require 'spec_helper' require 'r10k/settings' require 'r10k/util/exec_env' describe R10K::Settings do describe "git settings" do subject { described_class.git_settings } describe "provider" do it "normalizes valid values to a symbol" do output = subject.evaluate("provider" => "rugged") expect(output[:provider]).to eq(:rugged) end end describe "username" do it "defaults to the current user" do expect(Etc).to receive(:getlogin).and_return("puppet") output = subject.evaluate({}) expect(output[:username]).to eq("puppet") end it "passes values through unchanged" do output = subject.evaluate("username" => "git") expect(output[:username]).to eq("git") end end describe "private_key" do it "passes values through unchanged" do output = subject.evaluate("private_key" => "/etc/puppetlabs/r10k/id_rsa") expect(output[:private_key]).to eq("/etc/puppetlabs/r10k/id_rsa") end end describe "proxy" do it "accepts valid URIs" do output = subject.evaluate("proxy" => "http://proxy.tessier-ashpool.freeside:3128") expect(output[:proxy]).to eq "http://proxy.tessier-ashpool.freeside:3128" end it "rejects invalid URIs" do expect { subject.evaluate("proxy" => "that's no proxy!") }.to raise_error do |err| expect(err.message).to match(/Validation failed for 'git' settings group/) expect(err.errors.size).to eq 1 expect(err.errors[:proxy]).to be_a_kind_of(ArgumentError) expect(err.errors[:proxy].message).to match(/could not be parsed as a URL/) end end end end describe "forge settings" do subject { described_class.forge_settings } describe "proxy" do it "accepts valid URIs" do output = subject.evaluate("proxy" => "http://proxy.tessier-ashpool.freeside:3128") expect(output[:proxy]).to eq "http://proxy.tessier-ashpool.freeside:3128" end it "rejects invalid URIs" do expect { subject.evaluate("proxy" => "that's no proxy!") }.to raise_error do |err| expect(err.message).to match(/Validation failed for 'forge' settings group/) expect(err.errors.size).to eq 1 expect(err.errors[:proxy]).to be_a_kind_of(ArgumentError) expect(err.errors[:proxy].message).to match(/could not be parsed as a URL/) end end end describe "baseurl" do it "accepts valid URIs" do output = subject.evaluate("baseurl" => "https://forge.tessier-ashpool.freeside") expect(output[:baseurl]).to eq "https://forge.tessier-ashpool.freeside" end it "rejects invalid URIs" do expect { subject.evaluate("baseurl" => "that's no forge!") }.to raise_error do |err| expect(err.message).to match(/Validation failed for 'forge' settings group/) expect(err.errors.size).to eq 1 expect(err.errors[:baseurl]).to be_a_kind_of(ArgumentError) expect(err.errors[:baseurl].message).to match(/could not be parsed as a URL/) end end end end describe "deploy settings" do subject { described_class.deploy_settings } describe "write_lock" do it "accepts a string with a reason for the write lock" do output = subject.evaluate("write_lock" => "No maintenance window active, code freeze till 2038-01-19") expect(output[:write_lock]).to eq("No maintenance window active, code freeze till 2038-01-19") end it "accepts false and null values for the write lock" do output = subject.evaluate("write_lock" => false) expect(output[:write_lock]).to eq false end it "rejects non-string truthy values for the write lock" do expect { subject.evaluate("write_lock" => %w[list of reasons why deploys are locked]) }.to raise_error do |err| expect(err.message).to match(/Validation failed for 'deploy' settings group/) expect(err.errors.size).to eq 1 expect(err.errors[:write_lock]).to be_a_kind_of(ArgumentError) expect(err.errors[:write_lock].message).to match(/should be a string containing the reason/) end end end describe 'puppet_path' do it 'when executable raises no error' do expect(File).to receive(:executable?).with('/nonexistent').and_return(true) expect { subject.evaluate('puppet_path' => '/nonexistent') }.not_to raise_error end it 'when not executable raises error' do expect(File).to receive(:executable?).with('/nonexistent') expect { subject.evaluate('puppet_path' => '/nonexistent') }.to raise_error(R10K::Settings::Collection::ValidationError) end end describe 'puppet_conf' do it 'when file raises no error' do allow(File).to receive(:readable?).with('/nonexistent').and_return(true) expect { subject.evaluate('puppet_conf' => '/nonexistent') }.not_to raise_error end it 'when not file raises error' do allow(File).to receive(:readable?).with('/nonexistent').and_return(false) expect { subject.evaluate('puppet_conf' => '/nonexistent') }.to raise_error(R10K::Settings::Collection::ValidationError) end end end describe "global settings" do subject { described_class.global_settings } describe "sources" do it "passes values through unchanged" do output = subject.evaluate("sources" => {"puppet" => {"remote" => "https://git.tessier-ashpool.freeside"}}) expect(output[:sources]).to eq({"puppet" => {"remote" => "https://git.tessier-ashpool.freeside"}}) end end describe "cachedir" do it "passes values through unchanged" do output = subject.evaluate("cachedir" => "/srv/r10k/git") expect(output[:cachedir]).to eq("/srv/r10k/git") end end describe "postrun" do it "accepts an argument vector" do output = subject.evaluate("postrun" => ["curl", "-F", "deploy=done", "http://reporting.tessier-ashpool.freeside/r10k"]) expect(output[:postrun]).to eq(["curl", "-F", "deploy=done", "http://reporting.tessier-ashpool.freeside/r10k"]) end it "rejects a string command" do expect { subject.evaluate("postrun" => "curl -F 'deploy=done' https://reporting.tessier-ashpool.freeside/r10k") }.to raise_error do |err| expect(err.message).to match(/Validation failed for 'global' settings group/) expect(err.errors.size).to eq 1 expect(err.errors[:postrun]).to be_a_kind_of(ArgumentError) expect(err.errors[:postrun].message).to eq("The postrun setting should be an array of strings, not a String") end end end describe "pool_size" do it "accepts integers greater than zero" do output = subject.evaluate("pool_size" => 5) expect(output[:pool_size]).to eq 5 end it "rejects non integer values" do expect { subject.evaluate("pool_size" => "5") }.to raise_error do |err| expect(err.errors.size).to eq 1 expect(err.errors[:pool_size]).to be_a_kind_of(ArgumentError) expect(err.errors[:pool_size].message).to match(/The pool_size setting should be an integer/) end end it "rejects integers smaller than one" do expect { subject.evaluate("pool_size" => 0) }.to raise_error do |err| expect(err.errors.size).to eq 1 expect(err.errors[:pool_size]).to be_a_kind_of(ArgumentError) expect(err.errors[:pool_size].message).to match(/The pool_size setting should be greater than zero/) end expect { subject.evaluate("pool_size" => -3) }.to raise_error do |err| expect(err.errors.size).to eq 1 expect(err.errors[:pool_size]).to be_a_kind_of(ArgumentError) expect(err.errors[:pool_size].message).to match(/The pool_size setting should be greater than zero/) end end end describe "proxy" do it "accepts valid URIs" do output = subject.evaluate("proxy" => "http://proxy.tessier-ashpool.freeside:3128") expect(output[:proxy]).to eq "http://proxy.tessier-ashpool.freeside:3128" end it "rejects invalid URIs" do expect { subject.evaluate("proxy" => "that's no proxy!") }.to raise_error do |err| expect(err.message).to match(/Validation failed for 'global' settings group/) expect(err.errors.size).to eq 1 expect(err.errors[:proxy]).to be_a_kind_of(ArgumentError) expect(err.errors[:proxy].message).to match(/could not be parsed as a URL/) end end describe "setting a default value" do %w[HTTPS_PROXY https_proxy HTTP_PROXY http_proxy].each do |env_var| it "respects the #{env_var} environment variable" do R10K::Util::ExecEnv.withenv(env_var => "http://proxy.value/#{env_var}") do output = subject.evaluate({}) expect(output[:proxy]).to eq("http://proxy.value/#{env_var}") end end end end end describe "git settings" do it "passes settings through to the git settings" do output = subject.evaluate("git" => {"provider" => "shellgit", "username" => "git"}) expect(output[:git]).to include(:provider => :shellgit, :username => "git") end end describe "forge settings" do it "passes settings through to the forge settings" do output = subject.evaluate("forge" => {"baseurl" => "https://forge.tessier-ashpool.freeside", "proxy" => "https://proxy.tessier-ashpool.freesize:3128"}) expect(output[:forge]).to eq(:baseurl => "https://forge.tessier-ashpool.freeside", :proxy => "https://proxy.tessier-ashpool.freesize:3128") end end end end