class Hornsby @@delete_sql = "DELETE FROM %s" def self.framework_root RAILS_ROOT rescue Rails.root rescue Merb.root rescue '' end cattr_reader :scenarios @@scenarios = {} @@executed_scenarios = cattr_reader :global_scenarios # @@namespaces = {} def self.configure_rspec(config, options = {}) load(options[:filename]) @@global_scenarios =[:scenarios]) if options[:scenarios] config.include(HornsbySpecHelper) config.before do @@executed_scenarios = {|s| s.scenario }) @@global_scenarios.each {|s| s.copy_ivars(self, true)} if @@global_scenarios ActiveRecord::Base.connection.increment_open_transactions ActiveRecord::Base.connection.transaction_joinable = false ActiveRecord::Base.connection.begin_db_transaction end config.after do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.rollback_db_transaction ActiveRecord::Base.connection.decrement_open_transactions end end def*names) scenarios = {|name| @@scenarios[name.to_sym] or raise "scenario #{name} not found"} scenarios.each {|s|} end def self.[](name) end def self.load(scenarios_file=nil) return unless @@scenarios.empty? delete_tables scenarios_file ||= framework_root + '/spec/hornsby_scenarios.rb' self.module_eval end def self.scenario(scenario, &block), &block) end def self.namespace(name, &block) end def self.reset! @@scenarios = {} end def self.delete_tables tables.each { |t| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.delete(@@delete_sql % t) } end def self.tables ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables - skip_tables end def self.skip_tables %w( schema_info ) end attr_reader :scenario def initialize(scenario, &block) case scenario when Hash parents = scenario.values.first @parents = Array === parents ? parents : [parents] scenario = scenario.keys.first when Symbol, String @parents = [] else raise "I don't know how to build `#{scenario.inspect}'" end @scenario = scenario.to_sym @block = block @@scenarios[@scenario] = self end def say(*messages) puts { |message| "=> #{message}" } end def build @context = context = # TODO move this elsewhere context.module_exec do def self.method_missing(meth_id, *args, &block) begin rec = meth_id.to_s.classify.constantize.send(:create!, *args) yield(rec) if block_given? rescue super end end end ivars = context.instance_variables build_parent_scenarios(context) build_scenario(context) @context_ivars = context.instance_variables - ivars self end def build_scenario(context) surface_errors { context.module_eval(&@block) } unless @@executed_scenarios.include?(@scenario) @@executed_scenarios << @scenario end def build_parent_scenarios(context) @parents.each do |p| parent = self.class.scenarios[p] or raise "parent scenario [#{p}] not found!" parent.build_parent_scenarios(context) parent.build_scenario(context) end end def surface_errors yield rescue StandardError => error puts say "There was an error building scenario `#{@scenario}'", error.inspect puts puts error.backtrace puts raise error end def copy_ivars(to, reload = false) @context_ivars.each do |iv| v = @context.instance_variable_get(iv) v.reload if reload and v.respond_to?(:reload) to.instance_variable_set(iv, v) end end end module HornsbySpecHelper def hornsby_scenario(*names)*names).each {|s| s.copy_ivars(self)} end end