# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'rails_awareness' module SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal::SpecToAppMapping # rubocop:disable Lint/OrAssignmentToConstant DEFAULT_UNMAPPABLE_SPEC_REGEXES ||= [ %r{\Aspec/features/}, ].freeze SPEC_TO_GEM_DEFAULT_MAP ||= { %r{\Aspec/} => 'lib/', }.freeze SPEC_TO_RAILS_DEFAULT_MAP ||= { %r{\Aspec/lib/} => 'lib/', %r{\Aspec/controllers/admin/(.*)_controller_spec.rb} => 'app/admin/\1.rb', %r{ \Aspec/ ( actions| channels| controllers| decorators| helpers| mailboxes| mailers| models| policies| serializers| views| workers ) / }x => 'app/\1/', }.freeze # rubocop:enable Lint/OrAssignmentToConstant class << self def default_spec_to_app_map # dup the maps because the maps are frozen but we want to allow the user to customize them if SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal::RailsAwareness.rails? SPEC_TO_RAILS_DEFAULT_MAP.dup else SPEC_TO_GEM_DEFAULT_MAP.dup end end end end