module Gumdrop class Content MUNGABLE_RE=<(href|data|src)([\s]*)=([\s]*)('|"|"|"|')?\\/([\\/]?)>, 'i') LAYOUTLESS_EXTS= %w(.css .js .xml) attr_reader :full_path, :path, :params, :site def initialize(path, site, params={}) @site= site @params= params @full_path= path end def slug @slug ||= uri.gsub('/', '-').gsub(ext, '') end def ignored @ignored ||= false end def ignore(state=true) @ignored= state end def generated @generated ||= false end def path @path ||= get_source_path end def level @level ||= (path.split('/').length - 1) end def source_filename @source_filename ||= File.basename @full_path end def filename @filename ||= get_target_filename end def type @type ||= File.extname source_filename end def ext @ext ||= File.extname filename end def uri @uri ||= get_uri end def template @template ||= unless Tilt[@full_path].nil? @full_path else nil end end def template=(t) @template = t end def render(context=nil, ignore_layout=false, reset_context=true, locals={}) context= site.render_context if context.nil? if reset_context default_layout= LAYOUTLESS_EXTS.include?(ext) ? nil : 'site' context.reset_data 'current_depth'=>level, 'current_slug'=>slug, 'page'=>self, 'layout'=>default_layout, 'params'=>params end context.set_content self, locals content= render_all(context) return content if ignore_layout layout= context.get_template() while !layout.nil? content = layout.template.render(context, content:content) { content } layout= context.get_template() end relativize content, context end def renderTo(context, output_path, filters=[], opts={}) return copyTo(output_path, opts) unless useLayout? " rendering: #{uri}", :warning output= render(context) filters.each {|f| output=, self) } output_path, 'w' do |f| f.write output end end # This probably belongs to the BUILD, not here def copyTo(output, layout=nil, opts={}) do_copy= if File.exists? output !FileUtils.identical? @full_path, output else true end if do_copy " copying: #{uri}", :warning FileUtils.cp_r @full_path, output, opts else " (same): #{uri}", :info end end def mtime if File.exists? @full_path else end end def useLayout? !template.nil? end def ignore? ignored end def to_s uri end private def get_source_path path= @full_path.sub site.src_path, '' if path[0] == '/' path[1..-1] else path end end def get_target_filename filename_parts= source_filename.split('.') ext= filename_parts.pop while !Tilt[ext].nil? ext= filename_parts.pop end filename_parts << ext # push the last file ext back on there! filename_parts.join('.') end def render_all(ctx) if generated or !File.exists?(@full_path) content= template.render(ctx) else content= @full_path exts= source_filename.gsub filename, '' exts.split('.').reverse.each do |ext| unless ext.blank? templateClass= Tilt[".#{ext}"] template= do content end content= template.render(ctx) end end end content end def get_uri uri= File.join File.dirname(path), filename if uri.starts_with? './' uri[2..-1] else uri end end def relativize(content, ctx) if site.config.relative_paths and !ctx.force_absolute if site.config.relative_paths_for == :all or site.config.relative_paths_for.include?(ext) path_to_root= ctx.path_to_root content.force_encoding("UTF-8") if content.respond_to? :force_encoding content = content.gsub MUNGABLE_RE do |match| if $5 == '/' "#{ $1 }#{ $2 }=#{ $3 }#{ $4 }/" else "#{ $1 }#{ $2 }=#{ $3 }#{ $4 }#{ path_to_root }" end end end end content end end end