module Spaceship class PortalClient < Spaceship::Client ##################################################### # @!group Init and Login ##################################################### def self.hostname "{PROTOCOL_VERSION}/" end # Fetches the latest API Key from the Apple Dev Portal def api_key cache_path = File.expand_path("~/Library/Caches/spaceship_api_key.txt") begin cached = rescue Errno::ENOENT end return cached if cached landing_url = """GET: " + landing_url) headers = @client.get(landing_url).headers results = headers['location'].match(/.*appIdKey=(\h+)/) if (results || []).length > 1 api_key = results[1] FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(cache_path)) File.write(cache_path, api_key) if api_key.length == 64 return api_key else raise "Could not find latest API Key from the Dev Portal - the server might be slow right now" end end def send_login_request(user, password) response = send_shared_login_request(user, password) return response if self.cookie.include?("myacinfo") # When the user has 2 step enabled, we might have to call this method again # This only occurs when the user doesn't have a team on iTunes Connect # For 2 step verification we use the iTunes Connect back-end # which is enough to get the DES... cookie, however we don't get a valid # myacinfo cookie at that point. That means, after getting the DES... cookie # we have to send the login request again. This will then get us a valid myacinfo # cookie, additionally to the DES... cookie return send_shared_login_request(user, password) end # @return (Array) A list of all available teams def teams req = request(:post, "") parse_response(req, 'teams') end # @return (String) The currently selected Team ID def team_id return @current_team_id if @current_team_id if teams.count > 1 puts "The current user is in #{teams.count} teams. Pass a team ID or call `select_team` to choose a team. Using the first one for now." end @current_team_id ||= teams[0]['teamId'] end # Shows a team selection for the user in the terminal. This should not be # called on CI systems def select_team @current_team_id = self.UI.select_team end # Set a new team ID which will be used from now on def team_id=(team_id) @current_team_id = team_id end # @return (Hash) Fetches all information of the currently used team def team_information teams.find do |t| t['teamId'] == team_id end end # Is the current session from an Enterprise In House account? def in_house? return @in_house unless @in_house.nil? @in_house = (team_information['type'] == 'In-House') end def platform_slug(mac) if mac 'mac' else 'ios' end end private :platform_slug ##################################################### # @!group Apps ##################################################### def apps(mac: false) paging do |page_number| r = request(:post, "account/#{platform_slug(mac)}/identifiers/listAppIds.action", { teamId: team_id, pageNumber: page_number, pageSize: page_size, sort: 'name=asc' }) parse_response(r, 'appIds') end end def details_for_app(app) r = request(:post, "account/#{platform_slug(app.mac?)}/identifiers/getAppIdDetail.action", { teamId: team_id, appIdId: app.app_id }) parse_response(r, 'appId') end def update_service_for_app(app, service) request(:post, service.service_uri, { teamId: team_id, displayId: app.app_id, featureType: service.service_id, featureValue: service.value }) details_for_app(app) end def associate_groups_with_app(app, groups) request(:post, 'account/ios/identifiers/assignApplicationGroupToAppId.action', { teamId: team_id, appIdId: app.app_id, displayId: app.app_id, applicationGroups: }) details_for_app(app) end def create_app!(type, name, bundle_id, mac: false) ident_params = case type.to_sym when :explicit { type: 'explicit', explicitIdentifier: bundle_id, appIdentifierString: bundle_id, push: 'on', inAppPurchase: 'on', gameCenter: 'on' } when :wildcard { type: 'wildcard', wildcardIdentifier: bundle_id, appIdentifierString: bundle_id } end params = { appIdName: name, teamId: team_id } params.merge!(ident_params) ensure_csrf r = request(:post, "account/#{platform_slug(mac)}/identifiers/addAppId.action", params) parse_response(r, 'appId') end def delete_app!(app_id, mac: false) r = request(:post, "account/#{platform_slug(mac)}/identifiers/deleteAppId.action", { teamId: team_id, appIdId: app_id }) parse_response(r) end ##################################################### # @!group App Groups ##################################################### def app_groups paging do |page_number| r = request(:post, 'account/ios/identifiers/listApplicationGroups.action', { teamId: team_id, pageNumber: page_number, pageSize: page_size, sort: 'name=asc' }) parse_response(r, 'applicationGroupList') end end def create_app_group!(name, group_id) r = request(:post, 'account/ios/identifiers/addApplicationGroup.action', { name: name, identifier: group_id, teamId: team_id }) parse_response(r, 'applicationGroup') end def delete_app_group!(app_group_id) r = request(:post, 'account/ios/identifiers/deleteApplicationGroup.action', { teamId: team_id, applicationGroup: app_group_id }) parse_response(r) end ##################################################### # @!group Devices ##################################################### def devices(mac: false) paging do |page_number| r = request(:post, "account/#{platform_slug(mac)}/device/listDevices.action", { teamId: team_id, pageNumber: page_number, pageSize: page_size, sort: 'name=asc' }) parse_response(r, 'devices') end end def devices_by_class(device_class) paging do |page_number| r = request(:post, 'account/ios/device/listDevices.action', { teamId: team_id, pageNumber: page_number, pageSize: page_size, sort: 'name=asc', deviceClasses: device_class }) parse_response(r, 'devices') end end def create_device!(device_name, device_id, mac: false) req = request(:post) do |r| r.url "{PROTOCOL_VERSION}/#{platform_slug(mac)}/addDevice.action" r.params = { teamId: team_id, deviceNumber: device_id, name: device_name } end parse_response(req, 'device') end ##################################################### # @!group Certificates ##################################################### def certificates(types, mac: false) paging do |page_number| r = request(:post, "account/#{platform_slug(mac)}/certificate/listCertRequests.action", { teamId: team_id, types: types.join(','), pageNumber: page_number, pageSize: page_size, sort: 'certRequestStatusCode=asc' }) parse_response(r, 'certRequests') end end def create_certificate!(type, csr, app_id = nil) ensure_csrf r = request(:post, 'account/ios/certificate/submitCertificateRequest.action', { teamId: team_id, type: type, csrContent: csr, appIdId: app_id # optional }) parse_response(r, 'certRequest') end def download_certificate(certificate_id, type, mac: false) { type: type, certificate_id: certificate_id }.each { |k, v| raise "#{k} must not be nil" if v.nil? } r = request(:get, "account/#{platform_slug(mac)}/certificate/downloadCertificateContent.action", { teamId: team_id, certificateId: certificate_id, type: type }) a = parse_response(r) if r.success? && a.include?("Apple Inc") return a else raise, "Couldn't download certificate, got this instead: #{a}" end end def revoke_certificate!(certificate_id, type, mac: false) r = request(:post, "account/#{platform_slug(mac)}/certificate/revokeCertificate.action", { teamId: team_id, certificateId: certificate_id, type: type }) parse_response(r, 'certRequests') end ##################################################### # @!group Provisioning Profiles ##################################################### def provisioning_profiles(mac: false) req = request(:post) do |r| r.url "{PROTOCOL_VERSION}/#{platform_slug(mac)}/listProvisioningProfiles.action" r.params = { teamId: team_id, includeInactiveProfiles: true, onlyCountLists: true } end parse_response(req, 'provisioningProfiles') end def create_provisioning_profile!(name, distribution_method, app_id, certificate_ids, device_ids, mac: false, sub_platform: nil) ensure_csrf params = { teamId: team_id, provisioningProfileName: name, appIdId: app_id, distributionType: distribution_method, certificateIds: certificate_ids, deviceIds: device_ids } params[:subPlatform] = sub_platform if sub_platform r = request(:post, "account/#{platform_slug(mac)}/profile/createProvisioningProfile.action", params) parse_response(r, 'provisioningProfile') end def download_provisioning_profile(profile_id, mac: false) r = request(:get, "account/#{platform_slug(mac)}/profile/downloadProfileContent", { teamId: team_id, provisioningProfileId: profile_id }) a = parse_response(r) if r.success? && a.include?("DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC") return a else raise, "Couldn't download provisioning profile, got this instead: #{a}" end end def delete_provisioning_profile!(profile_id, mac: false) ensure_csrf r = request(:post, "account/#{platform_slug(mac)}/profile/deleteProvisioningProfile.action", { teamId: team_id, provisioningProfileId: profile_id }) parse_response(r) end def repair_provisioning_profile!(profile_id, name, distribution_method, app_id, certificate_ids, device_ids, mac: false) r = request(:post, "account/#{platform_slug(mac)}/profile/regenProvisioningProfile.action", { teamId: team_id, provisioningProfileId: profile_id, provisioningProfileName: name, appIdId: app_id, distributionType: distribution_method, certificateIds: certificate_ids.join(','), deviceIds: device_ids }) parse_response(r, 'provisioningProfile') end private def ensure_csrf if csrf_tokens.count == 0 # If we directly create a new resource (e.g. app) without querying anything before # we don't have a valid csrf token, that's why we have to do at least one request apps end end end end