module Helpers PUBLIC_KEY_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/gpg.public' PRIVATE_KEY_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/gpg.sekrit' PUBLIC_KEY_ID = '4D5AA1CE74A97ADB' def run_before read_keys FakeWeb.clean_registry FakeWeb.passthrough_uri(:any, %r{^https?://}) FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "", :body => "localhost") FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "", :body => "i-awesome") FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r{*}, :status => 200) @mock_environment_name = 'myenv' FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "", :body => JSON.generate({ @mock_environment_name => {:id => 1} })) FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_dir) Dir.glob("#{tmp_dir}/*").each do |f| FileUtils.rm(f) end stub_configs end def stub_configs #print "in stub_configs: #{YAML::dump(@database_config)}, #{YAML::dump(spec_config)}\n" config = @database_config || spec_config config = config.merge({ :tmp_dir => tmp_dir }) # print "in stub_configs2: #{YAML::dump(config)}\n", "w") do |f| f.puts YAML.dump(config ) end end def import_gpg system("gpg --import #{PUBLIC_KEY_PATH}") || raise("Could not import public key") end def write_keys(public_key, private_key)'gpg.public', 'w') do |f| f << public_key end'gpg.sekrit', 'w') do |f| f << private_key end end def read_keys return, end def run_after FileUtils.rm_f(backup_config_file) filenames = Dir.glob("#{tmp_dir}/*") if filenames.any? raise "failed to remove #{filenames.join(', ')}" end end def teardown_dna(data) FileUtils.rm_f("#{tmp_dir}/dna.json") end def setup_dna(data) FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{tmp_dir}") if File.exist?("#{tmp_dir}/dna.json") FileUtils.rm("#{tmp_dir}/dna.json") end"#{tmp_dir}/dna.json", "w") do |f| f.puts data.to_json end end def backup_config_file "#{tmp_dir}/spec_backups.yml" end def mysql_password_option mysql_password.nil? ? "" : "-p#{mysql_password}" end def generate_database_name(type) "ey_flex_#{type}_db_#{/\w{5,7}/.gen}" end def create_mysql_database(db_key, region = 'us-east-1') db_name = generate_database_name('mysql') system(%Q{mysql -u#{mysql_user} -h#{mysql_host} #{mysql_password_option} -e "drop database if exists #{db_name};"}) system(%Q{mysql -u#{mysql_user} -h#{mysql_host} #{mysql_password_option} -e "create database #{db_name};"}) || raise("Could not create db: #{db_name}") created_mysql_dbs[db_key] = db_name write_database_config('mysql', mysql_user, mysql_password, mysql_host, created_mysql_dbs.values, region) db_name end def drop_postgresql_database(db_key) db_name = created_postgresql_dbs[db_key] command = %Q{ PGPASSWORD='#{postgresql_password}' dropdb -U #{postgresql_user} -h #{postgresql_host} #{db_name} } system(command) end def check_postgresql_database(db_name) command = %Q{ PGPASSWORD='#{postgresql_password}' psql -l -U #{postgresql_user} -h #{postgresql_host} | grep '#{db_name}' } system(command) || raise("Could not find db: #{db_name} with command:\n #{command}") db_name end def create_postgresql_database(db_key, region = 'us-east-1') db_name = generate_database_name('postgresql') created_postgresql_dbs[db_key] = db_name drop_postgresql_database(db_key) command = %Q{ PGPASSWORD='#{postgresql_password}' createdb -U #{postgresql_user} -h #{postgresql_host} #{db_name} } system(command) || raise("Could not create db: #{db_name} with command:\n #{command}") write_database_config('postgresql', postgresql_user, postgresql_password, postgresql_host, created_postgresql_dbs.values, region) db_name end def write_database_config(type, root_user, root_password, host, databases, region) @database_config = { :env => 'production', :dbuser => root_user, :dbpass => root_password, :dbhost => host, :aws_secret_id => spec_config['aws_secret_id'] || spec_config[:aws_secret_id], :aws_secret_key => spec_config['aws_secret_key'] || spec_config[:aws_secret_key], :databases => databases, :keep => keep, :region => region, :backup_bucket => "ey-backup-test-#{region}", } stub_configs end def set_keep(keep) @keep = keep end def keep @keep || 5 end def run_sql(command, database) system("mysql -u#{mysql_user} -h#{mysql_host} #{mysql_password_option} -D#{database} -e '#{command}'") end def run_sql_pipe(io, database) pid, stdin, _, stderr = Open4.popen4("mysql -u#{mysql_user} -h#{mysql_host} #{mysql_password_option} -D #{database}") stdin << stdin.flush stdin.close _, status = Process::waitpid2 pid status end def run_psql(command, database) system("PGPASSWORD='#{postgresql_password}' psql -c '#{command}' -h #{postgresql_host} -U #{postgresql_user} #{database}") end def tmp_dir if spec_config['tmp_dir'].nil? File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/tmp/" else spec_config['tmp_dir'] || File.dirname("./tmp/") end end def mysql_user spec_config['mysql_user'] || "root" end def postgresql_user spec_config['postgresql_user'] || "postgres" end def mysql_password spec_config['mysql_password'] end def postgresql_password spec_config['postgresql_password'] end def mysql_host spec_config['mysql_host'] || '' end def postgresql_host spec_config['postgresql_host'] || '' end def created_mysql_dbs @created_mysql_dbs ||= {} end def created_postgresql_dbs @created_postgresql_dbs ||= {} end def spec_config Helpers.spec_config end def self.spec_config @spec_config end def self.load_spec_config filename = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config.yml' if File.exist?(filename) @spec_config = YAML.load_file(filename) elsif Fog.mocking? @spec_config = { 'aws_secret_id' => SecureRandom.base64(10), 'aws_secret_key' => SecureRandom.base64(20), } else abort "Please setup your spec/config.yml file" end end def last_stdout @last_stdout || raise("Run a command with `capturing_stdio' before checking `last_stdout'") end def last_stderr @last_stderr || raise("Run a command with `capturing_stdio' before checking `last_stderr'") end def last_exit_code @last_exit_code || raise("Run a command with `capturing_stdio' before checking `last_exit_code'") end def io_logger @io_logger ||= + '/../tmp/io.log') end def capturing_stdio(&block) io_logger.debug "beginning to capture IO" @last_stdout, @last_stderr = "", "" old_stdout, old_stderr = $stdout, $stderr new_stdout, new_stderr =, $stdout, $stderr = new_stdout, new_stderr yield exit 0 rescue SystemExit => e @last_exit_code = e.status [new_stdout.string.split("\n"), new_stderr.string.split("\n")] ensure io_logger.debug "stdout: \n#{new_stdout.string}" io_logger.debug "stderr: \n#{new_stderr.string}" io_logger.debug "finished capturing IO" $stdout, $stderr = old_stdout, old_stderr end def reset_logger EY::Backup.logger =, end def stdout EY::Backup.logger.stdout.string end load_spec_config end