module WordCountAnalyzer class Counter attr_reader :text, :ellipsis, :hyperlink, :contraction, :hyphenated_word, :date, :number, :numbered_list, :xhtml, :forward_slash, :backslash, :dotted_line, :dashed_line, :underscore, :stray_punctuation, :equal_sign, :tgr def initialize(text:, **args) @text = text @ellipsis = args[:ellipsis] || 'ignore' @hyperlink = args[:hyperlink] || 'count_as_one' @contraction = args[:contraction] || 'count_as_one' @hyphenated_word = args[:hyphenated_word] || 'count_as_one' @date = args[:date] || 'no_special_treatment' @number = args[:number] || 'count' @numbered_list = args[:numbered_list] || 'count' @xhtml = args[:xhtml] || 'remove' @forward_slash = args[:forward_slash] || 'count_as_multiple_except_dates' @backslash = args[:backslash] || 'count_as_one' @dotted_line = args[:dotted_line] || 'ignore' @dashed_line = args[:dashed_line] || 'ignore' @underscore = args[:underscore] || 'ignore' @stray_punctuation = args[:stray_punctuation] || 'ignore' @equal_sign = 'ignore' @tgr = end def count word_count end def pages_count @ellipsis = 'ignore' @hyperlink = 'split_at_period' @contraction = 'count_as_one' @hyphenated_word = 'count_as_multiple' @date = 'no_special_treatment' @number = 'count' @numbered_list = 'ignore' @xhtml = 'keep' @forward_slash = 'count_as_multiple' @backslash = 'count_as_multiple' @dotted_line = 'ignore' @dashed_line = 'ignore' @underscore = 'ignore' @stray_punctuation = 'ignore' @equal_sign = 'break' word_count end def mword_count @ellipsis = 'no_special_treatment' @hyperlink = 'count_as_one' @contraction = 'count_as_one' @hyphenated_word = 'count_as_one' @date = 'no_special_treatment' @number = 'count' @numbered_list = 'count' @xhtml = 'keep' @forward_slash = 'count_as_one' @backslash = 'count_as_one' @dotted_line = 'count' @dashed_line = 'count' @underscore = 'count' @stray_punctuation = 'count' word_count end private def word_count processed_text = process_ellipsis(text) processed_text = process_hyperlink(processed_text) processed_text = process_contraction(processed_text) processed_text = process_date(processed_text) processed_text = process_number(processed_text) processed_text = process_number_list(processed_text) processed_text = process_xhtml(processed_text) processed_text = process_forward_slash(processed_text) processed_text = process_backslash(processed_text) processed_text = process_hyphenated_word(processed_text) processed_text = process_dotted_line(processed_text) processed_text = process_dashed_line(processed_text) processed_text = process_underscore(processed_text) processed_text = process_stray_punctuation(processed_text) processed_text = process_equal_sign(processed_text) if @equal_sign.eql?('break') processed_text.split(/\s+/).reject(&:empty?).size end def process_ellipsis(txt) if ellipsis.eql?('ignore') txt).replace.gsub(/wseword/, '') elsif ellipsis.eql?('no_special_treatment') txt else raise 'The value you specified for ellipsis is not a valid option. Please use either `ignore` or `no_special_treatment`. The default option is `ignore`' end end def process_hyperlink(txt) case when hyperlink.eql?('count_as_one') txt).replace when hyperlink.eql?('split_at_period') txt).replace_split_at_period when hyperlink.eql?('no_special_treatment') txt else raise 'The value you specified for hyperlink is not a valid option. Please use either `count_as_one`, `split_at_period`, or `no_special_treatment`. The default option is `count_as_one`' end end def process_contraction(txt) if contraction.eql?('count_as_one') txt elsif contraction.eql?('count_as_multiple') array = txt.split(/\s+/) { |token, i| token, following_token: array[i +1], tgr: tgr).replace }.join(' ') else raise 'The value you specified for contraction is not a valid option. Please use either `count_as_one` or `count_as_multiple`. The default option is `count_as_one`' end end def process_hyphenated_word(txt) if hyphenated_word.eql?('count_as_one') txt elsif hyphenated_word.eql?('count_as_multiple') txt.split(/\s+/) { |token, i| token).replace }.join(' ') else raise 'The value you specified for hyphenated_word is not a valid option. Please use either `count_as_one` or `count_as_multiple`. The default option is `count_as_one`' end end def process_date(txt) if date.eql?('no_special_treatment') txt elsif date.eql?('count_as_one') txt).replace else raise 'The value you specified for date is not a valid option. Please use either `count_as_one` or `no_special_treatment`. The default option is `no_special_treatment`' end end def process_number(txt) if number.eql?('ignore') txt).replace.gsub(/wsnumword/, '') elsif number.eql?('count') txt else raise 'The value you specified for number is not a valid option. Please use either `ignore` or `count`. The default option is `count`' end end def process_number_list(txt) if numbered_list.eql?('ignore') txt).replace elsif numbered_list.eql?('count') txt else raise 'The value you specified for numbered_list is not a valid option. Please use either `ignore` or `count`. The default option is `count`' end end def process_xhtml(txt) if xhtml.eql?('remove') txt).replace elsif xhtml.eql?('keep') txt else raise 'The value you specified for xhtml is not a valid option. Please use either `remove` or `keep`. The default option is `remove`' end end def process_forward_slash(txt) case when forward_slash.eql?('count_as_multiple') txt, date: date, xhtml: xhtml, hyperlink: hyperlink).replace_forward_slashes when forward_slash.eql?('count_as_multiple_except_dates') txt, date: date, xhtml: xhtml, hyperlink: hyperlink).replace_forward_slashes_except_dates when forward_slash.eql?('count_as_one') txt else raise 'The value you specified for forward_slash is not a valid option. Please use either `count_as_one`, `count_as_multiple` or `count_as_multiple_except_dates`. The default option is `count_as_multiple_except_dates`' end end def process_backslash(txt) if backslash.eql?('count_as_multiple') txt, date: date, xhtml: xhtml, hyperlink: hyperlink).replace_backslashes elsif backslash.eql?('count_as_one') txt else raise 'The value you specified for backslash is not a valid option. Please use either `count_as_one` or `count_as_multiple`. The default option is `count_as_one`' end end def process_dotted_line(txt) if dotted_line.eql?('ignore') txt).replace_dotted_line elsif dotted_line.eql?('count') txt else raise 'The value you specified for dotted_line is not a valid option. Please use either `ignore` or `count`. The default option is `ignore`' end end def process_dashed_line(txt) if dashed_line.eql?('ignore') txt).replace_dashed_line elsif dashed_line.eql?('count') txt else raise 'The value you specified for dashed_line is not a valid option. Please use either `ignore` or `count`. The default option is `ignore`' end end def process_underscore(txt) if underscore.eql?('ignore') txt).replace_underscore elsif underscore.eql?('count') txt else raise 'The value you specified for underscore is not a valid option. Please use either `ignore` or `count`. The default option is `ignore`' end end def process_stray_punctuation(txt) if stray_punctuation.eql?('ignore') txt).replace_stray_punctuation elsif stray_punctuation.eql?('count') txt else raise 'The value you specified for stray_punctuation is not a valid option. Please use either `ignore` or `count`. The default option is `ignore`' end end def process_equal_sign(txt) txt.split('=').join(' ').split(/>(?=[a-zA-z]+)/).join(' ') end end end