# MySQL output plugins for Embulk MySQL output plugins for Embulk loads records to MySQL. ## Overview * **Plugin type**: output * **Load all or nothing**: depnds on the mode. see bellow. * **Resume supported**: depnds on the mode. see bellow. ## Configuration - **host**: database host name (string, required) - **port**: database port number (integer, default: 3306) - **user**: database login user name (string, required) - **password**: database login password (string, default: "") - **database**: destination database name (string, required) - **table**: destination table name (string, required) - **options**: extra connection properties (hash, default: {}) - **mode**: "insert", "insert_direct", "truncate_insert", "merge", "merge_direct", or "replace". See bellow. (string, required) - **batch_size**: size of a single batch insert (integer, default: 16777216) - **default_timezone**: If input column type (embulk type) is timestamp, this plugin needs to format the timestamp into a SQL string. This default_timezone option is used to control the timezone. You can overwrite timezone for each columns using column_options option. (string, default: `UTC`) - **column_options**: advanced: a key-value pairs where key is a column name and value is options for the column. - **type**: type of a column when this plugin creates new tables (e.g. `VARCHAR(255)`, `INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE`). This used when this plugin creates intermediate tables (insert, insert_truncate and merge modes), when it creates the target table (insert_direct, merge_direct and replace modes), and when it creates nonexistent target table automatically. (string, default: depends on input column type. `BIGINT` if input column type is long, `BOOLEAN` if boolean, `DOUBLE PRECISION` if double, `CLOB` if string, `TIMESTAMP` if timestamp) - **value_type**: This plugin converts input column type (embulk type) into a database type to build a INSERT statement. This value_type option controls the type of the value in a INSERT statement. (string, default: depends on input column type. Available values options are: `byte`, `short`, `int`, `long`, `double`, `float`, `boolean`, `string`, `nstring`, `date`, `time`, `timestamp`, `decimal`, `null`, `pass`) - **timestamp_format**: If input column type (embulk type) is timestamp and value_type is `string` or `nstring`, this plugin needs to format the timestamp value into a string. This timestamp_format option is used to control the format of the timestamp. (string, default: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N`) - **timezone**: If input column type (embulk type) is timestamp, this plugin needs to format the timestamp value into a SQL string. In this cases, this timezone option is used to control the timezone. (string, value of default_timezone option is used by default) ### Modes * **insert**: * Behavior: This mode writes rows to some intermediate tables first. If all those tasks run correctly, runs `INSERT INTO <target_table> SELECT * FROM <intermediate_table_1> UNION ALL SELECT * FROM <intermediate_table_2> UNION ALL ...` query. * Transactional: Yes. This mode successfully writes all rows, or fails with writing zero rows. * Resumable: Yes. * **insert_direct**: * Behavior: This mode inserts rows to the target table directly. * Transactional: No. If fails, the target table could have some rows inserted. * Resumable: No. * **truncate_insert**: * Behavior: Same with `insert` mode excepting that it truncates the target table right before the last `INSERT ...` query. * Transactional: Yes. * Resumable: Yes. * **merge**: * Behavior: This mode writes rows to some intermediate tables first. If all those tasks run correctly, runs `INSERT INTO <target_table> SELECT * FROM <intermediate_table_1> UNION ALL SELECT * FROM <intermediate_table_2> UNION ALL ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ...` query. * Transactional: Yes. * Resumable: Yes. * **merge_direct**: * Behavior: This mode inserts rows to the target table directory using `INSERT INTO ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ...` query. * Transactional: No. * Resumable: No. * **replace**: * Behavior: Same with `insert` mode excepting that it truncates the target table right before the last `INSERT ...` query. * Transactional: Yes. * Resumable: No. ### Example ```yaml out: type: mysql host: localhost user: root password: "" database: my_database table: my_table mode: insert ``` Advanced configuration: ```yaml out: type: mysql host: localhost user: root password: "" database: my_database table: my_table options: {connectTimeout: 20000} mode: insert_direct column_options: my_col_1: {type: 'TEXT'} my_col_3: {type: 'INT NOT NULL'} my_col_4: {value_type: string, timestamp_format: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z`, timezone: '-0700'} my_col_5: {type: 'DECIMAL(18,9)', value_type: pass} ``` ### Build ``` $ ./gradlew gem ```