if (1..2).respond_to?(:cover?) RSpec.describe "expect(...).to cover(expected)" do it_behaves_like "an RSpec matcher", :valid_value => (1..10), :invalid_value => (20..30) do let(:matcher) { cover(5) } end context "for a range target" do it "passes if target covers expected" do expect((1..10)).to cover(5) end it "fails if target does not cover expected" do expect { expect((1..10)).to cover(11) }.to fail_with("expected 1..10 to cover 11") end end end RSpec.describe "expect(...).to cover(with, multiple, args)" do context "for a range target" do it "passes if target covers all items" do expect((1..10)).to cover(4, 6) end it "fails if target does not cover any one of the items" do expect { expect((1..10)).to cover(4, 6, 11) }.to fail_with("expected 1..10 to cover 4, 6, and 11") end end end RSpec.describe "expect(...).not_to cover(expected)" do context "for a range target" do it "passes if target does not cover expected" do expect((1..10)).not_to cover(11) end it "fails if target covers expected" do expect { expect((1..10)).not_to cover(5) }.to fail_with("expected 1..10 not to cover 5") end end end RSpec.describe "expect(...).not_to cover(with, multiple, args)" do context "for a range target" do it "passes if the target does not cover any of the expected" do expect((1..10)).not_to cover(11, 12, 13) end it "fails if the target covers all of the expected" do expect { expect((1..10)).not_to cover(4, 6) }.to fail_with("expected 1..10 not to cover 4 and 6") end it "fails if the target covers some (but not all) of the expected" do expect { expect((1..10)).not_to cover(5, 11) }.to fail_with("expected 1..10 not to cover 5 and 11") end end end end