module Ddr module Models module HasContent extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do has_file_datastream \ name: Ddr::Datastreams::CONTENT, type: Ddr::Datastreams::ContentDatastream, versionable: true, label: "Content file for this object", control_group: "E" has_file_datastream \ name: Ddr::Datastreams::EXTRACTED_TEXT, type: Ddr::Datastreams::PlainTextDatastream, versionable: true, label: "Text extracted from the content file", control_group: "M" has_metadata \ name: Ddr::Datastreams::FITS, type: Ddr::Datastreams::FitsDatastream, versionable: false, label: "FITS Output for content file", control_group: "M" has_attributes :original_filename, datastream: "adminMetadata", multiple: false include FileManagement delegate :validate_checksum!, to: :content end # Convenience method wrapping FileManagement#add_file def upload file, opts={} add_file(file, Ddr::Datastreams::CONTENT, opts) end # Set content to file and save def upload! file, opts={} upload(file, opts) save end def derivatives @derivatives ||= end def techmd @techmd ||= end def content_size content.external? ? content.file_size : content.dsSize end def content_human_size ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_human_size(content_size) if content_size end def content_type content.mimeType end def content_major_type content_type.split("/").first end def content_sub_type content_type.split("/").last end def content_type= mime_type self.content.mimeType = mime_type end def image? content_major_type == "image" end def pdf? content_type == "application/pdf" end def virus_checks Ddr::Events::VirusCheckEvent.for_object(self) end def last_virus_check virus_checks.last end def last_virus_check_on last_virus_check && last_virus_check.event_date_time end def last_virus_check_outcome last_virus_check && last_virus_check.outcome end def content_changed? content.external? ? content.dsLocation_changed? : content.content_changed? end def has_extracted_text? extractedText.has_content? end def with_content_file(&block), &block) end protected def default_content_type "application/octet-stream" end end end end