module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_HTML_LINK = :COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_HTML_LINK COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_SHA = :COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_SHA COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_JSON = :COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_JSON end class CommitGithubFileAction < Action def repo_name = params[:repository_name] branch = params[:branch] ||= 'master' commit_message = params[:message] file_path = params[:path] file_name = File.basename(file_path) expanded_file_path = File.expand_path(file_path) UI.important("Creating commit on #{repo_name} on branch \"#{branch}\" for file \"#{file_path}\"") api_file_path = file_path api_file_path = "/#{api_file_path}" unless api_file_path.start_with? '/' api_file_path = api_file_path[0..-2] if api_file_path.end_with? '/' payload = { path: api_file_path, message: commit_message || "Updated : #{file_name}", content: Base64.encode64(, branch: branch } UI.message("Committing #{api_file_path}"){ server_url: params[:server_url], api_token: params[:api_token], secure: params[:secure], http_method: "PUT", path: File.join("repos", params[:repository_name], "contents", api_file_path), body: payload, error_handlers: { 422 => proc do |result| json = result[:json] UI.error(json || result[:body]) error = if json['message'] == "Invalid request.\n\n\"sha\" wasn't supplied." "File already exists - please remove from repo before uploading or rename this upload" else "Uprocessable error" end UI.user_error!(error) end } }) do |result| UI.success("Successfully commited file to GitHub") json = result[:json] html_url = json['commit']['html_url'] download_url = json['content']['download_url'] commit_sha = json['commit']['sha'] UI.important("Commit: \"#{html_url}\"") UI.important("SHA: \"#{commit_sha}\"") UI.important("Download at: \"#{download_url}\"") Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_HTML_LINK] = html_url Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_SHA] = commit_sha Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_JSON] = json end Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_JSON] end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "This will commit a file directly on GitHub via the API" end def self.details "Commits a file directly to GitHub. You must provide your GitHub Personal token (get one from, the repository name and the relative file path from the root git project. Out parameters provide the commit sha created, which can be used for later usage for examples such as releases, the direct download link and the full response JSON. Documentation:" end def self.available_options [ :repository_name, env_name: "FL_COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_REPOSITORY_NAME", description: "The path to your repo, e.g. 'fastlane/fastlane'", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please only pass the path, e.g. 'fastlane/fastlane'") if value.include? "" UI.user_error!("Please only pass the path, e.g. 'fastlane/fastlane'") if value.split('/').count != 2 end), :server_url, env_name: "FL_COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_SERVER_URL", description: "The server url. e.g. '' (Default: '')", default_value: "", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please include the protocol in the server url, e.g. https://your.github.server/api/v3") unless value.include? "//" end), :api_token, env_name: "FL_COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_API_TOKEN", description: "Personal API Token for GitHub - generate one at", sensitive: true, is_string: true, default_value: ENV["GITHUB_API_TOKEN"], optional: false), :branch, env_name: "FL_COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_BRANCH", description: "The branch that the file should be committed on (default: master)", default_value: 'master', optional: true), :path, env_name: 'FL_COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_PATH', description: 'The relative path to your file from project root e.g. assets/my_app.xcarchive', optional: false, is_string: true, verify_block: proc do |value| value = File.expand_path(value) UI.user_error!("File not found at path '#{value}'") unless File.exist?(value) end), :message, env_name: "FL_COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_MESSAGE", description: "The commit message. Defaults to the file name", optional: true), :secure, env_name: "FL_COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_SECURE", description: "Optionally disable secure requests (ssl_verify_peer)", is_string: false, default_value: true, optional: true) ] end def self.output [ ['COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_HTML_LINK', 'Link to your committed file'], ['COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_SHA', 'Commit SHA generated'], ['COMMIT_GITHUB_FILE_JSON', 'The whole commit JSON object response'] ] end def self.return_type :hash_of_strings end def self.return_value [ "A hash containing all relevant information for this commit", "Access things like 'html_url', 'sha', 'message'" ].join("\n") end def self.authors ["tommeier"] end def self.example_code [ 'response = commit_github_file( repository_name: "fastlane/fastlane", server_url: "", api_token: ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"], message: "Add my new file", branch: "master", path: "assets/my_new_file.xcarchive" )' ] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end def self.category :source_control end end end end