module SPARQL; module Algebra class Operator ## # The SPARQL GraphPattern `leftjoin` operator. # # [57] OptionalGraphPattern ::= 'OPTIONAL' GroupGraphPattern # # @example SPARQL Grammar # PREFIX : <http://example/> # SELECT * { # ?x :p ?v . # OPTIONAL { # ?y :q ?w . # FILTER(?v=2) # } # } # # @example SSE # (prefix ((: <http://example/>)) # (leftjoin # (bgp (triple ?x :p ?v)) # (bgp (triple ?y :q ?w)) # (= ?v 2))) # # @see class LeftJoin < Operator include Query NAME = [:leftjoin] ## # Executes each operand with `queryable` and performs the `leftjoin` operation # by adding every solution from the left, merging compatible solutions from the right # that match an optional filter. # # @param [RDF::Queryable] queryable # the graph or repository to query # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional keyword options # @yield [solution] # each matching solution # @yieldparam [RDF::Query::Solution] solution # @yieldreturn [void] ignored # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions] # the resulting solution sequence # @see # @see # @see def execute(queryable, **options, &block) filter = operand(2) raise ArgumentError, "leftjoin operator accepts at most two arguments with an optional filter" if operands.length < 2 || operands.length > 3 debug(options) {"LeftJoin"} left = queryable.query(operand(0), depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options) debug(options) {"=>(leftjoin left) #{left.inspect}"} right = queryable.query(operand(1), depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options) debug(options) {"=>(leftjoin right) #{right.inspect}"} # LeftJoin(Ω1, Ω2, expr) = @solutions = RDF::Query::Solutions() left.each do |s1| load_left = true right.each do |s2| s = s2.merge(s1) expr = filter ? boolean(filter.evaluate(s)).true? : true rescue false debug(options) {"===>(evaluate) #{s.inspect}"} if filter if expr && s1.compatible?(s2) # { merge(μ1, μ2) | μ1 in Ω1 and μ2 in Ω2, and μ1 and μ2 are compatible and expr(merge(μ1, μ2)) is true } debug(options) {"=>(merge s1 s2) #{s.inspect}"} @solutions << s load_left = false # Left solution added one or more times due to merge end end if load_left debug(options) {"=>(add) #{s1.inspect}"} @solutions << s1 end end debug(options) {"=> #{@solutions.inspect}"} @solutions.each(&block) if block_given? @solutions end # The same blank node label cannot be used in two different basic graph patterns in the same query def validate! left_nodes, right_nodes = operand(0).ndvars, operand(1).ndvars unless (left_nodes.compact & right_nodes.compact).empty? raise ArgumentError, "sub-operands share non-distinguished variables: #{(left_nodes.compact & right_nodes.compact).to_sse}" end super end ## # Optimizes this query. # # If optimize operands, and if the first two operands are both Queries, replace # with the unique sum of the query elements # # @return [Object] a copy of `self` # @see SPARQL::Algebra::Expression#optimize # FIXME def optimize!(**options) return self ops = {|o| o.optimize(**options) }.select {|o| o.respond_to?(:empty?) && !o.empty?} expr = ops.pop unless ops.last.executable? expr = nil if expr.respond_to?(:true?) && expr.true? # ops now is one or two executable operators # expr is a filter expression, which may have been optimized to 'true' case ops.length when 0 # Empty query, expr doesn't matter when 1 expr ?, ops.first) : ops.first else expr ?[0], ops[1], expr) :[0], ops[1]) end end ## # # Returns a partial SPARQL grammar for this operator. # # @param [Boolean] top_level (true) # Treat this as a top-level, generating SELECT ... WHERE {} # @param [Hash{Symbol => Operator}] extensions # Variable bindings # @param [Array<Operator>] filter_ops ([]) # Filter Operations # @return [String] def to_sparql(top_level: true, filter_ops: [], extensions: {}, **options) str = "{\n" + operands[0].to_sparql(top_level: false, extensions: {}, **options) str << "\nOPTIONAL {\n" + operands[1].to_sparql(top_level: false, extensions: {}, **options) case operands[2] when SPARQL::Algebra::Operator::Exprlist operands[2].operands.each do |op| str << "\nFILTER (" + op.to_sparql(**options) + ")" end when nil else str << "\nFILTER (" + operands[2].to_sparql(**options) + ")" end str << "\n}}" top_level ? Operator.to_sparql(str, filter_ops: filter_ops, extensions: extensions, **options) : str end end # LeftJoin end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra