## Examples lono import /path/to/file lono import http://url.com/path/to/template.json lono import http://url.com/path/to/template.yml ## Example Output $ lono import https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-templates-us-west-2/EC2InstanceWithSecurityGroupSample.template --name ec2 => Imported CloudFormation template and lono-fied it. Template definition added to app/definitions/base.rb Params file created to config/params/base/ec2.txt Template downloaded to app/templates/ec2.yml => CloudFormation Template Summary: Parameters: Required: KeyName (AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName) Optional: InstanceType (String) Default: t2.small SSHLocation (String) Default: Resources: 1 AWS::EC2::Instance 1 AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup 2 Total Here are contents of the params config/params/base/ec2.txt file: KeyName= #InstanceType= # optional