# Copyright 2011-2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. module AWS class SimpleDB # Client class for Amazon SimpleDB. class Client < Core::QueryClient define_client_methods('2009-04-15') # @private REGION_US_E1 = 'sdb.amazonaws.com' # @private REGION_US_W1 = 'sdb.us-west-1.amazonaws.com' # @private REGION_EU_W1 = 'sdb.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com' # @private REGION_APAC_SE1 = 'sdb.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com' # @private CACHEABLE_REQUESTS = Set[ :domain_metadata, :get_attributes, :list_domains, :select, ] # @param [String] name # @return [Boolean] Returns true if the given name is a valid # Amazon SimpleDB domain name. # @private def valid_domain_name? name self.class.valid_domain_name?(name) end # @param [String] name # @return [Boolean] Returns true if the given name is a valid # Amazon SimpleDB domain name. def self.valid_domain_name? name name.to_s =~ /^[a-z_\-\.]{3,255}$/i ? true : false end ## client methods ## # @!method batch_delete_attributes(options = {}) # Calls the BatchDeleteAttributes API operation. # @param [Hash] options # * +:domain_name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the domain in # which the attributes are being deleted. # * +:items+ - *required* - (Array) A list of items on which to # perform the operation. # * +:name+ - *required* - (String) # * +:attributes+ - (Array) # * +:name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the attribute. # * +:value+ - *required* - (String) The value of the attribute. # @return [Core::Response] # The #data method of the response object returns # a hash with the following structure: # * +:response_metadata+ - (Hash) # * +:box_usage+ - (Numeric) # * +:response_id+ - (String) # @!method batch_put_attributes(options = {}) # Calls the BatchPutAttributes API operation. # @param [Hash] options # * +:domain_name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the domain in # which the attributes are being stored. # * +:items+ - *required* - (Array) A list of items on which to # perform the operation. # * +:name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the replaceable item. # * +:attributes+ - *required* - (Array) The list of attributes # for a replaceable item. # * +:name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the replaceable # attribute. # * +:value+ - *required* - (String) The value of the replaceable # attribute. # * +:replace+ - (Boolean) A flag specifying whether or not to # replace the attribute/value pair or to add a new # attribute/value pair. The default setting is +false+ . # @return [Core::Response] # The #data method of the response object returns # a hash with the following structure: # * +:response_metadata+ - (Hash) # * +:box_usage+ - (Numeric) # * +:response_id+ - (String) # @!method create_domain(options = {}) # Calls the CreateDomain API operation. # @param [Hash] options # * +:domain_name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the domain to # create. The name can range between 3 and 255 characters and can # contain the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '_', '-', and '.'. # @return [Core::Response] # The #data method of the response object returns # a hash with the following structure: # * +:response_metadata+ - (Hash) # * +:box_usage+ - (Numeric) # * +:response_id+ - (String) # @!method delete_attributes(options = {}) # Calls the DeleteAttributes API operation. # @param [Hash] options # * +:domain_name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the domain in # which to perform the operation. # * +:item_name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the item. Similar # to rows on a spreadsheet, items represent individual objects that # contain one or more value-attribute pairs. # * +:attributes+ - (Array) A list of Attributes. Similar to # columns on a spreadsheet, attributes represent categories of data # that can be assigned to items. # * +:name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the attribute. # * +:value+ - (String) The value of the attribute. # * +:expected+ - (Hash) The update condition which, if specified, # determines whether the specified attributes will be deleted or not. # The update condition must be satisfied in order for this request to # be processed and the attributes to be deleted. # * +:name+ - (String) The name of the attribute involved in the # condition. # * +:value+ - (String) The value of an attribute. This value can # only be specified when the Exists parameter is equal to +true+ . # * +:exists+ - (Boolean) A value specifying whether or not the # specified attribute must exist with the specified value in order # for the update condition to be satisfied. Specify +true+ if the # attribute must exist for the update condition to be satisfied. # Specify +false+ if the attribute should not exist in order for # the update condition to be satisfied. # @return [Core::Response] # The #data method of the response object returns # a hash with the following structure: # * +:response_metadata+ - (Hash) # * +:box_usage+ - (Numeric) # * +:response_id+ - (String) # @!method delete_domain(options = {}) # Calls the DeleteDomain API operation. # @param [Hash] options # * +:domain_name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the domain to # delete. # @return [Core::Response] # The #data method of the response object returns # a hash with the following structure: # * +:response_metadata+ - (Hash) # * +:box_usage+ - (Numeric) # * +:response_id+ - (String) # @!method domain_metadata(options = {}) # Calls the DomainMetadata API operation. # @param [Hash] options # * +:domain_name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the domain for # which to display the metadata of. # @return [Core::Response] # The #data method of the response object returns # a hash with the following structure: # * +:item_count+ - (Integer) # * +:item_names_size_bytes+ - (Integer) # * +:attribute_name_count+ - (Integer) # * +:attribute_names_size_bytes+ - (Integer) # * +:attribute_value_count+ - (Integer) # * +:attribute_values_size_bytes+ - (Integer) # * +:timestamp+ - (Integer) # * +:response_metadata+ - (Hash) # * +:box_usage+ - (Numeric) # * +:response_id+ - (String) # @!method get_attributes(options = {}) # Calls the GetAttributes API operation. # @param [Hash] options # * +:domain_name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the domain in # which to perform the operation. # * +:item_name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the item. # * +:attribute_names+ - (Array) The names of the attributes. # * +:consistent_read+ - (Boolean) Determines whether or not strong # consistency should be enforced when data is read from SimpleDB. If # +true+ , any data previously written to SimpleDB will be returned. # Otherwise, results will be consistent eventually, and the client # may not see data that was written immediately before your read. # @return [Core::Response] # The #data method of the response object returns # a hash with the following structure: # * +:attributes+ - (Array) # * +:name+ - (String) # * +:alternate_name_encoding+ - (String) # * +:value+ - (String) # * +:alternate_value_encoding+ - (String) # * +:response_metadata+ - (Hash) # * +:box_usage+ - (Numeric) # * +:response_id+ - (String) # @!method list_domains(options = {}) # Calls the ListDomains API operation. # @param [Hash] options # * +:max_number_of_domains+ - (Integer) The maximum number of domain # names you want returned. The range is 1 to 100. The default setting # is 100. # * +:next_token+ - (String) A string informing Amazon SimpleDB where # to start the next list of domain names. # @return [Core::Response] # The #data method of the response object returns # a hash with the following structure: # * +:domain_names+ - (Array) # * +:next_token+ - (String) # * +:response_metadata+ - (Hash) # * +:box_usage+ - (Numeric) # * +:response_id+ - (String) # @!method put_attributes(options = {}) # Calls the PutAttributes API operation. # @param [Hash] options # * +:domain_name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the domain in # which to perform the operation. # * +:item_name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the item. # * +:attributes+ - *required* - (Array) The list of attributes. # * +:name+ - *required* - (String) The name of the replaceable # attribute. # * +:value+ - *required* - (String) The value of the replaceable # attribute. # * +:replace+ - (Boolean) A flag specifying whether or not to # replace the attribute/value pair or to add a new attribute/value # pair. The default setting is +false+ . # * +:expected+ - (Hash) The update condition which, if specified, # determines whether the specified attributes will be updated or not. # The update condition must be satisfied in order for this request to # be processed and the attributes to be updated. # * +:name+ - (String) The name of the attribute involved in the # condition. # * +:value+ - (String) The value of an attribute. This value can # only be specified when the Exists parameter is equal to +true+ . # * +:exists+ - (Boolean) A value specifying whether or not the # specified attribute must exist with the specified value in order # for the update condition to be satisfied. Specify +true+ if the # attribute must exist for the update condition to be satisfied. # Specify +false+ if the attribute should not exist in order for # the update condition to be satisfied. # @return [Core::Response] # The #data method of the response object returns # a hash with the following structure: # * +:response_metadata+ - (Hash) # * +:box_usage+ - (Numeric) # * +:response_id+ - (String) # @!method select(options = {}) # Calls the Select API operation. # @param [Hash] options # * +:select_expression+ - *required* - (String) The expression used to # query the domain. # * +:next_token+ - (String) A string informing Amazon SimpleDB where # to start the next list of ItemNames. # * +:consistent_read+ - (Boolean) Determines whether or not strong # consistency should be enforced when data is read from SimpleDB. If # +true+ , any data previously written to SimpleDB will be returned. # Otherwise, results will be consistent eventually, and the client # may not see data that was written immediately before your read. # @return [Core::Response] # The #data method of the response object returns # a hash with the following structure: # * +:items+ - (Array) # * +:name+ - (String) # * +:alternate_name_encoding+ - (String) # * +:attributes+ - (Array) # * +:name+ - (String) # * +:alternate_name_encoding+ - (String) # * +:value+ - (String) # * +:alternate_value_encoding+ - (String) # * +:next_token+ - (String) # * +:response_metadata+ - (Hash) # * +:box_usage+ - (Numeric) # * +:response_id+ - (String) ## end client methods ## end end end