require 'spec_helper' describe SocialProfile::Providers::Twitter do it "should be a Module" do SocialProfile::Providers.should be_a(Module) end context "twitter" do before(:each) do hash = {"provider" => "twitter","uid" => "123456","info" => {"nickname" => "johnqpublic","name" => "John Q Public","location" => "Anytown, USA","image" => "","description" => "a very normal guy.","urls" => {"Website" => nil,"Twitter" => ""}},"credentials" => {"token" => "a1b2c3d4...", "secret" => "abcdef1234"},"extra" => {"access_token" => "", "raw_info" => {"name" => "John Q Public","listed_count" => 0,"profile_sidebar_border_color" => "181A1E","url" => nil,"lang" => "en","statuses_count" => 129,"profile_image_url" => "","profile_background_image_url_https" => "","location" => "Anytown, USA","time_zone" => "Chicago","follow_request_sent" => false,"id" => 123456,"profile_background_tile" => true,"profile_sidebar_fill_color" => "666666","followers_count" => 1,"default_profile_image" => false,"screen_name" => "","following" => false,"utc_offset" => -3600,"verified" => false,"favourites_count" => 0,"profile_background_color" => "1A1B1F","is_translator" => false,"friends_count" => 1,"notifications" => false,"geo_enabled" => true,"profile_background_image_url" => "","protected" => false,"description" => "a very normal guy.","profile_link_color" => "2FC2EF","created_at" => "Thu Jul 4 00:00:00 +0000 2013","id_str" => "123456","profile_image_url_https" => "","default_profile" => false,"profile_use_background_image" => false,"entities" => {"description" => {"urls" => []}},"profile_text_color" => "666666","contributors_enabled" => false}}} @profile = SocialProfile.get(hash) end it "should be a twitter profile" do @profile.should be_a(SocialProfile::Providers::Twitter) end it "should parse profile" do == "John Q Public" @profile.friends_count.should == 1 end end end