module Borutus # The Equity class is an account type used to represents owners rights to the assets. # # === Normal Balance # The normal balance on Equity accounts is a *Credit*. # # @see Equity # # @author Michael Bulat class Equity < ::Borutus::Account self.normal_credit_balance = true # The balance of the account. # # Equity accounts have normal credit balances, so the debits are subtracted from the credits # unless this is a contra account, in which credits are subtracted from debits # # Takes an optional hash specifying :from_date and :to_date for calculating balances during periods. # :from_date and :to_date may be strings of the form "yyyy-mm-dd" or Ruby Date objects # # @example # >> equity.balance({:from_date => "2000-01-01", :to_date =>}) # => # # # @example # >> equity.balance # => # # # @return [BigDecimal] The decimal value balance def balance(options={}) super end # This class method is used to return # the balance of all Equity accounts. # # Contra accounts are automatically subtracted from the balance. # # Takes an optional hash specifying :from_date and :to_date for calculating balances during periods. # :from_date and :to_date may be strings of the form "yyyy-mm-dd" or Ruby Date objects # # @example # >> Borutus::Equity.balance({:from_date => "2000-01-01", :to_date =>}) # => # # # @example # >> Borutus::Equity.balance # => # # # @return [BigDecimal] The decimal value balance def self.balance(options={}) super end end end