platform: 'apple' appStoreConnectP8PrivateKeyFilePath: '' # APPLE STORE CONNECT API PRIVATE .p8 KEY File Path appStoreConnectP8PrivateKeyID: '' # APPLE STORE CONNECT API PRIVATE KEY ID appStoreConnectIssueID: '' # APPLE STORE CONNECT ISSUE ID appID: '' # APP ID processors: - FilterProcessor: class: "FilterProcessor" enable: true # enable keywordsInclude: [] # keywords you want to filter out ratingsInclude: [] # ratings you want to filter out territoriesInclude: [] # territories you want to filter out (territory for Apple e.g. TWN) - GoogleTranslateProcessor: # Google Translate Processor, will translate review text to your language, you can remove whole block if you don't needed it. class: "GoogleTranslateProcessor" enable: false # enable googleTranslateAPIKeyFilePath: '' # Google Translate API Service Account Credential .json File Path googleTranslateTargetLang: 'zh-TW' # Translate to what Language googleTranslateTerritoriesExclude: ["TWN","CHN"] # Review origin Territory that you don't want to translate. (territory for Apple e.g. TWN) - SlackProcessor: # Slack Processor, resend App Review to Slack. class: "SlackProcessor" enable: true # enable slackTimeZoneOffset: "+08:00" # Review Created Date TimeZone slackAttachmentGroupByNumber: "1" # 1~100, how many review message in 1 slack message. slackBotToken: "" # Slack Bot Token, send slack message throught Slack Bot. slackBotTargetChannel: "" # Slack Bot Token, send slack message throught Slack Bot. (recommended, first priority) slackInCommingWebHookURL: "" # Slack In-Comming WebHook URL, Send slack message throught In-Comming WebHook, not recommended, deprecated. - GoogleSheetProcessor: # Google Sheet Processor, log review to google sheet class: "GoogleSheetProcessor" enable: false # enable googleSheetAPIKeyFilePath: "" # Google Translate API Service Account Credential .json File Path googleSheetTimeZoneOffset: "+08:00" # Review Created Date TimeZone googleSpreadsheetID: "1_lc82p-epecVKwpUWlXh1yyNWaSrygzDb8I0QH2xkTI" # Google Sheet SpreadSheet ID, you can get it on google sheet url: e.g. googleSheetInsertStyle: - type: "append" # Google Sheet Insert type, append or insert - at: 0 # required if type is insert, where index should insert at - sheetID: null # required if type is insert, the sheet ID, you can get it on google sheet url: e.g. - sheetName: "Sheet1" # required if type is append, a.k.a google sheet tab name values: ["%RATING%","%TITLE%\n%BODY%","%APPVERSION%","%CREATEDDATE%"] # Columns Data, you can uses magic variable below to compose string. # %TITLE% for review's title # %BODY% for review's content # %RATING% for review's rating 1~5 # %PLATFORM% for review's platform Apple or Android # %ID% for review's ID # %USERNAME% for review's reviewer username # %URL% for link to review # %TERRITORY% for review's territory (territory for Apple e.g. TWN) # %APPVERSION% for review's reviewer app version # %CREATEDDATE% for review's created date keywordsInclude: [] # keywords you want to filter out ratingsInclude: [] # ratings you want to filter out territoriesInclude: [] # territories you want to filter out (territory for Apple e.g. TWN)