require 'spec/spec_helper' describe ThinkingSphinx::Configuration do describe "environment class method" do before :each do ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.send(:class_variable_set, :@@environment, nil) ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = nil ENV["MERB_ENV"] = nil end it "should use the Merb environment value if set" do unless defined?(Merb) module Merb; end end ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.stub_method(:defined? => true) ENV["MERB_ENV"] = "merb_production" ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.environment.should == "merb_production" Object.send(:remove_const, :Merb) end it "should use the Rails environment value if set" do ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "rails_production" ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.environment.should == "rails_production" end it "should default to development" do ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.environment.should == "development" end end describe "environment instance method" do it "should return the class method" do ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.stub_method(:environment => "spec") == "spec" ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.should have_received(:environment) end end describe "build method" do before :each do @config = @config.stub_methods( :load_models => "", :core_index_for_model => "", :delta_index_for_model => "", :distributed_index_for_model => "", :create_array_accum => true ) ThinkingSphinx.stub_method :indexed_models => ["Person", "Friendship"] YAML.stub_method(:load => { :development => { "option" => "value" } }) @person_index_a = ThinkingSphinx::Index.stub_instance( :to_config => "", :adapter => :mysql, :delta? => false, :name => "person" ) @person_index_b = ThinkingSphinx::Index.stub_instance( :to_config => "", :adapter => :mysql, :delta? => false, :name => "person" ) @friendship_index_a = ThinkingSphinx::Index.stub_instance( :to_config => "", :adapter => :mysql, :delta? => false, :name => "friendship" ) Person.stub_method(:indexes => [@person_index_a, @person_index_b]) Friendship.stub_method(:indexes => [@friendship_index_a]) FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{@config.app_root}/config" FileUtils.touch "#{@config.app_root}/config/database.yml" end after :each do ThinkingSphinx.unstub_method :indexed_models YAML.unstub_method :load Person.unstub_method :indexes Friendship.unstub_method :indexes FileUtils.rm_rf "#{@config.app_root}/config" end it "should load the models" do @config.should have_received(:load_models) end it "should load in the database YAML configuration" do YAML.should have_received(:load) end it "should set the mem limit based on the configuration" do file = open(@config.config_file) { |f| } file.should match(/mem_limit\s+= #{@config.mem_limit}/) end it "should use the configuration port" do file = open(@config.config_file) { |f| } file.should match(/port\s+= #{@config.port}/) end it "should use the configuration's log file locations" do file = open(@config.config_file) { |f| } file.should match(/log\s+= #{@config.searchd_log_file}/) file.should match(/query_log\s+= #{@config.query_log_file}/) end it "should use the configuration's pid file location" do file = open(@config.config_file) { |f| } file.should match(/pid_file\s+= #{@config.pid_file}/) end it "should set max matches from configuration" do file = open(@config.config_file) { |f| } file.should match(/max_matches\s+= #{@config.max_matches}/) end it "should request configuration for each index for each model" do @person_index_a.should have_received(:to_config).with( 0, {:option => "value"}, @config.charset_type ) @person_index_b.should have_received(:to_config).with( 1, {:option => "value"}, @config.charset_type ) @friendship_index_a.should have_received(:to_config).with( 0, {:option => "value"}, @config.charset_type ) end it "should call create_array_accum if any index uses postgres" do @person_index_a.stub_method(:adapter => :postgres) @config.should have_received(:create_array_accum) end it "should not call create_array_accum if no index uses postgres" do @config.should_not have_received(:create_array_accum) end it "should call core_index_for_model for each model" do @config.should have_received(:core_index_for_model).with( Person, "source = person_0_core\nsource = person_1_core" ) @config.should have_received(:core_index_for_model).with( Friendship, "source = friendship_0_core" ) end it "should call delta_index_for_model for each model if any index has a delta" do @person_index_b.stub_method(:delta? => true) @config.should have_received(:delta_index_for_model).with( Person, "source = person_1_delta" ) end it "should not call delta_index_for_model for each model if no indexes have deltas" do @config.should_not have_received(:delta_index_for_model) end it "should call distributed_index_for_model for each model" do @config.should have_received(:distributed_index_for_model).with(Person) @config.should have_received(:distributed_index_for_model).with(Friendship) end end describe "load_models method" do it "should have some specs" end describe "parse_config method" do before :each do @settings = { "development" => { "config_file" => "my_conf_file.conf", "searchd_log_file" => "searchd_log_file.log", "query_log_file" => "query_log_file.log", "pid_file" => "", "searchd_file_path" => "searchd/file/path", "address" => "", "port" => 3333, "allow_star" => true, "min_prefix_len" => 2, "min_infix_len" => 3, "mem_limit" => "128M", "max_matches" => 1001, "morphology" => "stem_ru", "charset_type" => "latin1", "charset_table" => "table", "ignore_chars" => "e" } } # puts YAML.dump(settings) open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/sphinx.yml", "w") do |f| f.write YAML.dump(@settings) end end it "should use the accessors to set the configuration values" do config = @settings["development"].each do |key, value| config.send(key).should == value end end end describe "core_index_for_model method" do before :each do @config = @model = Class.stub_instance( :indexes => [] ) end it "should take its name from the model, with _core appended" do @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should match( /index person_core/ ) end it "should set the path to follow the name" do @config.searchd_file_path = "/my/file/path" @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should match( /path = \/my\/file\/path\/person_core/ ) end it "should include the charset type setting" do @config.charset_type = "specchars" @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should match( /charset_type = specchars/ ) end it "should include the morphology setting if it isn't blank" do @config.morphology = "morph" @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should match( /morphology\s+= morph/ ) end it "should not include the morphology setting if it is blank" do @config.morphology = nil @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should_not match( /morphology\s+=/ ) @config.morphology = "" @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should_not match( /morphology\s+=/ ) end it "should include the charset_table value if it isn't nil" do @config.charset_table = "table_chars" @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should match( /charset_table\s+= table_chars/ ) end it "should not set the charset_table value if it is nil" do @config.charset_table = nil @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should_not match( /charset_table\s+=/ ) end it "should set the ignore_chars value if it isn't nil" do @config.ignore_chars = "ignorable" @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should match( /ignore_chars\s+= ignorable/ ) end it "should not set the ignore_chars value if it is nil" do @config.ignore_chars = nil @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should_not match( /ignore_chars\s+=/ ) end it "should include the star-related settings when allow_star is true" do @config.allow_star = true text = @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources") text.should match(/enable_star\s+= 1/) text.should match(/min_prefix_len\s+= 1/) text.should match(/min_infix_len\s+= 1/) end it "should use the configuration's infix and prefix length values if set" do @config.allow_star = true @config.min_prefix_len = 3 @config.min_infix_len = 2 text = @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources") text.should match(/min_prefix_len\s+= 3/) text.should match(/min_infix_len\s+= 2/) end it "should not include the star-related settings when allow_star is false" do @config.allow_star = false text = @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources") text.should_not match(/enable_star\s+=/) text.should_not match(/min_prefix_len\s+=/) text.should_not match(/min_infix_len\s+=/) end it "should set prefix_fields if any fields are flagged explicitly" do @model.indexes.first.stub_methods( :prefix_fields => ["a", "b", "c"], :infix_fields => ["d", "e", "f"] ) @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should match( /prefix_fields\s+= a, b, c/ ) end it "shouldn't set prefix_fields if none are flagged explicitly" do @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should_not match( /prefix_fields\s+=/ ) end it "should set infix_fields if any fields are flagged explicitly" do @model.indexes.first.stub_methods( :prefix_fields => ["a", "b", "c"], :infix_fields => ["d", "e", "f"] ) @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should match( /infix_fields\s+= d, e, f/ ) end it "shouldn't set infix_fields if none are flagged explicitly" do @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources").should_not match( /infix_fields\s+=/ ) end it "should include html_strip if value is set" do @config.html_strip = 1 text = @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources") text.should match(/html_strip\s+= 1/) end it "shouldn't include html_strip if value is not set" do text = @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources") text.should_not match(/html_strip/) end it "should include html_remove_elements if values are set" do @config.html_remove_elements = 'script' text = @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources") text.should match(/html_remove_elements\s+= script/) end it "shouldn't include html_remove_elements if no values are set" do text = @config.send(:core_index_for_model, @model, "my sources") text.should_not match(/html_remove_elements/) end end describe "delta_index_for_model method" do before :each do @config = @model = Class.stub_instance( :indexes => [] ) end it "should take its name from the model, with _delta appended" do @config.send(:delta_index_for_model, @model, "delta_sources").should match( /index person_delta/ ) end it "should inherit from the equivalent core index" do @config.send(:delta_index_for_model, @model, "delta_sources").should match( /index person_delta : person_core/ ) end it "should set the path to follow the name" do @config.searchd_file_path = "/my/file/path" @config.send(:delta_index_for_model, @model, "delta_sources").should match( /path = \/my\/file\/path\/person_delta/ ) end end describe "distributed_index_for_model method" do before :each do @config = @model = Class.stub_instance( :indexes => [] ) end it "should take its name from the model" do @config.send(:distributed_index_for_model, @model).should match( /index person/ ) end it "should have a type of distributed" do @config.send(:distributed_index_for_model, @model).should match( /type = distributed/ ) end it "should include the core as a local source" do @config.send(:distributed_index_for_model, @model).should match( /local = person_core/ ) end it "should only include the delta as a local source if an index is flagged to be delta" do @config.send(:distributed_index_for_model, @model).should_not match( /local = person_delta/ ) @model.indexes.first.stub_method(:delta? => true) @config.send(:distributed_index_for_model, @model).should match( /local = person_delta/ ) end it "should handle namespaced models correctly" do Person.stub_method(:name => "Namespaced::Model") @config.send(:distributed_index_for_model, @model).should match( /index namespaced_model/ ) end end describe "create_array_accum method" do it "should create the array_accum method on PostgreSQL" end end