= superfeedr-ruby Yes, the gem is called superfeedr-ruby, but the library is superfeedr only ;) {Superfeedr.com}[http://superfeedr.com] is a Real-time Cloud Feed Parsing service * *Realtime* : By combining different technologies we can notify you of new entries in less than 15 minutes (or it's free) * *No* *more* *polling* : Stop wasting your time and resources fetching 'old data', and stop being late when there is new data. * *Simplicity* : give us urls, and we'll do the rest. Check our docs and tutorials. * *Standardization* : No more nightmares with gazillions of formats, we will send you strict ATOM, whatever the original feed format is. * *Multi*-*channel* : receive the notifications by XMPP, on a local JID or your own external JID, or using WebHooks. * *Cost* *saving* : we will match the cost of your existing system. == FEATURES: * Subscribe to a feed Superfeedr.subscribe("http://github.com/superfeedr.atom") do |result| puts "Yay, subscribed to the github Atom feed for Superfeedr" if result end * Unsubscribe from a feed Superfeedr.unsubscribe("http://github.com/superfeedr.atom") do |result| puts "Sad, you unsubscribed from the github Atom feed for Superfeedr" if result end * List subscriptions by page Superfeedr.subscriptions(5) do |page, feeds| puts "On page #{page}" : puts feeds.inspect end * Receive notifications Superfeedr.on_notification do |notification| puts "The feed #{notification.feed_url} has been fetched (#{notification.http_status}: #{notification.message_status}) and will be fetched again in #{(notification.next_fetch - Time.now)/60} minutes." notification.entries.each do |e| puts " - #{e.title} (#{e.link}) was published (#{e.published}) with #{e.unique_id} as unique id : \n #{e.summary} (#{e.chunk}/#{e.chunks})" end end == Install Install the gem from Github : gem sources -a http://gems.github.com sudo gem install superfeedr-superfeedr-ruby Source : git clone git@github.com:superfeedr/superfeedr-ruby.git == Example Please see this {Gist}[http://gist.github.com/110247] while I am trying to find a way to integrate it into this document ;) == REQUIREMENTS: {Babylon}[http://github.com/julien51/babylon/tree/master] : please note that there are 2 gems named Baylon. The one you want is the one about XMPP, you can get it with : sudo gem install babylon-julien51 == Copyright Copyright (c) 2009 julien. See LICENSE for details.