# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013, SoundCloud Ltd., Rany Keddo, Tobias Bielohlawek, Tobias # Schmidt require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/unit_helper' require 'lhm/chunk_insert' require 'lhm/connection' describe Lhm::ChunkInsert do before(:each) do ar_connection = mock() ar_connection.stubs(:execute).returns([["dummy"]]) @connection = Lhm::Connection.new(connection: ar_connection, options: {reconnect_with_consistent_host: false}) @origin = Lhm::Table.new('foo') @destination = Lhm::Table.new('bar') end describe "#sql" do describe "when migration has no conditions" do before do @migration = Lhm::Migration.new(@origin, @destination) end it "uses a simple where clause" do assert_equal( Lhm::ChunkInsert.new(@migration, @connection, 1, 2).send(:sql), "insert ignore into `bar` () select from `foo` where `foo`.`id` between 1 and 2" ) end end describe "when migration has a WHERE condition" do before do @migration = Lhm::Migration.new( @origin, @destination, "where foo.created_at > '2013-07-10' or foo.baz = 'quux'" ) end it "combines the clause with the chunking WHERE condition" do assert_equal( Lhm::ChunkInsert.new(@migration, @connection, 1, 2).send(:sql), "insert ignore into `bar` () select from `foo` where (foo.created_at > '2013-07-10' or foo.baz = 'quux') and `foo`.`id` between 1 and 2" ) end end describe "when migration has a WHERE as a proc" do before do @date = Date.today.to_s @migration = Lhm::Migration.new( @origin, @destination, -> { "where foo.created_at > '#{@date}' or foo.baz = 'quux'" } ) end it "combines the clause with the chunking WHERE condition" do assert_equal( Lhm::ChunkInsert.new(@migration, @connection, 1, 2).send(:sql), "insert ignore into `bar` () select from `foo` where (foo.created_at > '#{@date}' or foo.baz = 'quux') and `foo`.`id` between 1 and 2" ) end end end end