require 'spec_helper' require 'json' require "open-uri" describe BooticClient::Client do require 'webmock/rspec' def fixture_path(filename) File.join File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'fixtures', filename end describe 'valid response' do let(:root_url) { '' } let(:client) { } let(:request_headers) { {'Authorization' => "Bearer xxx"} } let(:response_headers) { { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Last-Modified' => 'Sat, 07 Jun 2014 12:10:33 GMT', 'ETag' => '0937dafce10db7b7d405667f9576d26d', 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=0, private, must-revalidate', 'Vary' => 'Acept-Encoding,Authorization' } } let(:root_data) { { '_links' => { 'shops' => {'href' => ''} }, 'message' => "Hello!" } } describe '#get' do def assert_successful_response(response) expect(response).to be_kind_of(Faraday::Response) expect(response.status).to eql(200) response.body.tap do |b| expect(b['_links']['shops']).to eql({'href' => ''}) end end context 'switching cache key as per Vary header' do let!(:req) { stub_request(:get, root_url) .to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.dump(root_data), headers: response_headers.merge('Cache-Control' => 'max-age=100')) } before do client.get(root_url, {}, request_headers.merge('Authorization' => 'Bearer aaa')) end it 'is cached when using the same authorization' do resp = client.get(root_url, {}, request_headers.merge('Authorization' => 'Bearer aaa')) expect(req).to have_been_requested.once assert_successful_response resp end it 'is not cached when using a different authorization' do resp = client.get(root_url, {}, request_headers.merge('Authorization' => 'Bearer bbb')) expect(req).to have_been_requested.twice assert_successful_response resp end end context 'fresh' do before do stub_request(:get, root_url) .to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.dump(root_data), headers: response_headers) end let!(:response) { client.get(root_url, {}, request_headers) } it 'returns parsed Faraday response' do assert_successful_response response end context 'and then cached' do before do @cached_request = stub_request(:get, root_url) .with(headers: {'If-Modified-Since' => 'Sat, 07 Jun 2014 12:10:33 GMT'}) .to_return(status: 304, body: '', headers: response_headers) end it 'returns cached response' do resp = client.get(root_url, {}, request_headers) expect(@cached_request).to have_been_requested assert_successful_response resp end end context 'and then cached by ETag' do before do @cached_request = stub_request(:get, root_url) .with(headers: {'If-None-Match' => response_headers['ETag']}) .to_return(status: 304, body: '', headers: response_headers) end it 'returns cached response' do resp = client.get(root_url, {}, request_headers) expect(@cached_request).to have_been_requested assert_successful_response resp end end end context 'User-Agent' do it 'sends it' do req = stub_request(:get, root_url) .with(headers: {'User-Agent' => described_class::USER_AGENT}) .to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.dump(root_data), headers: response_headers) client.get(root_url, {}, request_headers) expect(req).to have_been_requested end it 'can be configured' do client = 'foobar') req = stub_request(:get, root_url) .with(headers: {'User-Agent' => 'foobar'}) .to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.dump(root_data), headers: response_headers) client.get(root_url, {}, request_headers) expect(req).to have_been_requested end end context 'errors' do describe '500 Server error' do before do stub_request(:get, root_url) .to_return(status: 500, body: JSON.dump(message: 'Server error'), headers: response_headers) end it 'raises exception' do expect{ client.get(root_url) }.to raise_error(BooticClient::ServerError) end end describe '404 Not Found' do before do stub_request(:get, root_url) .to_return(status: 404, body: JSON.dump(message: 'not Found'), headers: response_headers) end it 'raises exception' do expect{ client.get(root_url) }.to raise_error(BooticClient::NotFoundError) end end describe '401 Unauthorized' do before do stub_request(:get, root_url) .to_return(status: 401, body: JSON.dump(message: 'Unauthorised'), headers: response_headers) end it 'raises exception' do expect{ client.get(root_url) }.to raise_error(BooticClient::UnauthorizedError) end end describe '403 Access Forbidden' do before do stub_request(:get, root_url) .to_return(status: 403, body: JSON.dump(message: 'Access Forbidden'), headers: response_headers) end it 'raises exception' do expect{ client.get(root_url) }.to raise_error(BooticClient::AccessForbiddenError) end end end end context 'HTTP verbs' do describe 'GET' do before do stub_request(:get, root_url) .with(query: {foo: 'bar'}, headers: request_headers) .to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.dump(root_data), headers: response_headers) end it 'GETs response' do expect(client.get(root_url, {foo: 'bar'}, request_headers).body['message']).to eql('Hello!') end end describe 'POST' do before do stub_request(:post, root_url) .with(body: JSON.dump({foo: 'bar'}), headers: request_headers) .to_return(status: 201, body: JSON.dump(root_data), headers: response_headers) end it 'POSTs request and parses response' do expect(, {foo: 'bar'}, request_headers).body['message']).to eql('Hello!') end end describe 'with file data' do let(:base64_data) { Base64.encode64('file.gif'))) } let(:file) {'file.gif')) } before do stub_request(:post, root_url) .with(body: JSON.dump({foo: 'bar', data: base64_data}), headers: request_headers) .to_return(status: 201, body: JSON.dump(root_data), headers: response_headers) end it 'POSTs request with base64-encoded file and parses response' do expect(, {foo: 'bar', data: file}, request_headers).body['message']).to eql('Hello!') end it "works with anything that responds to #read" do reader = double("reader", read:"file.gif"))) expect(, {foo: 'bar', data: reader}, request_headers).body['message']).to eql('Hello!') end it "works with open-uri" do reader = open(fixture_path("file.gif")) expect(, {foo: 'bar', data: reader}, request_headers).body['message']).to eql('Hello!') end end [:put, :patch].each do |verb| describe verb.to_s.upcase do before do stub_request(verb, root_url) .with(body: JSON.dump({foo: 'bar'}), headers: request_headers) .to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.dump(root_data), headers: response_headers) end it "#{verb.to_s.upcase}s request and parses response" do expect(client.send(verb, root_url, {foo: 'bar'}, request_headers).body['message']).to eql('Hello!') end end describe "#{verb.to_s.upcase} with file data" do let(:base64_data) { Base64.encode64('file.gif'))) } let(:file) {'file.gif')) } before do stub_request(verb, root_url) .with(body: JSON.dump({foo: 'bar', data: {name: 'la', file: base64_data}}), headers: request_headers) .to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.dump(root_data), headers: response_headers) end it "#{verb.to_s.upcase}s request with base64-encoded file data and parses response" do expect(client.send(verb, root_url, {foo: 'bar', data: {name: 'la', file: file}}, request_headers).body['message']).to eql('Hello!') end end end context 'DELETE' do before do @delete_requst = stub_request(:delete, root_url) .with(headers: request_headers) .to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.dump(root_data), headers: response_headers) end it 'DELETEs request and parses response' do expect(client.send(:delete, root_url, {}, request_headers).status).to eql(200) expect(@delete_requst).to have_been_requested end end end end end