require 'test_helper' pwd = File.dirname(__FILE__) f = File.join(pwd, '..', '..', 'app', 'views') AdminData::MainController.prepend_view_path(f) AdminData::SearchController.prepend_view_path(f) class AdminData::SearchControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def setup @controller = @request = @response = @article = Factory(:article) @car = Factory(:car, :year => 2000, :brand => 'bmw') grant_read_only_access end # write filters test context 'GET quick_search' do context 'GET quick_search with wrong children class' do setup do get :quick_search, { :base => 'article', :klass => 'comment', :model_id =>, :children => 'wrong_children_name' } end should_respond_with :not_found end context 'with no klass param' do setup do assert_raises ActionController::RoutingError do get :quick_search end end end context 'with no search query' do setup do get :quick_search, {:klass =>} end should_respond_with :success should_assign_to :records end context 'with has_many association' do context 'for a nested model' do setup do Vehicle::Door.delete_all @door1 = Factory(:door, :color => 'black', :car => @car) @door2 = Factory(:door, :color => 'green', :car => @car) get :quick_search, { :klass =>, :base =>, :model_id =>, :children => 'doors'} end should_respond_with :success should_assign_to :records should 'have 2 records' do assert_equal 2, assigns(:records).size end should 'have 2 as total number of children' do assert_equal 2, assigns(:total_num_of_children) end should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /has 2/m) end end context 'for a standard model' do setup do @comment1 = Factory(:comment, :article => @article) @comment2 = Factory(:comment, :article => @article) get :quick_search, { :klass =>, :base => 'article', :model_id =>, :children => 'comments' } end should_respond_with :success should_assign_to :records should 'have 2 records' do assert_equal 2, assigns(:records).size end should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /has 2 comments/ ) end end end end context 'GET quick_search' do context 'for a standard model' do setup do @comment = Factory(:comment) @comment = Factory(:comment) get :quick_search, {:klass =>} end should_respond_with :success should 'contain valid link at header breadcrum' do assert_tag( :tag => 'div', :attributes => {:class => 'breadcrum rounded'}, :descendant => {:tag => 'a', :attributes => {:href => '/admin_data/quick_search/comment'}}) end should 'contain proper link at table listing' do url = "/admin_data/klass/comment/#{}" assert_tag( :tag => 'td', :descendant => {:tag => 'a', :attributes => {:href => url}}) end end context 'for a nested model' do setup do get :quick_search, {:klass =>} end should_respond_with :success should 'contain proper link at header breadcum' do s = CGI.escape('vehicle/car') assert_tag( :tag => 'div', :attributes => {:class => 'breadcrum rounded'}, :descendant => {:tag => 'a', :attributes => {:href => "/admin_data/quick_search/#{s}" }}) end should 'contain proper link at table listing' do s = CGI.escape("vehicle/car") url = "/admin_data/klass/#{s}/#{}" assert_tag(:tag => 'td', :descendant => {:tag => 'a', :attributes => {:href => url}}) end should 'have proper action name for search form' do url = admin_data_search_path(:klass=>Vehicle::Car) assert_tag( :tag => 'form', :attributes => {:action => url}) end end end context 'GET quick_search with search term' do setup do Article.delete_all @python_beginner_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'python for beginners') @python_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'python') @java_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'java') @clojure_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'clojure') end context 'with default order' do setup do get :quick_search, {:klass => 'Article', :query => 'python'} end should_respond_with :success should_assign_to :records should 'have only two records' do assert_equal 2, assigns(:records).size end should 'have python beginner book as the first book' do assert_equal, assigns(:records) end should 'have python book as the last book' do assert_equal, assigns(:records) end end context 'with article_id ascending order' do setup do get :quick_search, { :klass => 'Article', :query => 'python', :sortby => 'article_id asc'} end should_respond_with :success should_assign_to :records should 'have only two records' do assert_equal 2, assigns(:records).size end should 'have python beginner book as the first book' do assert_equal, assigns(:records) end should 'have python book as the last book' do assert_equal, assigns(:records) end end end context 'GET advance_search' do context 'with no klass param' do setup do assert_raises ActionController::RoutingError do get :advance_search end end end context 'with klass param' do setup do get :advance_search, {:klass =>} end should_respond_with :success should_not_assign_to :records should 'have proper action for advance search form' do url = admin_data_advance_search_path(:klass => Article) assert_tag( :tag => 'form', :attributes => {:action => url}) end end end context 'xhr advance_search with does_not_contain first one' do setup do Article.delete_all AdminData::Config.set = ({ :is_allowed_to_update => lambda {|controller| return false} }) Factory(:article, :short_desc => 'ruby') Factory(:article, :short_desc => 'rails') Factory(:article, :short_desc => nil) xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, { :klass =>, :sortby => 'article_id desc', :adv_search => {'1_row' => {:col1 => 'short_desc', :col2 => 'does_not_contain', :col3 => 'ruby'} } } end should_respond_with :success should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 2 records found/ ) end should 'not contain delete all link' do assert_no_tag( :tag => 'a', :attributes => {:id => 'advance_search_delete_all'}) end should 'not contain destroy all link' do assert_no_tag( :tag => 'a', :attributes => {:id => 'advance_search_destroy_all'}) end end context 'xhr advance_search with delete_all action' do setup do Article.delete_all AdminData::Config.set = ({ :is_allowed_to_update => lambda {|controller| return true} }) Factory(:article, :short_desc => 'ruby') Factory(:article, :short_desc => 'rails') so = {'1_row' => {:col1 => 'short_desc', :col2 => 'contains', :col3 => 'ruby'} } h = { :klass =>, :sortby => 'article_id desc', :admin_data_advance_search_action_type => 'delete', :adv_search => so } xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, h @json = JSON.parse(@response.body) end should_respond_with :success should 'have only one record' do assert_equal 1, Article.count end should 'have success key in the response message' do assert @json.has_key?('success') end should 'have success message in the response message' do assert_equal '1 record deleted', @json.fetch('success') end end context 'xhr advance_search with destroy_all action' do setup do Article.delete_all AdminData::Config.set = ({ :is_allowed_to_update => lambda {|controller| return true} }) Factory(:article, :short_desc => 'ruby') Factory(:article, :short_desc => 'rails') xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, {:klass =>, :sortby => 'article_id desc', :admin_data_advance_search_action_type => 'destroy', :adv_search => {'1_row' => {:col1 => 'short_desc', :col2 => 'contains', :col3 => 'ruby'} } } @json = JSON.parse(@response.body) end should_respond_with :success should 'have only one record' do assert_equal 1, Article.count end should 'have success key in the response message' do assert @json.has_key?('success') end should 'have success message in the response message' do assert_equal '1 record destroyed', @json.fetch('success') end end context 'xhr advance_search with does_not_contain' do setup do AdminData::Config.set = ({ :is_allowed_to_update => lambda {|controller| return true } }) Article.delete_all Factory(:article, :short_desc => 'ruby') Factory(:article, :short_desc => 'rails') Factory(:article, :short_desc => nil) xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, {:klass =>, :sortby => 'article_id desc', :adv_search => {'1_row' => {:col1 => 'short_desc', :col2 => 'does_not_contain', :col3 => 'ruby'} } } end should_respond_with :success should 'contain search result' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 2 records found/ ) end should 'contain delete all link' do assert_tag( :tag => 'a', :attributes => {:id => 'advance_search_delete_all'}) end should 'contain destroy all link' do assert_tag( :tag => 'a', :attributes => {:id => 'advance_search_destroy_all'}) end end context 'xhr advance_search with contains option with 2 records' do setup do Article.delete_all @python_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'python') @python_beginner_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'python for beginners') @java_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'java') @clojure_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'clojure') xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, {:klass =>, :sortby => 'article_id desc', :adv_search => {'1_row' => {:col1 => 'title', :col2 => 'contains', :col3 => 'python'} } } end should_respond_with :success should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 2 records found/ ) end end context 'xhr advance_search with 1 result' do setup do Article.delete_all @python_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'python') @python_beginner_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'python for beginners') @java_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'java') @clojure_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'clojure') xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, { :klass =>, :sortby => 'article_id desc', :adv_search => {'1_row' => {:col1 => 'title', :col2 => 'contains', :col3 => 'clojure'} } } end should_respond_with :success should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'xhr advance_search with empty query term with contains option' do setup do Article.delete_all @python_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'python') @python_beginner_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'python for beginners') @java_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'java') @clojure_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'clojure') xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, { :klass =>, :sortby => 'article_id desc', :adv_search => {'1_row' => {:col1 => 'title', :col2 => 'contains', :col3 => ''} } } end should_respond_with :success should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 4 records found/ ) end end context 'xhr advance_search with empty col2' do setup do Article.delete_all @python_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'python') @python_beginner_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'python for beginners') xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, { :klass =>, :sortby => 'article_id desc', :adv_search => {'1_row' => {:col1 => 'title', :col2 => nil, :col3 => nil} } } end should_respond_with :success should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 2 records found/ ) end end context 'xhr advance_search with two search terms' do setup do Article.delete_all @python_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'python') @python_beginner_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'python for beginners', :body => 'for beginners') @java_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'java') @clojure_book = Factory(:article, :title => 'clojure', :body => 'not for beginners') adv_search = { '1_row' => { :col1 => 'title', :col2 => 'contains', :col3 => 'python'}, '2_row' => {:col1 => 'body', :col2 => 'contains', :col3 => 'beginners'} } xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, { :klass =>, :sortby => 'article_id desc', :adv_search => adv_search } end should_respond_with :success should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'advance search conditions' do setup do @klass = Object.const_get('Article') @proc = do @controller.send(:build_advance_search_conditions, @klass, { '429440_row' => @hash }) end end context 'with col2 as null' do should 'have sql as body is not null' do @hash = { :col1 => 'body', :col2 => 'is_not_null'} output = expected = %Q{ SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" WHERE (articles.body IS NOT NULL) } assert_equal_sql expected,[:cond].to_sql end end context 'with col2 contains' do should 'have sql with like' do @hash = { :col1 => 'body', :col2 => 'contains', :col3 => 'python'} expected = %{ SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" WHERE (articles.body LIKE '%python%') } assert_equal_sql expected,[:cond].to_sql end end context 'with col2 as exactly' do should 'have sql as body equals' do @hash = { :col1 => 'body', :col2 => 'is_exactly', :col3 => 'python'} expected = %{ SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" WHERE (articles.body = 'python') } assert_equal_sql expected ,[:cond].to_sql end end context 'with does not contain' do should 'have sql as body is null or not like' do @hash = { :col1 => 'body', :col2 => 'does_not_contain', :col3 => 'python'} expected = %Q{SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" WHERE (articles.body IS NULL OR articles.body NOT LIKE '%python%')} assert_equal_sql expected,[:cond].to_sql end end context 'with col2 as false' do should 'have sql with body as false' do @hash = { :col1 => 'body', :col2 => 'is_false', :col3 => 'python'} expected = %{ SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" WHERE (articles.body = 'f') } assert_equal_sql expected,[:cond].to_sql end end end context 'XHR advance_search' do setup do Article.delete_all @proc = do @hash_big = { :klass =>, :adv_search => {'2_row' => @hash } } end end context 'with col2 contains' do setup do Factory(:article, :title => 'python') @hash = {:col1 => 'title', :col2 => 'contains', :col3 => 'python'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should_respond_with :success should 'contain content' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 contains with no search result' do setup do Factory(:article, :title => 'ruby') @hash = { :col1 => 'title', :col2 => 'contains', :col3 => 'python'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title' }, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_exactly' do setup do Factory(:article, :title => 'python') @hash = { :col1 => 'title', :col2 => 'is_exactly', :col3 => 'python'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_exactly negative case' do setup do Factory(:article, :title => 'ruby') @hash = {:col1 => 'title', :col2 => 'is_exactly', :col3 => 'python'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :id => 'search_result_title'}, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 does_not_contain' do setup do Factory(:article, :title => 'python') @hash = {:col1 => 'title', :col2 => 'does_not_contain', :col3 => 'ruby'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 does_not_conatin negative case' do setup do Factory(:article, :title => 'ruby') @hash = {:col1 => 'title', :col2 => 'does_not_contain', :col3 => 'ruby'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes =>{ :class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_false' do setup do Factory(:article, :approved => false) @hash = {:col1 => 'approved', :col2 => 'is_false'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_false negative case' do setup do Factory(:article, :approved => true) @hash = {:col1 => 'approved', :col2 => 'is_false'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_true' do setup do Factory(:article, :approved => true) @hash = {:col1 => 'approved', :col2 => 'is_true'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_true negative case' do setup do Factory(:article, :approved => false) @hash = {:col1 => 'approved', :col2 => 'is_true'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_null' do setup do Factory(:article, :status => nil) @hash = {:col1 => 'status', :col2 => 'is_null'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title' }, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_null negative case' do setup do Factory(:article, :status => 'something') @hash = {:col1 => 'status', :col2 => 'is_null'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_not_null' do setup do Factory(:article, :status => 'something') @hash = {:col1 => 'status', :col2 => 'is_not_null'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_not_null negative case' do setup do Factory(:article, :status => nil) @hash = {:col1 => 'status', :col2 => 'is_not_null'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_equal_to' do setup do Factory(:article, :hits_count => 100) @hash = {:col1 => 'hits_count', :col2 => 'is_equal_to', :col3 => 100.to_s} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title' }, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_equal_to negative case' do setup do Factory(:article, :hits_count => 100) @hash = {:col1 => 'hits_count', :col2 => 'is_equal_to', :col3 => 101.to_s} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title' }, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 greater_than' do setup do Factory(:article, :hits_count => 100) @hash = {:col1 => 'hits_count', :col2 => 'greater_than', :col3 => 99.to_s} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 greater_than negative case' do setup do Factory(:article, :hits_count => 100) @hash = {:col1 => 'hits_count', :col2 => 'greater_than', :col3 => 101.to_s} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 less_than' do setup do Factory(:article, :hits_count => 100) @hash = {:col1 => 'hits_count', :col2 => 'less_than', :col3 => 101.to_s} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title' }, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 less_than negative case' do setup do Factory(:article, :hits_count => 100) @hash = {:col1 => 'hits_count', :col2 => 'less_than', :col3 => 99.to_s} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title' }, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_on' do setup do Factory(:article, :published_at => d ='%d-%B-%Y') @hash = {:col1 => 'published_at', :col2 => 'is_on', :col3 => d} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes =>{ :class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_on negative case' do setup do Factory(:article, :published_at => d = 1.year.ago.strftime('%d-%B-%Y') @hash = {:col1 => 'published_at', :col2 => 'is_on', :col3 => d} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_on_or_after_date' do setup do Factory(:article, :published_at => @hash = {:col1 => 'published_at', :col2 => 'is_on_or_after_date', :col3 => 1.month.ago.strftime('%d-%B-%Y') } xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title'}, :descendant => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_on_or_after_date negative case' do setup do Factory(:article, :published_at => @hash = {:col1 => 'published_at', :col2 => 'is_on_or_after_date', :col3 => 1.month.from_now.strftime('%d-%B-%Y') } xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title' }, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_on_or_before_date' do setup do Factory(:article, :published_at => @hash = {:col1 => 'published_at', :col2 => 'is_on_or_before_date', :col3 => 1.month.from_now.strftime('%d-%B-%Y') } xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag( :tag => 'h2', :attributes => { :class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 1 record found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_on_or_before_date negative case' do setup do @hash = {:col1 => 'published_at', :col2 => 'is_on_or_before_date', :col3 => 1.year.ago.strftime('%d-%B-%Y') } xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'does contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :attributes => {:class => 'title'}, :content => /Search result: 0 records found/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_on_or_before_date with invalid_date input' do setup do @hash = {:col1 => 'published_at', :col2 => 'is_on_or_before_date', :col3 => 'invalid_date'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'p', :attributes => {:class => 'error'}, :content => /is not a valid date/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_on_or_after_date with invalid_date input' do setup do @hash = {:col1 => 'published_at', :col2 => 'is_on_or_after_date', :col3 => 'invalid_date'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'p', :attributes => {:class => 'error'}, :content => /is not a valid date/ ) end end context 'is_on invalid date' do setup do @hash = {:col1 => 'published_at', :col2 => 'is_on', :col3 => 'invalid_date'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'p', :attributes => {:class => 'error'}, :content => /is not a valid date/ ) end end context 'with col2 is_equal_to with invalid input' do setup do @hash = {:col1 => 'hits_count', :col2 => 'is_equal_to', :col3 => 'invalid_integer'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'p', :attributes => {:class => 'error'}, :content => /is not a valid integer/ ) end end context 'with col2 less_than invalid_integer' do setup do @hash = {:col1 => 'hits_count', :col2 => 'less_than', :col3 => 'invalid_integer'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'p', :attributes => {:class => 'error'}, :content => /is not a valid integer/ ) end end context 'with col2 greater_than invalid integer' do setup do @hash = {:col1 => 'hits_count', :col2 => 'greater_than', :col3 => 'invalid_integer'} xml_http_request :post, :advance_search, end should 'contain text' do assert_tag(:tag => 'p', :attributes => {:class => 'error'}, :content => /is not a valid integer/ ) end end end end