module Crucible module Tests class ReadTest < BaseSuite def id 'ReadTest' end def description 'Initial Sprinkler tests (R001, R002, R003, R004) for testing basic READ requests.' end def initialize(client1, client2=nil) super(client1, client2) @category = {id: 'core_functionality', title: 'Core Functionality'} end def setup # try to find a patient begin response = @client.read_feed(FHIR::Patient) @patient = response.resource.entry.first.resource rescue # try to create a patient begin @patient = FHIR::Patient.create(name: { family: 'Emerald', given: 'Caro' }) @patient_created = true rescue @patient = nil end end end def teardown ignore_client_exception { @patient.destroy if @patient_created } end # [SprinklerTest("R001", "Result headers on normal read")] test 'R001', 'Result headers on normal read.' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#read" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "read", "delete"] validates resource: "Patient", methods: ["read"] } skip if @patient.nil? patient = assert_equal,, 'Server returned wrong patient.' warning { assert_valid_resource_content_type_present(@client.reply) } warning { assert_etag_present(@client.reply) } warning { assert_last_modified_present(@client.reply) } end # [SprinklerTest("R002", "Read unknown resource type")] test 'R002', 'Read unknown resource type.' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#read" links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#update" } ignore_client_exception {'1') } #not a valid model assert(([400,404].include?(@client.reply.code)), "An unknown resource type should be 404 or 400. The spec says 404 for an unknown resource, but does not define unknown type. Returned #{@client.reply.code}." ) end # [SprinklerTest("R003", "Read non-existing resource id")] test 'R003', 'Read non-existing resource id.' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#read" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "read", "delete"] validates resource: "Patient", methods: ["read"] } ignore_client_exception {'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious') } assert_response_not_found(@client.reply) end # [SprinklerTest("R004", "Read bad formatted resource id")] test 'R004', 'Read invalid format resource id' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#read" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/datatypes.html#id" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/resource.html#id" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "read", "delete"] validates resource: "Patient", methods: ["read"] } ignore_client_exception {'Invalid-ID-Because_Of_!@$Special_Characters_and_Length_Over_Sixty_Four_Characters') } assert_response_not_found(@client.reply) end test 'R005', 'Read _summary=text' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#read" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/datatypes.html#id" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/resource.html#id" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "read", "delete"] validates resource: "Patient", methods: ["read"] } skip if @patient.nil? patient = FHIR::Patient.read_with_summary(, "text") assert(patient.text, 'Requested summary narrative was not provided.', @client.reply.body) end end end end