require_relative 'helpers/indented_grid' Coprl::Presenters.define(:namespaces) do helpers Demo::Helpers::IndentedGrid attach :top_nav page_title 'Namespaces' do icon 'far fa-object-group' end indented_grid do body 'Presenters support namespaces. The namespace is an optional parameter to the define method:' blank body "`Coprl::Presenters.define(:mypresenter, namespace: :namespace1)` or" attach 'namespace2:alternate_namespacing' body %(When defined in a namespace all other presenters in the same namespace are accessable without scoping the namespace. When accessing a presenter outside your current namespace, simple provide the namespace(s) with `:` as the separator. attach, loads and replaces all accept namespaced presenters:) blank attach 'namespace1:attach_with_namespace' blank body 'Both loads and replaces are namespace aware. To call a presenter in the ame namespace, no scoping is needed. To call a presenter in another namespace, you need to fully qualify it.' button 'Load' do event :click do loads 'namespace1:attach_with_namespace', replaced: 'I was loaded' end end button 'Replace' do event :click do replaces :attach_with_namespace_id, 'namespace1:attach_with_namespace', replaced: 'I was replaced' end end blank attach 'namespace1:namespace2:nested_namespaces' button 'Load' do event :click do loads 'namespace1:namespace2:nested_namespaces', replaced: 'I was loaded' end end button 'Replace' do event :click do replaces :nested_namespaces_id, 'namespace1:namespace2:nested_namespaces', replaced: 'I was replaced' end end blank body %(Routes add the namespace(s) as a prefix: /namespace1/mypresenter) blank overline 'Notes:' attach 'namespace1:namespace2:notes' end attach :code, file: __FILE__ end Coprl::Presenters.define(:attach_with_namespace, namespace: :namespace1) do content id: :attach_with_namespace_id do body "For example: `attach 'namespace1:mypresenter'` to insert/attach a presenter in a different namespace." attach :replaced # Demonstrates calling top level presenters from a namespaced presenter end end Coprl::Presenters.define(:nested_namespaces, namespace: [:namespace1, :namespace2]) do content id: :nested_namespaces_id do body %(Namespaces can be nested two levels deep by passing an array of namespaces: `Coprl::Presenters.define(:mypresenter, namespace: [:foo,:bar])`) attach :replaced # Demonstrates calling top level presenters from a namespaced presenter end end Coprl::Presenters.define(:replaced) do body "#{context[:replaced]}" end Coprl::Presenters.define('namespace2:alternate_namespacing') do body "`Coprl::Presenters.define('namespace1:mypresenter')`" attach :blank_line # demonstrates attaching a presenter in the same namespace mixing alternate naming end Coprl::Presenters.define(:blank_line, namespace: :namespace2) do blank end Coprl::Presenters.define('namespace2:notes', namespace: :namespace1) do body <<~HEREDOC * You can mix the two syntax's. `Coprl::Presenters.define('namespace2:mypresenter', namespace: 'namespace1')` * With this syntax attach/loads and replaces will operate in namespace1, unless fully qualified * Unlike ruby modules you are either inside a namespace and can call presenters without qualification, or you are not and you must fully qualify them. HEREDOC end