# specimen Doing the same things over and over again in test automation was the initial inspiration of coming up with a gem which will help me with: - setting up a new test automation project, including README, Gemfile, rubocop.yml, etc... - run Cucumber and RSpec tests with configs that make sense (e.g. parallel execution, reporting) - provide a Rails like templating approach in terms of _convention over configuration_ to provide a maintainable base for API or UI tests using RSpec and/or Cucumber. ## specimen commands ```shell ❯ specimen Usage: specimen COMMAND [options] You must specify a command: init Initialize a new specimen project cukes Run Cucumber tests (WIP) specs Run RSpec tests (WIP) exec Run tests via a config file (WIP) All commands can be run with -h (or --help) for more information. ``` ### specimen init ```shell ❯ specimen init -h Usage: specimen init --name=NAME [options] # Create a new specimen project which will generate following dirs and files * default directories /config, /lib, /tmp * default directories (/features/..) and files for cucumber unless --skip-cucumber * default directories (/spec/..) and files for RSpec unless --skip-rspec * root path files: * .gemrc * .gitignore * .rspec (unless --skip-rspec) * .rubocop.yml * cucumber.yml (unless --skip-cucumber) * Gemfile (based on the used options) * README.md * specimen.yml (default configuration file for the specimen gem Options: -n, [--name=NAME] # required: true The name of your project and installation path relative to your current PWD [--ui-driver=UI_DRIVER] # Default: 'watir' Valid options are: * watir * selenium * selenium-webdriver [--skip-ui] # Default: false Don´t add selenium or watir gem to your Gemfile [--skip-cucumber] # Default: false No cucumber gems will be added to your Gemfile. Creation of cucumber directories and files will be skipped. [--skip-rspec] # Default: false RSpec will still be in your Gemfile (as it´s matchers are used for cucumber) but no RSpec directories and files will be generated ``` ### specimen cukes TBD ### specimen specs TBD ### specimen exec TBD ### Known issues - tests are missing