users/schisamo/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180@chef-0.10/gems/knife-windows-0.5.4/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/fake-bootstrap-template.erb" } def configure_chef_config_dir allow(Chef::Knife).to receive(:chef_config_dir).and_return("/knife/chef/config") end def configure_env_home allow(Chef::Util::PathHelper).to receive(:home).with(".chef", "bootstrap", "example.erb").and_yield(env_home_template_path) end def configure_gem_files allow(Gem).to receive(:find_files).and_return([ gem_files_template_path ]) end before(:each) do expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(bootstrap_template).and_return(false) end context "when file is available everywhere" do before do configure_chef_config_dir configure_env_home configure_gem_files expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(builtin_template_path).and_return(true) end it "should load the template from built-in templates" do expect(knife.find_template).to eq(builtin_template_path) end end context "when file is available in chef_config_dir" do before do configure_chef_config_dir configure_env_home configure_gem_files expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(builtin_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(chef_config_dir_template_path).and_return(true) it "should load the template from chef_config_dir" do knife.find_template.should eq(chef_config_dir_template_path) end end end context "when file is available in home directory" do before do configure_chef_config_dir configure_env_home configure_gem_files expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(builtin_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(chef_config_dir_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(env_home_template_path).and_return(true) end it "should load the template from chef_config_dir" do expect(knife.find_template).to eq(env_home_template_path) end end context "when file is available in Gem files" do before do configure_chef_config_dir configure_env_home configure_gem_files expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(builtin_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(chef_config_dir_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(env_home_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(gem_files_template_path).and_return(true) end it "should load the template from Gem files" do expect(knife.find_template).to eq(gem_files_template_path) end end context "when file is available in Gem files and home dir doesn't exist" do before do configure_chef_config_dir configure_gem_files allow(Chef::Util::PathHelper).to receive(:home).with(".chef", "bootstrap", "example.erb").and_return(nil) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(builtin_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(chef_config_dir_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(gem_files_template_path).and_return(true) end it "should load the template from Gem files" do expect(knife.find_template).to eq(gem_files_template_path) end end end end ["-t", "--bootstrap-template"].each do |t| context "when #{t} option is given in the command line" do it "sets the knife :bootstrap_template config" do knife.parse_options([t, "blahblah"]) knife.merge_configs expect(knife.bootstrap_template).to eq("blahblah") end end end context "with run_list template" do let(:bootstrap_template) { File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "test.erb")) } it "should return an empty run_list" do expect(knife.render_template).to eq('{"run_list":[]}') end it "should have role[base] in the run_list" do knife.parse_options(["-r", "role[base]"]) knife.merge_configs expect(knife.render_template).to eq('{"run_list":["role[base]"]}') end it "should have role[base] and recipe[cupcakes] in the run_list" do knife.parse_options(["-r", "role[base],recipe[cupcakes]"]) knife.merge_configs expect(knife.render_template).to eq('{"run_list":["role[base]","recipe[cupcakes]"]}') end context "with bootstrap_attribute options" do let(:jsonfile) do file = Tempfile.new (["node", ".json"]) File.open(file.path, "w") { |f| f.puts '{"foo":{"bar":"baz"}}' } file end it "should have foo => {bar => baz} in the first_boot from cli" do knife.parse_options(["-j", '{"foo":{"bar":"baz"}}']) knife.merge_configs expected_hash = FFI_Yajl::Parser.new.parse('{"foo":{"bar":"baz"},"run_list":[]}') actual_hash = FFI_Yajl::Parser.new.parse(knife.render_template) expect(actual_hash).to eq(expected_hash) end it "should have foo => {bar => baz} in the first_boot from file" do knife.parse_options(["--json-attribute-file", jsonfile.path]) knife.merge_configs expected_hash = FFI_Yajl::Parser.new.parse('{"foo":{"bar":"baz"},"run_list":[]}') actual_hash = FFI_Yajl::Parser.new.parse(knife.render_template) expect(actual_hash).to eq(expected_hash) jsonfile.close end it "raises a Chef::Exceptions::BootstrapCommandInputError with the proper error message" do knife.parse_options(["-j", '{"foo":{"bar":"baz"}}']) knife.parse_options(["--json-attribute-file", jsonfile.path]) knife.merge_configs allow(knife).to receive(:validate_name_args!) expect(knife).to receive(:check_license) expect { knife.run }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::BootstrapCommandInputError) jsonfile.close end end end context "with hints template" do let(:bootstrap_template) { File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "test-hints.erb")) } it "should create a hint file when told to" do knife.parse_options(["--hint", "openstack"]) knife.merge_configs expect(knife.render_template).to match(%r{/etc/chef/ohai/hints/openstack.json}) end it "should populate a hint file with JSON when given a file to read" do allow(::File).to receive(:read).and_return('{ "foo" : "bar" }') knife.parse_options(["--hint", "openstack=hints/openstack.json"]) knife.merge_configs expect(knife.render_template).to match(/\{\"foo\":\"bar\"\}/) end end describe "specifying no_proxy with various entries" do subject(:knife) do k = described_class.new Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_template] = template_file allow(k).to receive(:connection).and_return connection k.parse_options(options) k.merge_configs k end let(:options) { ["--bootstrap-no-proxy", setting] } let(:template_file) { File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "no_proxy.erb")) } let(:rendered_template) do knife.render_template end context "via --bootstrap-no-proxy" do let(:setting) { "api.opscode.com" } it "renders the client.rb with a single FQDN no_proxy entry" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/.*no_proxy\s*"api.opscode.com".*/) end end context "via --bootstrap-no-proxy multiple" do let(:setting) { "api.opscode.com,172.16.10.*" } it "renders the client.rb with comma-separated FQDN and wildcard IP address no_proxy entries" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/.*no_proxy\s*"api.opscode.com,172.16.10.\*".*/) end end context "via --ssl-verify-mode none" do let(:options) { ["--node-ssl-verify-mode", "none"] } it "renders the client.rb with ssl_verify_mode set to :verify_none" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/ssl_verify_mode :verify_none/) end end context "via --node-ssl-verify-mode peer" do let(:options) { ["--node-ssl-verify-mode", "peer"] } it "renders the client.rb with ssl_verify_mode set to :verify_peer" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/ssl_verify_mode :verify_peer/) end end context "via --node-ssl-verify-mode all" do let(:options) { ["--node-ssl-verify-mode", "all"] } it "raises error" do expect { rendered_template }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "via --node-verify-api-cert" do let(:options) { ["--node-verify-api-cert"] } it "renders the client.rb with verify_api_cert set to true" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/verify_api_cert true/) end end context "via --no-node-verify-api-cert" do let(:options) { ["--no-node-verify-api-cert"] } it "renders the client.rb with verify_api_cert set to false" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/verify_api_cert false/) end end end describe "specifying the encrypted data bag secret key" do let(:secret) { "supersekret" } let(:options) { [] } let(:bootstrap_template) { File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "secret.erb")) } let(:rendered_template) do knife.parse_options(options) knife.merge_configs knife.render_template end it "creates a secret file" do expect(knife).to receive(:encryption_secret_provided_ignore_encrypt_flag?).and_return(true) expect(knife).to receive(:read_secret).and_return(secret) expect(rendered_template).to match(/#{secret}/) end it "renders the client.rb with an encrypted_data_bag_secret entry" do expect(knife).to receive(:encryption_secret_provided_ignore_encrypt_flag?).and_return(true) expect(knife).to receive(:read_secret).and_return(secret) expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{encrypted_data_bag_secret\s*"/etc/chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret"}) end end describe "when transferring trusted certificates" do let(:trusted_certs_dir) { Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../data/trusted_certs")) } let(:rendered_template) do knife.merge_configs knife.render_template end before do Chef::Config[:trusted_certs_dir] = trusted_certs_dir allow(IO).to receive(:read).and_call_original allow(IO).to receive(:read).with(File.expand_path(Chef::Config[:validation_key])).and_return("") end def certificates Dir[File.join(trusted_certs_dir, "*.{crt,pem}")] end it "creates /etc/chef/trusted_certs" do expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{mkdir -p /etc/chef/trusted_certs}) end it "copies the certificates in the directory" do certificates.each do |cert| expect(IO).to receive(:read).with(File.expand_path(cert)) end certificates.each do |cert| expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{cat > /etc/chef/trusted_certs/#{File.basename(cert)} <<'EOP'}) end end context "when :trusted_cets_dir is empty" do let(:trusted_certs_dir) { Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../data/trusted_certs_empty")) } it "doesn't create /etc/chef/trusted_certs if :trusted_certs_dir is empty" do expect(rendered_template).not_to match(%r{mkdir -p /etc/chef/trusted_certs}) end end end context "when doing fips things" do let(:template_file) { File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "no_proxy.erb")) } let(:trusted_certs_dir) { Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../data/trusted_certs")) } before do Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_template] = template_file knife.merge_configs end let(:rendered_template) do knife.render_template end context "when knife is in fips mode" do before do Chef::Config[:fips] = true end it "renders 'fips true'" do expect(rendered_template).to match("fips") end end context "when knife is not in fips mode" do before do # This is required because the chef-fips pipeline does # has a default value of true for fips Chef::Config[:fips] = false end it "does not render anything about fips" do expect(rendered_template).not_to match("fips") end end end describe "when transferring client.d" do let(:rendered_template) do knife.merge_configs knife.render_template end before do Chef::Config[:client_d_dir] = client_d_dir end context "when client_d_dir is nil" do let(:client_d_dir) { nil } it "does not create /etc/chef/client.d" do expect(rendered_template).not_to match(%r{mkdir -p /etc/chef/client\.d}) end end context "when client_d_dir is set" do let(:client_d_dir) do Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../data/client.d_00") ) end it "creates /etc/chef/client.d" do expect(rendered_template).to match("mkdir -p /etc/chef/client\.d") end context "a flat directory structure" do it "escapes single-quotes" do expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/client.d/02-strings.rb <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match("something '\\\\''/foo/bar'\\\\''") end it "creates a file 00-foo.rb" do expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/client.d/00-foo.rb <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match("d6f9b976-289c-4149-baf7-81e6ffecf228") end it "creates a file bar" do expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/client.d/bar <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match("1 / 0") end end context "a nested directory structure" do let(:client_d_dir) do Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../data/client.d_01") ) end it "creates a file foo/bar.rb" do expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/client.d/foo/bar.rb <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match("1 / 0") end end end end describe "#connection_protocol" do let(:host_descriptor) { "example.com" } let(:config) { {} } let(:knife_connection_protocol) { nil } before do allow(knife).to receive(:config).and_return config allow(knife).to receive(:host_descriptor).and_return host_descriptor if knife_connection_protocol Chef::Config[:knife][:connection_protocol] = knife_connection_protocol knife.merge_configs end end context "when protocol is part of the host argument" do let(:host_descriptor) { "winrm://myhost" } it "returns the value provided by the host argument" do expect(knife.connection_protocol).to eq "winrm" end end context "when protocol is provided via the CLI flag" do let(:config) { { connection_protocol: "winrm" } } it "returns that value" do expect(knife.connection_protocol).to eq "winrm" end end context "when protocol is provided via the host argument and the CLI flag" do let(:host_descriptor) { "ssh://example.com" } let(:config) { { connection_protocol: "winrm" } } it "returns the value provided by the host argument" do expect(knife.connection_protocol).to eq "ssh" end end context "when no explicit protocol is provided" do let(:config) { {} } let(:host_descriptor) { "example.com" } let(:knife_connection_protocol) { "winrm" } it "falls back to knife config" do expect(knife.connection_protocol).to eq "winrm" end context "and there is no knife bootstrap_protocol" do let(:knife_connection_protocol) { nil } it "falls back to 'ssh'" do expect(knife.connection_protocol).to eq "ssh" end end end end describe "#validate_protocol!" do let(:host_descriptor) { "example.com" } let(:config) { {} } let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } before do allow(knife).to receive(:config).and_return config allow(knife).to receive(:connection_protocol).and_return connection_protocol allow(knife).to receive(:host_descriptor).and_return host_descriptor end context "when protocol is provided both in the URL and via --protocol" do context "and they do not match" do let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } let(:config) { { connection_protocol: "winrm" } } it "outputs an error and exits" do expect(knife.ui).to receive(:error) expect { knife.validate_protocol! }.to raise_error SystemExit end end context "and they do match" do let(:connection_protocol) { "winrm" } let(:config) { { connection_protocol: "winrm" } } it "returns true" do expect(knife.validate_protocol!).to eq true end end end context "and the protocol is supported" do Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::SUPPORTED_CONNECTION_PROTOCOLS.each do |proto| let(:connection_protocol) { proto } it "returns true for #{proto}" do expect(knife.validate_protocol!).to eq true end end end context "and the protocol is not supported" do let(:connection_protocol) { "invalid" } it "outputs an error and exits" do expect(knife.ui).to receive(:error).with(/Unsupported protocol '#{connection_protocol}'/) expect { knife.validate_protocol! }.to raise_error SystemExit end end end describe "#validate_policy_options!" do context "when only policy_name is given" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ --policy-name my-app-server } } it "returns an error stating that policy_name and policy_group must be given together" do expect { knife.validate_policy_options! }.to raise_error(SystemExit) expect(stderr.string).to include("ERROR: --policy-name and --policy-group must be specified together") end end context "when only policy_group is given" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ --policy-group staging } } it "returns an error stating that policy_name and policy_group must be given together" do expect { knife.validate_policy_options! }.to raise_error(SystemExit) expect(stderr.string).to include("ERROR: --policy-name and --policy-group must be specified together") end end context "when both policy_name and policy_group are given, but run list is also given" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ --policy-name my-app --policy-group staging --run-list cookbook } } it "returns an error stating that policyfile and run_list are exclusive" do expect { knife.validate_policy_options! }.to raise_error(SystemExit) expect(stderr.string).to include("ERROR: Policyfile options and --run-list are exclusive") end end context "when policy_name and policy_group are given with no conflicting options" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ --policy-name my-app --policy-group staging } } it "passes options validation" do expect { knife.validate_policy_options! }.to_not raise_error end it "passes them into the bootstrap context" do expect(knife.bootstrap_context.first_boot).to have_key(:policy_name) expect(knife.bootstrap_context.first_boot).to have_key(:policy_group) end it "ensures that run_list is not set in the bootstrap context" do expect(knife.bootstrap_context.first_boot).to_not have_key(:run_list) end end # https://github.com/chef/chef/issues/4131 # Arguably a bug in the plugin: it shouldn't be setting this to nil, but it # worked before, so make it work now. context "when a plugin sets the run list option to nil" do before do knife.config[:run_list] = nil end it "passes options validation" do expect { knife.validate_policy_options! }.to_not raise_error end end end # TODO - this is the only cli option we validate the _option_ itself - # so we'll know if someone accidentally deletes or renames use_sudo_password # Is this worht keeping? If so, then it seems we should expand it # to cover all options. context "validating use_sudo_password option" do it "use_sudo_password contains description and long params for help" do expect(knife.options).to(have_key(:use_sudo_password)) \ && expect(knife.options[:use_sudo_password][:description].to_s).not_to(eq(""))\ && expect(knife.options[:use_sudo_password][:long].to_s).not_to(eq("")) end end context "#connection_opts" do let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } before do allow(knife).to receive(:connection_protocol).and_return connection_protocol end context "behavioral test: " do let(:expected_connection_opts) do { base_opts: true, ssh_identity_opts: true, ssh_opts: true, gateway_opts: true, host_verify_opts: true, sudo_opts: true, winrm_opts: true } end it "queries and merges only expected configurations" do expect(knife).to receive(:base_opts).and_return({ base_opts: true }) expect(knife).to receive(:host_verify_opts).and_return({ host_verify_opts: true }) expect(knife).to receive(:gateway_opts).and_return({ gateway_opts: true }) expect(knife).to receive(:sudo_opts).and_return({ sudo_opts: true }) expect(knife).to receive(:winrm_opts).and_return({ winrm_opts: true }) expect(knife).to receive(:ssh_opts).and_return({ ssh_opts: true }) expect(knife).to receive(:ssh_identity_opts).and_return({ ssh_identity_opts: true }) expect(knife.connection_opts).to match expected_connection_opts end end context "functional test: " do context "when protocol is winrm" do let(:connection_protocol) { "winrm" } # context "and neither CLI nor Chef::Config config entries have been provided" # end context "and all supported values are provided as Chef::Config entries" do before do # Set everything to easily identifiable and obviously fake values # to verify that Chef::Config is being sourced instead of knife.config knife.config = {} Chef::Config[:knife][:max_wait] = 9999 Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_user] = "winbob" Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_port] = 9999 Chef::Config[:knife][:ca_trust_file] = "trust.me" Chef::Config[:knife][:kerberos_realm] = "realm" Chef::Config[:knife][:kerberos_service] = "service" Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_auth_method] = "kerberos" # default is negotiate Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_basic_auth_only] = true Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_no_verify_cert] = true Chef::Config[:knife][:session_timeout] = 9999 Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_ssl] = true Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_ssl_peer_fingerprint] = "ABCDEF" end context "and no CLI options have been given" do let(:expected_result) do { logger: Chef::Log, # not configurable ca_trust_path: "trust.me", max_wait_until_ready: 9999, operation_timeout: 9999, ssl_peer_fingerprint: "ABCDEF", winrm_transport: "kerberos", winrm_basic_auth_only: true, user: "winbob", port: 9999, self_signed: true, ssl: true, kerberos_realm: "realm", kerberos_service: "service", } end it "generates a config hash using the Chef::Config values" do knife.merge_configs expect(knife.connection_opts).to match expected_result end end context "and some CLI options have been given" do let(:expected_result) do { logger: Chef::Log, # not configurable ca_trust_path: "no trust", max_wait_until_ready: 9999, operation_timeout: 9999, ssl_peer_fingerprint: "ABCDEF", winrm_transport: "kerberos", winrm_basic_auth_only: true, user: "microsoftbob", port: 12, self_signed: true, ssl: true, kerberos_realm: "realm", kerberos_service: "service", password: "lobster", } end before do knife.config[:ca_trust_file] = "no trust" knife.config[:connection_user] = "microsoftbob" knife.config[:connection_port] = 12 knife.config[:winrm_port] = "13" # indirectly verify we're not looking for the wrong CLI flag knife.config[:connection_password] = "lobster" end it "generates a config hash using the CLI options when available and falling back to Chef::Config values" do knife.merge_configs expect(knife.connection_opts).to match expected_result end end context "and all CLI options have been given" do before do # We'll force kerberos vi knife.config because it # causes additional options to populate - make sure # Chef::Config is different so we can be sure that we didn't # pull in the Chef::Config value Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_auth_method] = "negotiate" knife.config[:connection_password] = "blue" knife.config[:max_wait] = 1000 knife.config[:connection_user] = "clippy" knife.config[:connection_port] = 1000 knife.config[:winrm_port] = 1001 # We should not see this value get used knife.config[:ca_trust_file] = "trust.the.internet" knife.config[:kerberos_realm] = "otherrealm" knife.config[:kerberos_service] = "otherservice" knife.config[:winrm_auth_method] = "kerberos" # default is negotiate knife.config[:winrm_basic_auth_only] = false knife.config[:winrm_no_verify_cert] = false knife.config[:session_timeout] = 1000 knife.config[:winrm_ssl] = false knife.config[:winrm_ssl_peer_fingerprint] = "FEDCBA" end let(:expected_result) do { logger: Chef::Log, # not configurable ca_trust_path: "trust.the.internet", max_wait_until_ready: 1000, operation_timeout: 1000, ssl_peer_fingerprint: "FEDCBA", winrm_transport: "kerberos", winrm_basic_auth_only: false, user: "clippy", port: 1000, self_signed: false, ssl: false, kerberos_realm: "otherrealm", kerberos_service: "otherservice", password: "blue", } end it "generates a config hash using the CLI options and pulling nothing from Chef::Config" do knife.merge_configs expect(knife.connection_opts).to match expected_result end end end # with underlying Chef::Config values context "and no values are provided from Chef::Config or CLI" do before do # We will use knife's actual config since these tests # have assumptions based on CLI default values end let(:expected_result) do { logger: Chef::Log, operation_timeout: 60, self_signed: false, ssl: false, ssl_peer_fingerprint: nil, winrm_basic_auth_only: false, winrm_transport: "negotiate", } end it "populates appropriate defaults" do knife.merge_configs expect(knife.connection_opts).to match expected_result end end end # winrm context "when protocol is ssh" do let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } # context "and neither CLI nor Chef::Config config entries have been provided" # end context "and all supported values are provided as Chef::Config entries" do before do # Set everything to easily identifiable and obviously fake values # to verify that Chef::Config is being sourced instead of knife.config knife.config = {} Chef::Config[:knife][:max_wait] = 9999 Chef::Config[:knife][:session_timeout] = 9999 Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_user] = "sshbob" Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_port] = 9999 Chef::Config[:knife][:host_key_verify] = false Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_gateway_identity] = "/gateway.pem" Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_gateway] = "admin@mygateway.local:1234" Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_identity_file] = "/identity.pem" Chef::Config[:knife][:use_sudo_password] = false # We have no password. end context "and no CLI options have been given" do let(:expected_result) do { logger: Chef::Log, # not configurable max_wait_until_ready: 9999.0, connection_timeout: 9999, user: "sshbob", bastion_host: "mygateway.local", bastion_port: 1234, bastion_user: "admin", forward_agent: false, keys_only: true, key_files: ["/identity.pem", "/gateway.pem"], sudo: false, verify_host_key: "always", port: 9999, non_interactive: true, } end it "generates a correct config hash using the Chef::Config values" do knife.merge_configs expect(knife.connection_opts).to match expected_result end end context "and unsupported Chef::Config options are given in Chef::Config, not in CLI" do before do Chef::Config[:knife][:password] = "blah" Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_password] = "blah" Chef::Config[:knife][:preserve_home] = true Chef::Config[:knife][:use_sudo] = true Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_forward_agent] = "blah" end it "does not include the corresponding option in the connection options" do knife.merge_configs expect(knife.connection_opts.key?(:password)).to eq false expect(knife.connection_opts.key?(:ssh_forward_agent)).to eq false expect(knife.connection_opts.key?(:use_sudo)).to eq false expect(knife.connection_opts.key?(:preserve_home)).to eq false end end context "and some CLI options have been given" do before do knife.config = {} knife.config[:connection_user] = "sshalice" knife.config[:connection_port] = 12 knife.config[:ssh_port] = "13" # canary to indirectly verify we're not looking for the wrong CLI flag knife.config[:connection_password] = "feta cheese" knife.config[:max_wait] = 150 knife.config[:session_timeout] = 120 knife.config[:use_sudo] = true knife.config[:use_sudo_pasword] = true knife.config[:ssh_forward_agent] = true end let(:expected_result) do { logger: Chef::Log, # not configurable max_wait_until_ready: 150.0, # cli connection_timeout: 120, # cli user: "sshalice", # cli password: "feta cheese", # cli bastion_host: "mygateway.local", # Config bastion_port: 1234, # Config bastion_user: "admin", # Config forward_agent: true, # cli keys_only: false, # implied false from config password present key_files: ["/identity.pem", "/gateway.pem"], # Config sudo: true, # ccli verify_host_key: "always", # Config port: 12, # cli non_interactive: true, } end it "generates a config hash using the CLI options when available and falling back to Chef::Config values" do knife.merge_configs expect(knife.connection_opts).to match expected_result end end context "and all CLI options have been given" do before do knife.config = {} knife.config[:max_wait] = 150 knife.config[:session_timeout] = 120 knife.config[:connection_user] = "sshroot" knife.config[:connection_port] = 1000 knife.config[:connection_password] = "blah" knife.config[:forward_agent] = true knife.config[:use_sudo] = true knife.config[:use_sudo_password] = true knife.config[:preserve_home] = true knife.config[:use_sudo_pasword] = true knife.config[:ssh_forward_agent] = true knife.config[:ssh_verify_host_key] = true knife.config[:ssh_gateway_identity] = "/gateway-identity.pem" knife.config[:ssh_gateway] = "me@example.com:10" knife.config[:ssh_identity_file] = "/my-identity.pem" # We'll set these as canaries - if one of these values shows up # in a failed test, then the behavior of not pulling from these keys # out of knife.config is broken: knife.config[:ssh_user] = "do not use" knife.config[:ssh_port] = 1001 end let(:expected_result) do { logger: Chef::Log, # not configurable max_wait_until_ready: 150, connection_timeout: 120, user: "sshroot", password: "blah", port: 1000, bastion_host: "example.com", bastion_port: 10, bastion_user: "me", forward_agent: true, keys_only: false, key_files: ["/my-identity.pem", "/gateway-identity.pem"], sudo: true, sudo_options: "-H", sudo_password: "blah", verify_host_key: true, non_interactive: true, } end it "generates a config hash using the CLI options and pulling nothing from Chef::Config" do knife.merge_configs expect(knife.connection_opts).to match expected_result end end end context "and no values are provided from Chef::Config or CLI" do before do # We will use knife's actual config since these tests # have assumptions based on CLI default values config = {} end let(:expected_result) do { forward_agent: false, key_files: [], logger: Chef::Log, keys_only: false, sudo: false, verify_host_key: "always", non_interactive: true, connection_timeout: 60, } end it "populates appropriate defaults" do knife.merge_configs expect(knife.connection_opts).to match expected_result end end end # ssh end # functional tests end # connection_opts context "#base_opts" do let(:connection_protocol) { nil } before do allow(knife).to receive(:connection_protocol).and_return connection_protocol end context "for all protocols" do context "when password is provided" do before do knife.config[:connection_port] = 250 knife.config[:connection_user] = "test" knife.config[:connection_password] = "opscode" end let(:expected_opts) do { port: 250, user: "test", logger: Chef::Log, password: "opscode", } end it "generates the correct options" do expect(knife.base_opts).to eq expected_opts end end context "when password is not provided" do before do knife.config[:connection_port] = 250 knife.config[:connection_user] = "test" end let(:expected_opts) do { port: 250, user: "test", logger: Chef::Log, } end it "generates the correct options" do expect(knife.base_opts).to eq expected_opts end end end end context "#host_verify_opts" do let(:connection_protocol) { nil } before do allow(knife).to receive(:connection_protocol).and_return connection_protocol end context "for winrm" do let(:connection_protocol) { "winrm" } it "returns the expected configuration" do knife.config[:winrm_no_verify_cert] = true expect(knife.host_verify_opts).to eq( { self_signed: true } ) end it "provides a correct default when no option given" do expect(knife.host_verify_opts).to eq( { self_signed: false } ) end end context "for ssh" do let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } it "returns the expected configuration" do knife.config[:ssh_verify_host_key] = false expect(knife.host_verify_opts).to eq( { verify_host_key: false } ) end it "provides a correct default when no option given" do expect(knife.host_verify_opts).to eq( { verify_host_key: "always" } ) end end end # TODO - test keys_only, password, config source behavior context "#ssh_identity_opts" do let(:connection_protocol) { nil } before do allow(knife).to receive(:connection_protocol).and_return connection_protocol end context "for winrm" do let(:connection_protocol) { "winrm" } it "returns an empty hash" do expect(knife.ssh_identity_opts).to eq({}) end end context "for ssh" do let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } context "when an identity file is specified" do before do knife.config[:ssh_identity_file] = "/identity.pem" end it "generates the expected configuration" do expect(knife.ssh_identity_opts).to eq({ key_files: [ "/identity.pem" ], keys_only: true, }) end context "and a password is also specified" do before do knife.config[:connection_password] = "blah" end it "generates the expected configuration (key, keys_only false)" do expect(knife.ssh_identity_opts).to eq({ key_files: [ "/identity.pem" ], keys_only: false, }) end end context "and a gateway is not specified" do context "but a gateway identity file is specified" do it "does not include the gateway identity file in keys" do expect(knife.ssh_identity_opts).to eq({ key_files: ["/identity.pem"], keys_only: true, }) end end end context "and a gatway is specified" do before do knife.config[:ssh_gateway] = "example.com" end context "and a gateway identity file is not specified" do it "config includes only identity file and not gateway identity" do expect(knife.ssh_identity_opts).to eq({ key_files: [ "/identity.pem" ], keys_only: true, }) end end context "and a gateway identity file is also specified" do before do knife.config[:ssh_gateway_identity] = "/gateway.pem" end it "generates the expected configuration (both keys, keys_only true)" do expect(knife.ssh_identity_opts).to eq({ key_files: [ "/identity.pem", "/gateway.pem" ], keys_only: true, }) end end end end context "when no identity file is specified" do it "generates the expected configuration (no keys, keys_only false)" do expect(knife.ssh_identity_opts).to eq( { key_files: [ ], keys_only: false, }) end context "and a gateway with gateway identity file is specified" do before do knife.config[:ssh_gateway] = "host" knife.config[:ssh_gateway_identity] = "/gateway.pem" end it "generates the expected configuration (gateway key, keys_only false)" do expect(knife.ssh_identity_opts).to eq({ key_files: [ "/gateway.pem" ], keys_only: false, }) end end end end end context "#gateway_opts" do let(:connection_protocol) { nil } before do allow(knife).to receive(:connection_protocol).and_return connection_protocol end context "for winrm" do let(:connection_protocol) { "winrm" } it "returns an empty hash" do expect(knife.gateway_opts).to eq({}) end end context "for ssh" do let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } context "and ssh_gateway with hostname, user and port provided" do before do knife.config[:ssh_gateway] = "testuser@gateway:9021" end it "returns a proper bastion host config subset" do expect(knife.gateway_opts).to eq({ bastion_user: "testuser", bastion_host: "gateway", bastion_port: 9021, }) end end context "and ssh_gateway with only hostname is given" do before do knife.config[:ssh_gateway] = "gateway" end it "returns a proper bastion host config subset" do expect(knife.gateway_opts).to eq({ bastion_user: nil, bastion_host: "gateway", bastion_port: nil, }) end end context "and ssh_gateway with hostname and user is is given" do before do knife.config[:ssh_gateway] = "testuser@gateway" end it "returns a proper bastion host config subset" do expect(knife.gateway_opts).to eq({ bastion_user: "testuser", bastion_host: "gateway", bastion_port: nil, }) end end context "and ssh_gateway with hostname and port is is given" do before do knife.config[:ssh_gateway] = "gateway:11234" end it "returns a proper bastion host config subset" do expect(knife.gateway_opts).to eq({ bastion_user: nil, bastion_host: "gateway", bastion_port: 11234, }) end end context "and ssh_gateway is not provided" do it "returns an empty hash" do expect(knife.gateway_opts).to eq({}) end end end end context "#sudo_opts" do let(:connection_protocol) { nil } before do allow(knife).to receive(:connection_protocol).and_return connection_protocol end context "for winrm" do let(:connection_protocol) { "winrm" } it "returns an empty hash" do expect(knife.sudo_opts).to eq({}) end end context "for ssh" do let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } context "when use_sudo is set" do before do knife.config[:use_sudo] = true end it "returns a config that enables sudo" do expect(knife.sudo_opts).to eq( { sudo: true } ) end context "when use_sudo_password is also set" do before do knife.config[:use_sudo_password] = true knife.config[:connection_password] = "opscode" end it "includes :connection_password value in a sudo-enabled configuration" do expect(knife.sudo_opts).to eq({ sudo: true, sudo_password: "opscode", }) end end context "when preserve_home is set" do before do knife.config[:preserve_home] = true end it "enables sudo with sudo_option to preserve home" do expect(knife.sudo_opts).to eq({ sudo_options: "-H", sudo: true, }) end end end context "when use_sudo is not set" do before do knife.config[:use_sudo_password] = true knife.config[:preserve_home] = true end it "returns configuration for sudo off, ignoring other related options" do expect(knife.sudo_opts).to eq( { sudo: false } ) end end end end context "#ssh_opts" do let(:connection_protocol) { nil } before do allow(knife).to receive(:connection_protocol).and_return connection_protocol end context "for ssh" do let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } let(:default_opts) do { non_interactive: true, forward_agent: false, connection_timeout: 60, } end context "by default" do it "returns a configuration hash with appropriate defaults" do expect(knife.ssh_opts).to eq default_opts end end context "when ssh_forward_agent has a value" do before do knife.config[:ssh_forward_agent] = true end it "returns a default configuration hash with forward_agent set to true" do expect(knife.ssh_opts).to eq(default_opts.merge(forward_agent: true)) end end context "when session_timeout has a value" do before do knife.config[:session_timeout] = 120 end it "returns a default configuration hash with updated timeout value." do expect(knife.ssh_opts).to eq(default_opts.merge(connection_timeout: 120)) end end end context "for winrm" do let(:connection_protocol) { "winrm" } it "returns an empty has because ssh is not winrm" do expect(knife.ssh_opts).to eq({}) end end end context "#winrm_opts" do let(:connection_protocol) { nil } before do allow(knife).to receive(:connection_protocol).and_return connection_protocol end context "for winrm" do let(:connection_protocol) { "winrm" } let(:expected) do { winrm_transport: "negotiate", winrm_basic_auth_only: false, ssl: false, ssl_peer_fingerprint: nil, operation_timeout: 60, } end it "generates a correct configuration hash with expected defaults" do expect(knife.winrm_opts).to eq expected end context "with ssl_peer_fingerprint" do let(:ssl_peer_fingerprint_expected) do expected.merge({ ssl_peer_fingerprint: "ABCD" }) end before do knife.config[:winrm_ssl_peer_fingerprint] = "ABCD" end it "generates a correct options hash with ssl_peer_fingerprint from the config provided" do expect(knife.winrm_opts).to eq ssl_peer_fingerprint_expected end end context "with winrm_ssl" do let(:ssl_expected) do expected.merge({ ssl: true }) end before do knife.config[:winrm_ssl] = true end it "generates a correct options hash with ssl from the config provided" do expect(knife.winrm_opts).to eq ssl_expected end end context "with winrm_auth_method" do let(:winrm_auth_method_expected) do expected.merge({ winrm_transport: "freeaccess" }) end before do knife.config[:winrm_auth_method] = "freeaccess" end it "generates a correct options hash with winrm_transport from the config provided" do expect(knife.winrm_opts).to eq winrm_auth_method_expected end end context "with ca_trust_file" do let(:ca_trust_expected) do expected.merge({ ca_trust_path: "/trust.me" }) end before do knife.config[:ca_trust_file] = "/trust.me" end it "generates a correct options hash with ca_trust_file from the config provided" do expect(knife.winrm_opts).to eq ca_trust_expected end end context "with kerberos auth" do let(:kerberos_expected) do expected.merge({ kerberos_service: "testsvc", kerberos_realm: "TESTREALM", winrm_transport: "kerberos", }) end before do knife.config[:winrm_auth_method] = "kerberos" knife.config[:kerberos_service] = "testsvc" knife.config[:kerberos_realm] = "TESTREALM" end it "generates a correct options hash containing kerberos auth configuration from the config provided" do expect(knife.winrm_opts).to eq kerberos_expected end end context "with winrm_basic_auth_only" do before do knife.config[:winrm_basic_auth_only] = true end let(:basic_auth_expected) do expected.merge( { winrm_basic_auth_only: true } ) end it "generates a correct options hash containing winrm_basic_auth_only from the config provided" do expect(knife.winrm_opts).to eq basic_auth_expected end end end context "for ssh" do let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } it "returns an empty hash because ssh is not winrm" do expect(knife.winrm_opts).to eq({}) end end end describe "#run" do it "performs the steps we expect to run a bootstrap" do expect(knife).to receive(:check_license) expect(knife).to receive(:validate_name_args!).ordered expect(knife).to receive(:validate_protocol!).ordered expect(knife).to receive(:validate_first_boot_attributes!).ordered expect(knife).to receive(:validate_winrm_transport_opts!).ordered expect(knife).to receive(:validate_policy_options!).ordered expect(knife).to receive(:winrm_warn_no_ssl_verification).ordered expect(knife).to receive(:warn_on_short_session_timeout).ordered expect(knife).to receive(:connect!).ordered expect(knife).to receive(:register_client).ordered expect(knife).to receive(:render_template).and_return "content" expect(knife).to receive(:upload_bootstrap).with("content").and_return "/remote/path.sh" expect(knife).to receive(:perform_bootstrap).with("/remote/path.sh") expect(connection).to receive(:del_file!) # Make sure cleanup happens knife.run # Post-run verify expected state changes (not many directly in #run) expect($stdout.sync).to eq true end end describe "#register_client" do let(:vault_handler_mock) { double("ChefVaultHandler") } let(:client_builder_mock) { double("ClientBuilder") } let(:node_name) { nil } before do allow(knife).to receive(:chef_vault_handler).and_return vault_handler_mock allow(knife).to receive(:client_builder).and_return client_builder_mock knife.config[:chef_node_name] = node_name end shared_examples_for "creating the client locally" do context "when a valid node name is present" do let(:node_name) { "test" } before do allow(client_builder_mock).to receive(:client).and_return "client" allow(client_builder_mock).to receive(:client_path).and_return "/key.pem" end it "runs client_builder and vault_handler" do expect(client_builder_mock).to receive(:run) expect(vault_handler_mock).to receive(:run).with("client") knife.register_client end it "sets the path to the client key in the bootstrap context" do allow(client_builder_mock).to receive(:run) allow(vault_handler_mock).to receive(:run).with("client") knife.register_client expect(knife.bootstrap_context.client_pem).to eq "/key.pem" end end context "when no valid node name is present" do let(:node_name) { nil } it "shows an error and exits" do expect(knife.ui).to receive(:error) expect { knife.register_client }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end end end context "when chef_vault_handler says we're using vault" do let(:vault_handler_mock) { double("ChefVaultHandler") } before do allow(vault_handler_mock).to receive(:doing_chef_vault?).and_return true end it_behaves_like "creating the client locally" end context "when an non-existant validation key is specified in chef config" do before do Chef::Config[:validation_key] = "/blah" allow(vault_handler_mock).to receive(:doing_chef_vault?).and_return false allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(%r{/blah}).and_return false end it_behaves_like "creating the client locally" end context "when a valid validation key is given and we're doing old-style client creation" do before do Chef::Config[:validation_key] = "/blah" allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(%r{/blah}).and_return true allow(vault_handler_mock).to receive(:doing_chef_vault?).and_return false end it "shows a message" do expect(knife.ui).to receive(:info) knife.register_client end end end describe "#perform_bootstrap" do let(:exit_status) { 0 } let(:result_mock) { double("result", exit_status: exit_status, stderr: "A message") } before do allow(connection).to receive(:hostname).and_return "testhost" end it "runs the remote script and logs the output" do expect(knife.ui).to receive(:info).with(/Bootstrapping.*/) expect(knife).to receive(:bootstrap_command) .with("/path.sh") .and_return("sh /path.sh") expect(connection) .to receive(:run_command) .with("sh /path.sh") .and_yield("output here") .and_return result_mock expect(knife.ui).to receive(:msg).with(/testhost/) knife.perform_bootstrap("/path.sh") end context "when the remote command fails" do let(:exit_status) { 1 } it "shows an error and exits" do expect(knife.ui).to receive(:info).with(/Bootstrapping.*/) expect(knife).to receive(:bootstrap_command) .with("/path.sh") .and_return("sh /path.sh") expect(connection).to receive(:run_command).with("sh /path.sh").and_return result_mock expect { knife.perform_bootstrap("/path.sh") }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end end end describe "#connect!" do before do # These are not required at run-time because train will handle its own # protocol loading. In this case, we're simulating train failures and have to load # them ourselves. require "net/ssh" require "train/transports/ssh" end context "in the normal case" do it "connects using the connection_opts and notifies the operator of progress" do expect(knife.ui).to receive(:info).with(/Connecting to.*/) expect(knife).to receive(:connection_opts).and_return( { opts: "here" }) expect(knife).to receive(:do_connect).with( { opts: "here" } ) knife.connect! end end context "when a general non-auth-failure occurs" do let(:expected_error) { RuntimeError.new } before do allow(knife).to receive(:do_connect).and_raise(expected_error) end it "re-raises the exception" do expect { knife.connect! }.to raise_error(expected_error) end end context "when ssh fingerprint is invalid" do let(:expected_error) { Train::Error.new("fingerprint AA:BB is unknown for \"blah,\"") } before do allow(knife).to receive(:do_connect).and_raise(expected_error) end it "warns, prompts to accept, then connects with verify_host_key of accept_new" do expect(knife).to receive(:do_connect).and_raise(expected_error) expect(knife.ui).to receive(:confirm) .with(/.*host 'blah \(\)'.*AA:BB.*Are you sure you want to continue.*/m) .and_return(true) expect(knife).to receive(:do_connect) do |opts| expect(opts[:verify_host_key]).to eq :accept_new end knife.connect! end end context "when an auth failure occurs" do let(:expected_error) do e = Train::Error.new actual = Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed.new # Simulate train's nested error - they wrap # ssh/network errors in a TrainError. allow(e).to receive(:cause).and_return(actual) e end let(:expected_error_password_prompt) do e = Train::ClientError.new reason = :no_ssh_password_or_key_available allow(e).to receive(:reason).and_return(reason) e end let(:expected_error_password_prompt_winrm) do e = RuntimeError.new message = "password is a required option" allow(e).to receive(:message).and_return(message) e end context "and password auth was used" do before do allow(connection).to receive(:password_auth?).and_return true end it "re-raises the error so as not to resubmit the same failing password" do expect(knife).to receive(:do_connect).and_raise(expected_error) expect { knife.connect! }.to raise_error(expected_error) end end context "and password auth was not used" do before do allow(connection).to receive(:password_auth?).and_return false allow(connection).to receive(:user).and_return "testuser" allow(knife).to receive(:connection_protocol).and_return connection_protocol end context "when using ssh" do let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } it "warns, prompts for password, then reconnects with a password-enabled configuration using the new password" do question_mock = double("question") expect(knife).to receive(:do_connect).and_raise(expected_error_password_prompt) expect(knife.ui).to receive(:warn).with(/Failed to auth.*/) expect(knife.ui).to receive(:ask).and_yield(question_mock).and_return("newpassword") # Ensure that we set echo off to prevent showing password on the screen expect(question_mock).to receive(:echo=).with false expect(knife).to receive(:do_connect) do |opts| expect(opts[:password]).to eq "newpassword" end knife.connect! end end context "when using winrm" do let(:connection_protocol) { "winrm" } it "warns, prompts for password, then reconnects with a password-enabled configuration using the new password for" do question_mock = double("question") expect(knife).to receive(:do_connect).and_raise(expected_error_password_prompt_winrm) expect(knife.ui).to receive(:warn).with(/Failed to auth.*/) expect(knife.ui).to receive(:ask).and_yield(question_mock).and_return("newpassword") # Ensure that we set echo off to prevent showing password on the screen expect(question_mock).to receive(:echo=).with false expect(knife).to receive(:do_connect) do |opts| expect(opts[:password]).to eq "newpassword" end knife.connect! end end end end end it "verifies that a server to bootstrap was given as a command line arg" do knife.name_args = nil expect(knife).to receive(:check_license) expect { knife.run }.to raise_error(SystemExit) expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR:.+FQDN or ip/) end describe "#bootstrap_context" do context "under Windows" do let(:windows_test) { true } it "creates a WindowsBootstrapContext" do require "chef/knife/core/windows_bootstrap_context" expect(knife.bootstrap_context.class).to eq Chef::Knife::Core::WindowsBootstrapContext end end context "under linux" do let(:linux_test) { true } it "creates a BootstrapContext" do require "chef/knife/core/bootstrap_context" expect(knife.bootstrap_context.class).to eq Chef::Knife::Core::BootstrapContext end end end describe "#config_value" do before do knife.config[:test_key_a] = "a from cli" knife.config[:test_key_b] = "b from cli" Chef::Config[:knife][:test_key_a] = "a from Chef::Config" Chef::Config[:knife][:test_key_c] = "c from Chef::Config" Chef::Config[:knife][:alt_test_key_c] = "alt c from Chef::Config" knife.merge_configs end it "returns the Chef::Config value from the cli when the CLI key is set" do expect(knife.config_value(:test_key_a, :alt_test_key_c)).to eq "a from cli" end it "returns the Chef::Config value from the alternative key when the CLI key is not set" do expect(knife.config_value(:test_key_d, :alt_test_key_c)).to eq "alt c from Chef::Config" end it "returns the default value when the key is not provided by CLI or Chef::Config" do expect(knife.config_value(:missing_key, :missing_key, "found")).to eq "found" end end describe "#upload_bootstrap" do before do allow(connection).to receive(:temp_dir).and_return(temp_dir) allow(connection).to receive(:normalize_path) { |a| a } end let(:content) { "bootstrap script content" } context "under Windows" do let(:windows_test) { true } let(:temp_dir) { "C:/Temp/bootstrap" } it "creates a bat file in the temp dir provided by connection, using given content" do expect(connection).to receive(:upload_file_content!).with(content, "C:/Temp/bootstrap/bootstrap.bat") expect(knife.upload_bootstrap(content)).to eq "C:/Temp/bootstrap/bootstrap.bat" end end context "under Linux" do let(:linux_test) { true } let(:temp_dir) { "/tmp/bootstrap" } it "creates a 'sh file in the temp dir provided by connection, using given content" do expect(connection).to receive(:upload_file_content!).with(content, "/tmp/bootstrap/bootstrap.sh") expect(knife.upload_bootstrap(content)).to eq "/tmp/bootstrap/bootstrap.sh" end end end describe "#bootstrap_command" do context "under Windows" do let(:windows_test) { true } it "prefixes the command to run under cmd.exe" do expect(knife.bootstrap_command("autoexec.bat")).to eq "cmd.exe /C autoexec.bat" end end context "under Linux" do let(:linux_test) { true } it "prefixes the command to run under sh" do expect(knife.bootstrap_command("bootstrap")).to eq "sh bootstrap" end end end describe "#default_bootstrap_template" do context "under Windows" do let(:windows_test) { true } it "is windows-chef-client-msi" do expect(knife.default_bootstrap_template).to eq "windows-chef-client-msi" end end context "under Linux" do let(:linux_test) { true } it "is chef-full" do expect(knife.default_bootstrap_template).to eq "chef-full" end end end describe "#do_connect" do let(:host_descriptor) { "example.com" } let(:connection) { double("TrainConnector") } let(:connector_mock) { double("TargetResolver", targets: [ connection ]) } before do allow(knife).to receive(:host_descriptor).and_return host_descriptor end it "creates a TrainConnector and connects it" do expect(Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::TrainConnector).to receive(:new).and_return connection expect(connection).to receive(:connect!) knife.do_connect({}) end context "when sshd configured with requiretty" do let(:pty_err_msg) { "Sudo requires a TTY. Please see the README on how to configure sudo to allow for non-interactive usage." } let(:expected_error) { Train::UserError.new(pty_err_msg, :sudo_no_tty) } before do allow(connection).to receive(:connect!).and_raise(expected_error) end it "retry with pty true request option" do expect(Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::TrainConnector).to receive(:new).and_return(connection).exactly(2).times expect(knife.ui).to receive(:warn).with("#{pty_err_msg} - trying with pty request") expect { knife.do_connect({}) }.to raise_error(expected_error) end end end describe "validate_winrm_transport_opts!" do before do allow(knife).to receive(:connection_protocol).and_return connection_protocol end context "when using ssh" do let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } it "returns true" do expect(knife.validate_winrm_transport_opts!).to eq true end end context "when using winrm" do let(:connection_protocol) { "winrm" } context "with plaintext auth" do before do knife.config[:winrm_auth_method] = "plaintext" end context "with ssl" do before do knife.config[:winrm_ssl] = true end it "will not error because we won't send anything in plaintext regardless" do expect(knife.validate_winrm_transport_opts!).to eq true end end context "without ssl" do before do knife.config[:winrm_ssl] = false end context "and no validation key exists" do before do Chef::Config[:validation_key] = "validation_key.pem" allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(/.*validation_key.pem/).and_return false end it "will error because we will generate and send a client key over the wire in plaintext" do expect { knife.validate_winrm_transport_opts! }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "and a validation key exists" do before do Chef::Config[:validation_key] = "validation_key.pem" allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(/.*validation_key.pem/).and_return true end # TODO - don't we still send validation key? it "will not error because we don not send client key over the wire" do expect(knife.validate_winrm_transport_opts!).to eq true end end end end context "with other auth" do before do knife.config[:winrm_auth_method] = "kerberos" end context "and no validation key exists" do before do Chef::Config[:validation_key] = "validation_key.pem" allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(/.*validation_key.pem/).and_return false end it "will not error because we're not using plaintext auth" do expect(knife.validate_winrm_transport_opts!).to eq true end end context "and a validation key exists" do before do Chef::Config[:validation_key] = "validation_key.pem" allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(/.*validation_key.pem/).and_return true end it "will not error because a client key won't be sent over the wire in plaintext when a validation key is present" do expect(knife.validate_winrm_transport_opts!).to eq true end end end end end describe "#winrm_warn_no_ssl_verification" do before do allow(knife).to receive(:connection_protocol).and_return connection_protocol end context "when using ssh" do let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } it "does not issue a warning" do expect(knife.ui).to_not receive(:warn) knife.winrm_warn_no_ssl_verification end end context "when using winrm" do let(:connection_protocol) { "winrm" } context "winrm_no_verify_cert is set" do before do knife.config[:winrm_no_verify_cert] = true end context "and ca_trust_file is present" do before do knife.config[:ca_trust_file] = "file" end it "does not issue a warning" do expect(knife.ui).to_not receive(:warn) knife.winrm_warn_no_ssl_verification end end context "and winrm_ssl_peer_fingerprint is present" do before do knife.config[:winrm_ssl_peer_fingerprint] = "ABCD" end it "does not issue a warning" do expect(knife.ui).to_not receive(:warn) knife.winrm_warn_no_ssl_verification end end context "and neither ca_trust_file nor winrm_ssl_peer_fingerprint is present" do it "issues a warning" do expect(knife.ui).to receive(:warn) knife.winrm_warn_no_ssl_verification end end end end end describe "#warn_on_short_session_timeout" do let(:session_timeout) { 60 } before do allow(knife).to receive(:session_timeout).and_return(session_timeout) end context "timeout is not set at all" do let(:session_timeout) { nil } it "does not issue a warning" do expect(knife.ui).to_not receive(:warn) knife.warn_on_short_session_timeout end end context "timeout is more than 15" do let(:session_timeout) { 16 } it "does not issue a warning" do expect(knife.ui).to_not receive(:warn) knife.warn_on_short_session_timeout end end context "timeout is 15 or less" do let(:session_timeout) { 15 } it "issues a warning" do expect(knife.ui).to receive(:warn) knife.warn_on_short_session_timeout end end end end