module Fastlane module Actions class PilotAction < Action def require 'pilot' require 'pilot/options' changelog = Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::FL_CHANGELOG] values[:changelog] ||= changelog if changelog values[:ipa] ||= Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH] values[:ipa] = File.expand_path(values[:ipa]) if values[:ipa] return values if Helper.test? # we already have the finished config end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Upload a new binary to iTunes Connect for TestFlight beta testing" end def self.details [ "More details can be found on", "This integration will only do the TestFlight upload" ].join("\n") end def self.available_options require "pilot" require "pilot/options" end def self.example_code [ 'testflight', 'pilot # alias for "testflight"', 'testflight(skip_submission: true) # to only upload the build', 'testflight( username: "", app_identifier: "", itc_provider: "abcde12345" # pass a specific value to the iTMSTransporter -itc_provider option )' ] end def self.category :beta end def self.authors ["KrauseFx"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end