= rufus-json One interface for various JSON Ruby backends. # load your favourite JSON backend require 'yajl' #require 'json' #require 'active_support' p Rufus::Json.decode('{"a":2,"b":true}') # => { 'a' => 2, 'b' => true } p Rufus::Json.encode({ 'a' => 2, 'b' => true }) # => '{"a":2,"b":true}' If multiple libs are present, it will favour yajl-ruby and json, and then active_support. It's OK to force a backend. Rufus::Json.backend = :yajl #Rufus::Json.backend = :json #Rufus::Json.backend = :active To know if there is currently a backend set : Rufus::Json.has_backend? It's OK to load a lib and force detection : require 'json' Rufus::Json.detect_backend p Rufus::Json.backend # => :json There is a dup method, it may be useful in an all JSON system (flattening stuff that will anyway get flattened later). o = Rufus::Json.dup(o) == rdoc http://rufus.rubyforge.org/rufus-json/ == mailing list On the rufus-ruby list : http://groups.google.com/group/rufus-ruby == issue tracker http://github.com/jmettraux/rufus-json/issues == irc irc.freenode.net #ruote == the rest of Rufus http://rufus.rubyforge.org == authors * John Mettraux, http://jmettraux.wordpress.com/ == license MIT