if (typeof(dojo) != 'undefined') { dojo.require('MochiKit.Base'); } if (typeof(JSAN) != 'undefined') { JSAN.use('MochiKit.Base'); } if (typeof(tests) == 'undefined') { tests = {}; } tests.test_Base = function (t) { // test bind var not_self = {"toString": function () { return "not self"; } }; var self = {"toString": function () { return "self"; } }; var func = function (arg) { return this.toString() + " " + arg; }; var boundFunc = bind(func, self); not_self.boundFunc = boundFunc; t.is( boundFunc("foo"), "self foo", "boundFunc bound to self properly" ); t.is( not_self.boundFunc("foo"), "self foo", "boundFunc bound to self on another obj" ); t.is( bind(boundFunc, not_self)("foo"), "not self foo", "boundFunc successfully rebound!" ); t.is( bind(boundFunc, undefined, "foo")(), "self foo", "boundFunc partial no self change" ); t.is( bind(boundFunc, not_self, "foo")(), "not self foo", "boundFunc partial self change" ); // test method not_self = {"toString": function () { return "not self"; } }; self = {"toString": function () { return "self"; } }; func = function (arg) { return this.toString() + " " + arg; }; var boundMethod = method(self, func); not_self.boundMethod = boundMethod; t.is( boundMethod("foo"), "self foo", "boundMethod bound to self properly" ); t.is( not_self.boundMethod("foo"), "self foo", "boundMethod bound to self on another obj" ); t.is( method(not_self, boundMethod)("foo"), "not self foo", "boundMethod successfully rebound!" ); t.is( method(undefined, boundMethod, "foo")(), "self foo", "boundMethod partial no self change" ); t.is( method(not_self, boundMethod, "foo")(), "not self foo", "boundMethod partial self change" ); // test bindLate self = {"toString": function () { return "self"; } }; boundFunc = bindLate("toString", self); t.is( boundFunc(), "self", "bindLate binds properly" ); self.toString = function () { return "not self"; }; t.is( boundFunc(), "not self", "bindLate late function lookup" ); func = function (arg) { return this.toString() + " " + arg; }; boundFunc = bindLate(func, self); t.is( boundFunc("foo"), "not self foo", "bindLate fallback to standard bind" ); // test bindMethods var O = function (value) { bindMethods(this); this.value = value; }; O.prototype.func = function () { return this.value; }; var o = new O("boring"); var p = {}; p.func = o.func; var func = o.func; t.is( o.func(), "boring", "bindMethods doesn't break shit" ); t.is( p.func(), "boring", "bindMethods works on other objects" ); t.is( func(), "boring", "bindMethods works on functions" ); var p = clone(o); t.ok( p instanceof O, "cloned correct inheritance" ); var q = clone(p); t.ok( q instanceof O, "clone-cloned correct inheritance" ); q.foo = "bar"; t.is( p.foo, undefined, "clone-clone is copy-on-write" ); p.bar = "foo"; t.is( o.bar, undefined, "clone is copy-on-write" ); t.is( q.bar, "foo", "clone-clone has proper delegation" ); // unbind p.func = bind(p.func, null); t.is( p.func(), "boring", "clone function calls correct" ); q.value = "awesome"; t.is( q.func(), "awesome", "clone really does work" ); // test boring boolean funcs t.is( isNull(null), true, "isNull matches null" ); t.is( isNull(undefined), false, "isNull doesn't match undefined" ); t.is( isNull({}), false, "isNull doesn't match objects" ); t.is( isCallable(isCallable), true, "isCallable returns true on itself" ); t.is( isCallable(1), false, "isCallable returns false on numbers" ); t.is( isUndefined(null), false, "null is not undefined" ); t.is( isUndefined(""), false, "empty string is not undefined" ); t.is( isUndefined(undefined), true, "undefined is undefined" ); t.is( isUndefined({}.foo), true, "missing property is undefined" ); t.is( isUndefinedOrNull(null), true, "null is undefined or null" ); t.is( isUndefinedOrNull(""), false, "empty string is not undefined or null" ); t.is( isUndefinedOrNull(undefined), true, "undefined is undefined or null" ); t.is( isUndefinedOrNull({}.foo), true, "missing property is undefined or null" ); t.is( isEmpty(null), true, "isEmpty null" ); t.is( isEmpty([], [], ""), true, "isEmpty true" ); t.is( isEmpty([], [1], ""), true, "isEmpty true" ); t.is( isEmpty([1], [1], "1"), false, "isEmpty false" ); t.is( isEmpty([1], [1], "1"), false, "isEmpty false" ); t.is( isNotEmpty(null), false, "isNotEmpty null" ); t.is( isNotEmpty([], [], ""), false, "isNotEmpty false" ); t.is( isNotEmpty([], [1], ""), false, "isNotEmpty false" ); t.is( isNotEmpty([1], [1], "1"), true, "isNotEmpty true" ); t.is( isNotEmpty([1], [1], "1"), true, "isNotEmpty true" ); t.is( isArrayLike(undefined), false, "isArrayLike(undefined)" ); t.is( isArrayLike(null), false, "isArrayLike(null)" ); t.is( isArrayLike([]), true, "isArrayLike([])" ); // test extension of arrays var a = []; var b = []; var three = [1, 2, 3]; extend(a, three, 1); t.ok( objEqual(a, [2, 3]), "extend to an empty array" ); extend(a, three, 1) t.ok( objEqual(a, [2, 3, 2, 3]), "extend to a non-empty array" ); extend(b, three); t.ok( objEqual(b, three), "extend of an empty array" ); var c1 = extend(null, three); t.ok( objEqual(c1, three), "extend null" ); var c2 = extend(undefined, three); t.ok( objEqual(c2, three), "extend undefined" ); t.is( compare(1, 2), -1, "numbers compare lt" ); t.is( compare(2, 1), 1, "numbers compare gt" ); t.is( compare(1, 1), 0, "numbers compare eq" ); t.is( compare([1], [1]), 0, "arrays compare eq" ); t.is( compare([1], [1, 2]), -1, "arrays compare lt (length)" ); t.is( compare([1, 2], [2, 1]), -1, "arrays compare lt (contents)" ); t.is( compare([1, 2], [1]), 1, "arrays compare gt (length)" ); t.is( compare([2, 1], [1, 1]), 1, "arrays compare gt (contents)" ); // test partial application var a = []; var func = function (a, b) { if (arguments.length != 2) { return "bad args"; } else { return this.value + a + b; } }; var self = {"value": 1, "func": func}; var self2 = {"value": 2}; t.is( self.func(2, 3), 6, "setup for test is correct" ); self.funcTwo = partial(self.func, 2); t.is( self.funcTwo(3), 6, "partial application works" ); t.is( self.funcTwo(3), 6, "partial application works still" ); t.is( bind(self.funcTwo, self2)(3), 7, "rebinding partial works" ); self.funcTwo = bind(bind(self.funcTwo, self2), null); t.is( self.funcTwo(3), 6, "re-unbinding partial application works" ); // nodeWalk test // ... looks a lot like a DOM tree on purpose var tree = { "id": "nodeWalkTestTree", "test:int": "1", "childNodes": [ { "test:int": "2", "childNodes": [ {"test:int": "5"}, "ignored string", {"ignored": "object"}, ["ignored", "list"], { "test:skipchildren": "1", "childNodes": [{"test:int": 6}] } ] }, {"test:int": "3"}, {"test:int": "4"} ] } var visitedNodes = []; nodeWalk(tree, function (node) { var attr = node["test:int"]; if (attr) { visitedNodes.push(attr); } if (node["test:skipchildren"]) { return; } return node.childNodes; }); t.ok( objEqual(visitedNodes, ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]), "nodeWalk looks like it works"); // test map var minusOne = function (x) { return x - 1; }; var res = map(minusOne, [1, 2, 3]); t.ok( objEqual(res, [0, 1, 2]), "map works" ); var res2 = xmap(minusOne, 1, 2, 3); t.ok( objEqual(res2, res), "xmap works" ); res = map(operator.add, [1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6]); t.ok( objEqual(res, [3, 6, 9]), "map(fn, p, q) works" ); res = map(operator.add, [1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6, 8]); t.ok( objEqual(res, [3, 6, 9]), "map(fn, p, q) works (q long)" ); res = map(operator.add, [1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 4, 6]); t.ok( objEqual(res, [3, 6, 9]), "map(fn, p, q) works (p long)" ); res = map(null, [1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6]); t.ok( objEqual(res, [[1, 2], [2, 4], [3, 6]]), "map(null, p, q) works" ); res = zip([1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6]); t.ok( objEqual(res, [[1, 2], [2, 4], [3, 6]]), "zip(p, q) works" ); res = map(null, [1, 2, 3]); t.ok( objEqual(res, [1, 2, 3]), "map(null, lst) works" ); t.is( isNotEmpty("foo"), true, "3 char string is not empty" ); t.is( isNotEmpty(""), false, "0 char string is empty" ); t.is( isNotEmpty([1, 2, 3]), true, "3 element list is not empty" ); t.is( isNotEmpty([]), false, "0 element list is empty" ); // test filter var greaterThanThis = function (x) { return x > this; }; var greaterThanOne = function (x) { return x > 1; }; var res = filter(greaterThanOne, [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3]); t.ok( objEqual(res, [2, 3]), "filter works" ); var res = filter(greaterThanThis, [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3], 1); t.ok( objEqual(res, [2, 3]), "filter self works" ); var res2 = xfilter(greaterThanOne, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3); t.ok( objEqual(res2, res), "xfilter works" ); t.is(objMax(1, 2, 9, 12, 42, -16, 16), 42, "objMax works (with numbers)"); t.is(objMin(1, 2, 9, 12, 42, -16, 16), -16, "objMin works (with numbers)"); // test adapter registry var R = new AdapterRegistry(); R.register("callable", isCallable, function () { return "callable"; }); R.register("arrayLike", isArrayLike, function () { return "arrayLike"; }); t.is( R.match(function () {}), "callable", "registry found callable" ); t.is( R.match([]), "arrayLike", "registry found ArrayLike" ); try { R.match(null); t.ok( false, "non-matching didn't raise!" ); } catch (e) { t.is( e, NotFound, "non-matching raised correctly" ); } R.register("undefinedOrNull", isUndefinedOrNull, function () { return "undefinedOrNull" }); R.register("undefined", isUndefined, function () { return "undefined" }); t.is( R.match(undefined), "undefinedOrNull", "priorities are as documented" ); t.ok( R.unregister("undefinedOrNull"), "removed adapter" ); t.is( R.match(undefined), "undefined", "adapter was removed" ); R.register("undefinedOrNull", isUndefinedOrNull, function () { return "undefinedOrNull" }, true); t.is( R.match(undefined), "undefinedOrNull", "override works" ); var a1 = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 2}; var a2 = {"a": 2, "b": 1, "c": 2}; t.is( keyComparator("a")(a1, a2), -1, "keyComparator 1 lt" ); t.is( keyComparator("c")(a1, a2), 0, "keyComparator 1 eq" ); t.is( keyComparator("c", "b")(a1, a2), 1, "keyComparator 2 eq gt" ); t.is( keyComparator("c", "a")(a1, a2), -1, "keyComparator 2 eq lt" ); t.is( reverseKeyComparator("a")(a1, a2), 1, "reverseKeyComparator" ); t.is( compare(concat([1], [2], [3]), [1, 2, 3]), 0, "concat" ); t.is( repr("foo"), '"foo"', "string repr" ); t.is( repr(1), '1', "number repr" ); t.is( listMin([1, 3, 5, 3, -1]), -1, "listMin" ); t.is( objMin(1, 3, 5, 3, -1), -1, "objMin" ); t.is( listMax([1, 3, 5, 3, -1]), 5, "listMax" ); t.is( objMax(1, 3, 5, 3, -1), 5, "objMax" ); var v = keys(a1); v.sort(); t.is( compare(v, ["a", "b", "c"]), 0, "keys" ); v = items(a1); v.sort(); t.is( compare(v, [["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 2]]), 0, "items" ); var StringMap = function() {}; a = new StringMap(); a.foo = "bar"; b = new StringMap(); b.foo = "bar"; try { compare(a, b); t.ok( false, "bad comparison registered!?" ); } catch (e) { t.ok( e instanceof TypeError, "bad comparison raised TypeError" ); } t.is( repr(a), "[object Object]", "default repr for StringMap" ); var isStringMap = function () { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (!(arguments[i] instanceof StringMap)) { return false; } } return true; }; registerRepr("stringMap", isStringMap, function (obj) { return "StringMap(" + repr(items(obj)) + ")"; } ); t.is( repr(a), 'StringMap([["foo", "bar"]])', "repr worked" ); // not public API MochiKit.Base.reprRegistry.unregister("stringMap"); t.is( repr(a), "[object Object]", "default repr for StringMap" ); registerComparator("stringMap", isStringMap, function (a, b) { // no sorted(...) in base a = items(a); b = items(b); a.sort(compare); b.sort(compare); return compare(a, b); } ); t.is( compare(a, b), 0, "registerComparator" ); update(a, {"foo": "bar"}, {"wibble": "baz"}, undefined, null, {"grr": 1}); t.is( a.foo, "bar", "update worked (first obj)" ); t.is( a.wibble, "baz", "update worked (second obj)" ); t.is( a.grr, 1, "update worked (skipped undefined and null)" ); t.is( compare(a, b), 1, "update worked (comparison)" ); setdefault(a, {"foo": "unf"}, {"bar": "web taco"} ); t.is( a.foo, "bar", "setdefault worked (skipped existing)" ); t.is( a.bar, "web taco", "setdefault worked (set non-existing)" ); a = null; a = setdefault(null, {"foo": "bar"}); t.is( a.foo, "bar", "setdefault worked (self is null)" ); a = null; a = setdefault(undefined, {"foo": "bar"}); t.is( a.foo, "bar", "setdefault worked (self is undefined)" ); a = null; a = update(null, {"foo": "bar"}, {"wibble": "baz"}, undefined, null, {"grr": 1}); t.is( a.foo, "bar", "update worked (self is null, first obj)" ); t.is( a.wibble, "baz", "update worked (self is null, second obj)" ); t.is( a.grr, 1, "update worked (self is null, skipped undefined and null)" ); a = null; a = update(undefined, {"foo": "bar"}, {"wibble": "baz"}, undefined, null, {"grr": 1}); t.is( a.foo, "bar", "update worked (self is undefined, first obj)" ); t.is( a.wibble, "baz", "update worked (self is undefined, second obj)" ); t.is( a.grr, 1, "update worked (self is undefined, skipped undefined and null)" ); var c = items(merge({"foo": "bar"}, {"wibble": "baz"})); c.sort(compare); t.is( compare(c, [["foo", "bar"], ["wibble", "baz"]]), 0, "merge worked" ); // not public API MochiKit.Base.comparatorRegistry.unregister("stringMap"); try { compare(a, b); t.ok( false, "bad comparison registered!?" ); } catch (e) { t.ok( e instanceof TypeError, "bad comparison raised TypeError" ); } var o = {"__repr__": function () { return "__repr__"; }}; t.is( repr(o), "__repr__", "__repr__ protocol" ); t.is( repr(MochiKit.Base), MochiKit.Base.__repr__(), "__repr__ protocol when repr is defined" ); var o = {"NAME": "NAME"}; t.is( repr(o), "NAME", "NAME protocol (obj)" ); o = function () { return "TACO" }; o.NAME = "NAME"; t.is( repr(o), "NAME", "NAME protocol (func)" ); t.is( repr(MochiKit.Base.nameFunctions), "MochiKit.Base.nameFunctions", "test nameFunctions" ); // Done! t.is( urlEncode("1+2=2").toUpperCase(), "1%2B2%3D2", "urlEncode" ); t.is( queryString(["a", "b"], [1, "two"]), "a=1&b=two", "queryString"); t.is( queryString({"a": 1}), "a=1", "one item alternate form queryString" ); var o = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": function() {}}; var res = queryString(o).split("&"); res.sort(); t.is( res.join("&"), "a=1&b=2", "two item alternate form queryString, function skip" ); var res = parseQueryString("1+1=2&b=3%3D2"); t.is( res["1 1"], "2", "parseQueryString pathological name" ); t.is( res.b, "3=2", "parseQueryString second name:value pair" ); var res = parseQueryString("foo=one&foo=two", true); t.is( res["foo"].join(" "), "one two", "parseQueryString useArrays" ); var res = parseQueryString("?foo=2&bar=1"); t.is( res["foo"], "2", "parseQueryString strip leading question mark"); var res = parseQueryString("x=1&y=2"); t.is( typeof(res['&']), "undefined", "extra cruft in parseQueryString output"); t.is( serializeJSON("foo\n\r\b\f\t\u000B\u001B"), "\"foo\\n\\r\\b\\f\\t\\u000B\\u001B\"", "string JSON" ); t.is( serializeJSON(null), "null", "null JSON"); try { serializeJSON(undefined); t.ok(false, "undefined should not be serializable"); } catch (e) { t.ok(e instanceof TypeError, "undefined not serializable"); } t.is( serializeJSON(1), "1", "1 JSON"); t.is( serializeJSON(1.23), "1.23", "1.23 JSON"); t.is( serializeJSON(serializeJSON), null, "function JSON (null, not string)" ); t.is( serializeJSON([1, "2", 3.3]), "[1, \"2\", 3.3]", "array JSON" ); var res = evalJSON(serializeJSON({"a":1, "b":2})); t.is( res.a, 1, "evalJSON on an object (1)" ); t.is( res.b, 2, "evalJSON on an object (2)" ); var res = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "json": function () { return this; }}; var res = evalJSON(serializeJSON(res)); t.is( res.a, 1, "evalJSON on an object that jsons self (1)" ); t.is( res.b, 2, "evalJSON on an object that jsons self (2)" ); var strJSON = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "json": function () { return "json"; }}; t.is( serializeJSON(strJSON), "\"json\"", "json serialization calling" ); t.is( serializeJSON([strJSON]), "[\"json\"]", "json serialization calling in a structure" ); t.is( evalJSON('/* {"result": 1} */').result, 1, "json comment stripping" ); t.is( evalJSON('/* {"*/ /*": 1} */')['*/ /*'], 1, "json comment stripping" ); registerJSON("isDateLike", isDateLike, function (d) { return "this was a date"; } ); t.is( serializeJSON(new Date()), "\"this was a date\"", "json registry" ); MochiKit.Base.jsonRegistry.unregister("isDateLike"); var a = {"foo": {"bar": 12, "wibble": 13}}; var b = {"foo": {"baz": 4, "bar": 16}, "bar": 4}; updatetree(a, b); var expect = [["bar", 16], ["baz", 4], ["wibble", 13]]; var got = items(a.foo); got.sort(compare); t.is( repr(got), repr(expect), "updatetree merge" ); t.is( a.bar, 4, "updatetree insert" ); var aa = {"foo": {"bar": 12, "wibble": 13}}; var bb = {"foo": {"baz": 4, "bar": 16}, "bar": 4}; cc = updatetree(null, aa, bb); got = items(cc.foo); got.sort(compare); t.is( repr(got), repr(expect), "updatetree merge (self is null)" ); t.is( cc.bar, 4, "updatetree insert (self is null)" ); cc = updatetree(undefined, aa, bb); got = items(cc.foo); got.sort(compare); t.is( repr(got), repr(expect), "updatetree merge (self is undefined)" ); t.is( cc.bar, 4, "updatetree insert (self is undefined)" ); var c = counter(); t.is( c(), 1, "counter starts at 1" ); t.is( c(), 2, "counter increases" ); c = counter(2); t.is( c(), 2, "counter starts at 2" ); t.is( c(), 3, "counter increases" ); t.is( findValue([1, 2, 3], 4), -1, "findValue returns -1 on not found"); t.is( findValue([1, 2, 3], 1), 0, "findValue returns correct index"); t.is( findValue([1, 2, 3], 1, 1), -1, "findValue honors start"); t.is( findValue([1, 2, 3], 2, 0, 1), -1, "findValue honors end"); t.is( findIdentical([1, 2, 3], 4), -1, "findIdentical returns -1"); t.is( findIdentical([1, 2, 3], 1), 0, "findIdentical returns correct index"); t.is( findIdentical([1, 2, 3], 1, 1), -1, "findIdentical honors start"); t.is( findIdentical([1, 2, 3], 2, 0, 1), -1, "findIdentical honors end"); var flat = flattenArguments(1, "2", 3, [4, [5, [6, 7], 8, [], 9]]); var expect = [1, "2", 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; t.is( repr(flat), repr(expect), "flattenArguments" ); var fn = function () { return [this, concat(arguments)]; } t.is( methodcaller("toLowerCase")("FOO"), "foo", "methodcaller with a method name" ); t.is( repr(methodcaller(fn, 2, 3)(1)), "[1, [2, 3]]", "methodcaller with a function" ); var f1 = function (x) { return [1, x]; }; var f2 = function (x) { return [2, x]; }; var f3 = function (x) { return [3, x]; }; t.is( repr(f1(f2(f3(4)))), "[1, [2, [3, 4]]]", "test the compose test" ); t.is( repr(compose(f1,f2,f3)(4)), "[1, [2, [3, 4]]]", "three fn composition works" ); t.is( repr(compose(compose(f1,f2),f3)(4)), "[1, [2, [3, 4]]]", "associative left" ); t.is( repr(compose(f1,compose(f2,f3))(4)), "[1, [2, [3, 4]]]", "associative right" ); try { compose(f1, "foo"); t.ok( false, "wrong compose argument not raised!" ); } catch (e) { t.is( e.name, 'TypeError', "wrong compose argument raised correctly" ); } t.is(camelize('one'), 'one', 'one word'); t.is(camelize('one-two'), 'oneTwo', 'two words'); t.is(camelize('one-two-three'), 'oneTwoThree', 'three words'); t.is(camelize('1-one'), '1One', 'letter and word'); t.is(camelize('one-'), 'one', 'trailing hyphen'); t.is(camelize('-one'), 'One', 'starting hyphen'); t.is(camelize('o-two'), 'oTwo', 'one character and word'); var flat = flattenArray([1, "2", 3, [4, [5, [6, 7], 8, [], 9]]]); var expect = [1, "2", 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; t.is( repr(flat), repr(expect), "flattenArray" ); /* mean */ try { mean(); t.ok( false, "mean no arguments didn't raise!" ); } catch (e) { t.is( e.name, 'TypeError', "no arguments raised correctly" ); } t.is( mean(1), 1, 'single argument (arg list)'); t.is( mean([1]), 1, 'single argument (array)'); t.is( mean(1,2,3), 2, 'three arguments (arg list)'); t.is( mean([1,2,3]), 2, 'three arguments (array)'); t.is( average(1), 1, 'test the average alias'); /* median */ try { median(); t.ok( false, "median no arguments didn't raise!" ); } catch (e) { t.is( e.name, 'TypeError', "no arguments raised correctly" ); } t.is( median(1), 1, 'single argument (arg list)'); t.is( median([1]), 1, 'single argument (array)'); t.is( median(3,1,2), 2, 'three arguments (arg list)'); t.is( median([3,1,2]), 2, 'three arguments (array)'); t.is( median(3,1,2,4), 2.5, 'four arguments (arg list)'); t.is( median([3,1,2,4]), 2.5, 'four arguments (array)'); /* #185 */ t.is( serializeJSON(parseQueryString("")), "{}", "parseQueryString('')" ); t.is( serializeJSON(parseQueryString("", true)), "{}", "parseQueryString('', true)" ); /* #109 */ t.is( queryString({ids: [1,2,3]}), "ids=1&ids=2&ids=3", "queryString array value" ); t.is( queryString({ids: "123"}), "ids=123", "queryString string value" ); /* test values */ var o = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 4, d: -1}; var got = values(o); got.sort(); t.is( repr(got), repr([-1, 1, 2, 4]), "values()" ); t.is( queryString([["foo", "bar"], ["baz", "wibble"]]), "foo=baz&bar=wibble" ); o = parseQueryString("foo=1=1=1&bar=2&baz&wibble="); t.is( o.foo, "1=1=1", "parseQueryString multiple = first" ); t.is( o.bar, "2", "parseQueryString multiple = second" ); t.is( o.baz, "", "parseQueryString multiple = third" ); t.is( o.wibble, "", "parseQueryString multiple = fourth" ); /* queryString with null values */ t.is( queryString(["a", "b"], [1, null]), "a=1", "queryString with null value" ); t.is( queryString({"a": 1, "b": null}), "a=1", "queryString with null value" ); var reprFunc = function (a, b) { return; } t.is( repr(reprFunc), "function (a, b) {...}", "repr of function" ); };