Feature: Viewing reports As a product manager I want to be able to locate account details, user details So I can perform support tasks successfully Scenario: Viewing the reports dashboard Given I authenticate as the site owner When I go to the admin page Then I should see "Admin" Scenario: Viewing the accounts listing Given an account exists with a name of "Test" And I authenticate as the site owner When I go to the admin page And I follow "Accounts" Then I should see "Test" Scenario: Viewing an account Given an account exists with a name of "Test" And I authenticate as the site owner When I go to the admin page And I follow "Accounts" And I follow "Test" Then I should see "Test" And I should see "Projects" And I should see "Users" Scenario: Searching to find an account Given an account exists with a name of "Test" And an account exists with a name of "Fun" And I authenticate as the site owner When I go to the admin page And I follow "Accounts" And I fill in "query" with "Fun" And I press "Search" Then I should see "Fun" And I should not see "Test" Scenario: Viewing the users listing Given a user exists with a name of "Test" And I authenticate as the site owner When I go to the admin page And I follow "Users" Then I should see "Test" Scenario: Viewing an user Given a user exists with a name of "Test" And I authenticate as the site owner When I go to the admin page And I follow "Users" And I follow "Test" Then I should see "Test" And I should see "Projects" And I should see "Accounts" Scenario: Searching to find an user Given a user exists with a name of "Test" And an user exists with a name of "Fun" And I authenticate as the site owner When I go to the admin page And I follow "Users" And I fill in "query" with "Fun" And I press "Search" Then I should see "Fun" And I should not see "Test"