require "loggable" require 'active_support' require 'active_fedora/solr_service' require 'active_fedora/rubydora_connection' require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute' require 'active_support/core_ext/object' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID = ActiveFedora::SolrService.id_field unless defined?(SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID) ENABLE_SOLR_UPDATES = true unless defined?(ENABLE_SOLR_UPDATES) module ActiveFedora #:nodoc: extend ActiveSupport::Autoload class ObjectNotFoundError < RuntimeError; end # :nodoc: class PredicateMappingsNotFoundError < RuntimeError; end # :nodoc: class UnknownAttributeError < NoMethodError; end; # :nodoc: class ConfigurationError < RuntimeError; end # :nodoc: class AssociationTypeMismatch < RuntimeError; end # :nodoc: class UnregisteredPredicateError < RuntimeError; end eager_autoload do autoload :Associations autoload :AttributeMethods autoload :Base autoload :ContentModel autoload :Callbacks autoload :Config autoload :Reflection autoload :Relationships autoload :FileManagement autoload :RelationshipGraph autoload :Datastream autoload :Datastreams autoload :Delegating autoload :DigitalObject autoload :UnsavedDigitalObject autoload :SolrDigitalObject autoload :Model autoload :MetadataDatastream autoload :MetadataDatastreamHelper autoload :NokogiriDatastream autoload :NtriplesRDFDatastream autoload :Property autoload :Persistence autoload :QualifiedDublinCoreDatastream autoload :RDFDatastream autoload :RelsExtDatastream autoload :ServiceDefinitions autoload :SemanticNode autoload :NestedAttributes autoload :FixtureLoader autoload :FixtureExporter autoload :DatastreamCollections autoload :NamedRelationships autoload :Predicates autoload :Validations end include Loggable class << self attr_accessor :solr_config, :fedora_config, :config_env, :solr_config_path attr_reader :config_options end # The configuration hash that gets used by RSolr.connect @solr_config ||= {} @fedora_config ||= {} @config_options ||= {} # Initializes ActiveFedora's connection to Fedora and Solr based on the info in fedora.yml and solr.yml # NOTE: this deprecates the use of a solr url in the fedora.yml # # # If Rails.env is set, it will use that environment. Defaults to "development". # @param [Hash] options (optional) a list of options for the configuration of active_fedora # @option options [String] :environment The environment within which to run # @option options [String] :fedora_config_path The full path to the fedora.yml config file. # @option options [String] :solr_config_path The full path to the solr.yml config file. # # If :environment is not set, order of preference is # 1. Rails.env # 2. ENV['environment'] # 3. RAILS_ENV # # If :fedora_config_path is not set, it will look in # 1. +Rails.root+/config # 2. +current working directory+/config # 3. (default) the fedora.yml shipped with gem # # If :solr_config_path is not set, it will # 1. look in config_options[:fedora_config_path]. If it finds a solr.yml there, it will use it. # 2. If it does not find a solr.yml and the fedora.yml contains a solr url, it will raise an configuration error # 3. If it does not find a solr.yml and the fedora.yml does not contain a solr url, it will look in: +Rails.root+/config, +current working directory+/config, then the solr.yml shipped with gem # Options allowed in fedora.yml # first level is the environment (e.g. development, test, production and any custom environments you may have) # the second level has these keys: # 1. url: url including protocol, host, port and path (e.g. # 2. user: username # 3. password: password # 4. validateChecksum: indicates to the fedora server whether you want to validate checksums when the datastreams are queried. # # @example If you want to shard the fedora instance, you can specify an array of credentials. # production: # - user: user1 # password: password1 # url: # - user: user2 # password: password2 # url: # def self.init( options={} ) # Make config_options into a Hash if nil is passed in as the value options = {} if options.nil? # For backwards compatibility, handle cases where config_path (a String) is passed in as the argument rather than a config_options hash # In all other cases, set config_path to config_options[:config_path], which is ok if it's nil if options.is_a? String raise ArgumentError, "Calling ActiveFedora.init with a path as an argument has been removed. Use ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path=>#{options})" else @config_options = options end config_reload! end def self.config_reload! reset! load_configs end def self.config load_configs @fedora_config end def self.reset! @config_loaded = false #Force reload of configs @predicate_config_path = nil end def self.config_loaded? @config_loaded || false end def self.load_configs return if config_loaded? @config_env = environment @fedora_config =, @config_env) load_config(:solr) @config_loaded = true end def self.load_config(config_type) config_path = get_config_path(config_type) config_type = config_type.to_s self.instance_variable_set "@#{config_type}_config_path".to_sym, config_path config_path = self.send("#{config_type}_config_path".to_sym)"#{config_type.upcase}: loading ActiveFedora.#{config_type}_config from #{File.expand_path(config_path)}") config = YAML.load( raise "The #{@config_env.to_sym} environment settings were not found in the #{config_type}.yml config. If you already have a #{config_type}.yml file defined, make sure it defines settings for the #{@config_env} environment" unless config[@config_env.to_sym] config[:url] = determine_url(config_type,config) self.instance_variable_set("@#{config_type}_config", config) config end def self.config_for_environment ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("config_for_environment has been deprecated use `config' instead") config end # Determines and sets the fedora_config[:url] or solr_config[:url] # @param [String] config_type Either 'fedora' or 'solr' # @param [Hash] config The config hash # @return [String] the solr or fedora url def self.determine_url(config_type,config) c = config[environment.to_sym] c.symbolize_keys! if config_type == "fedora" url = c[:url] if url && !c[:user] u = URI.parse url c[:user] = u.user c[:password] = u.password c[:url] = "#{u.scheme}://#{}:#{u.port}#{u.path}" url = c[:url] end return url else return get_solr_url(c) if config_type == "solr" end end # Given the solr_config that's been loaded for this environment, # determine which solr url to use def self.get_solr_url(solr_config) if @index_full_text == true && solr_config.has_key?(:fulltext) && solr_config[:fulltext].has_key?('url') return solr_config[:fulltext]['url'] elsif solr_config.has_key?(:default) && solr_config[:default].has_key?('url') return solr_config[:default]['url'] elsif solr_config.has_key?('url') return solr_config['url'] elsif solr_config.has_key?(:url) return solr_config[:url] else raise URI::InvalidURIError end end # Determine what environment we're running in. Order of preference is: # 1. config_options[:environment] # 2. Rails.env # 3. ENV['environment'] # 4. ENV['RAILS_ENV'] # 5. development # @return [String] # @example # ActiveFedora.init(:environment=>"test") # ActiveFedora.environment => "test" def self.environment if config_options.fetch(:environment,nil) return config_options[:environment] elsif defined?(Rails.env) and !Rails.env.nil? return Rails.env.to_s elsif defined?(ENV['environment']) and !(ENV['environment'].nil?) return ENV['environment'] elsif defined?(ENV['RAILS_ENV']) and !(ENV['RAILS_ENV'].nil?) logger.warn("You're depending on RAILS_ENV for setting your environment. This is deprecated in Rails3. Please use ENV['environment'] for non-rails environment setting: 'rake foo:bar environment=test'") ENV['environment'] = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] return ENV['environment'] else ENV['environment'] = 'development' #raise "Can't determine what environment to run in!" end end # Determine the fedora config file to use. Order of preference is: # 1. Use the config_options[:config_path] if it exists # 2. Look in +Rails.root+/config/fedora.yml # 3. Look in +current working directory+/config/fedora.yml # 4. Load the default config that ships with this gem # @param [String] config_type Either ‘fedora’ or ‘solr’ # @return [String] def self.get_config_path(config_type) config_type = config_type.to_s if (config_path = config_options.fetch("#{config_type}_config_path".to_sym,nil) ) raise ConfigurationError, "file does not exist #{config_path}" unless File.file? config_path return File.expand_path(config_path) end # if solr, attempt to use path where fedora.yml is first if config_type == "solr" && (config_path = check_fedora_path_for_solr) return config_path end if defined?(Rails.root) config_path = "#{Rails.root}/config/#{config_type}.yml" return config_path if File.file? config_path end if File.file? "#{Dir.getwd}/config/#{config_type}.yml" return "#{Dir.getwd}/config/#{config_type}.yml" end # Last choice, check for the default config file config_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "config", "#{config_type}.yml")) logger.warn "Using the default #{config_type}.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to #{config_type}.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:#{config_type}_config_path => '/path/to/#{config_type}.yml) - or set Rails.root and put #{config_type}.yml into \#{Rails.root}/config." return config_path if File.file? config_path raise ConfigurationError "Couldn't load #{config_type} config file!" end # Checks the existing fedora_config.path to see if there is a solr.yml there def self.check_fedora_path_for_solr path = @fedora_config.path.split('/')[0..-2].join('/') + "/solr.yml" if File.file? path return path else return nil end end def self.solr ActiveFedora::SolrService.instance end def self.fedora ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("ActiveFedora.fedora() is deprecated and will be removed in the next release use ActiveFedora::Base.connection_for_pid(pid) instead") ActiveFedora::Base.connection_for_pid('0') end def self.predicate_config @predicate_config_path ||= build_predicate_config_path(File.dirname(@fedora_config.path)) end def self.version ActiveFedora::VERSION end protected def self.build_predicate_config_path(config_path=nil) pred_config_paths = [File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","config"))] pred_config_paths.unshift config_path if config_path pred_config_paths.each do |path| testfile = File.expand_path(File.join(path,"predicate_mappings.yml")) if File.exist?(testfile) && valid_predicate_mapping?(testfile) return testfile end end raise PredicateMappingsNotFoundError #"Could not find predicate_mappings.yml in these locations: #{pred_config_paths.join("; ")}." unless @predicate_config_path end def self.valid_predicate_mapping?(testfile) mapping = YAML::load( return false unless mapping.has_key?(:default_namespace) && mapping[:default_namespace].is_a?(String) return false unless mapping.has_key?(:predicate_mapping) && mapping[:predicate_mapping].is_a?(Hash) true end end load File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"tasks/active_fedora.rake") if defined?(Rake)