# lib/gemwarrior/misc/audio.rb # Audio cues using either synth or samples # Synth: win32-sound, feep, or bloopsaphone depending on platform/choice # Samples: small wav files require_relative '../game_options' module Gemwarrior module Audio # CONSTANTS ERROR_SOUND_NOT_ENABLED = 'Sound is disabled! Enable in main options to hear sound.' def self.init if GameOptions.data['sound_system'].eql?('win32-sound') begin require 'win32/sound' rescue GameOptions.data['errors'] = "#{GameOptions.data['sound_system']} could not be loaded. You may need to run 'gem install #{GameOptions.data['sound_system']}'. Silence for now." end elsif GameOptions.data['sound_system'].eql?('feep') begin require 'feep' rescue GameOptions.data['errors'] = "#{GameOptions.data['sound_system']} could not be loaded. You may need to run 'gem install #{GameOptions.data['sound_system']}'. Silence for now." end elsif GameOptions.data['sound_system'].eql?('bloops') begin require 'bloops' rescue GameOptions.data['errors'] = "#{GameOptions.data['sound_system']} could not be loaded. You may need to run 'gem install #{GameOptions.data['sound_system']}aphone'. Silence for now." end else GameOptions.data['errors'] = "'#{GameOptions.data['sound_system']}' is not a valid sound system. Audio subsystem load failed." end end def self.get_cues if GameOptions.data['sound_enabled'] case GameOptions.data['sound_system'] when 'win32-sound', 'feep' require_relative 'audio_cues' AudioCues.cues when 'bloops' require_relative 'bloops_cues' BloopsCues.cues end end end def self.play_synth(audio_cue_symbol) if GameOptions.data['sound_enabled'] case GameOptions.data['sound_system'] when 'win32-sound' require_relative 'audio_cues' require_relative 'musical_notes' if AudioCues.cues[audio_cue_symbol] Thread.start do AudioCues.cues[audio_cue_symbol][:synth].each do |seq| threads = [] seq[:frequencies].split(',').each do |note| threads << Thread.new do Win32::Sound::play_freq(Notes::NOTE_FREQ[note], seq[:duration], GameOptions.data['sound_volume']) end end threads.each { |th| th.join } end end end when 'feep' require_relative 'audio_cues' feep_defaults = { frequencies: '440', waveform: 'sine', volume: GameOptions.data['sound_volume'], duration: 500, notext: true } if AudioCues.cues[audio_cue_symbol] Thread.start do AudioCues.cues[audio_cue_symbol][:synth].each do |seq| seq = feep_defaults.merge(seq) Feep::Base.new({ freq_or_note: seq[:frequencies], waveform: seq[:waveform], volume: seq[:volume], duration: seq[:duration], notext: seq[:notext] }) end end end when 'bloops' require_relative 'bloops_cues' if BloopsCues.cues[audio_cue_symbol] Thread.start do BloopsCues.cues[audio_cue_symbol][:synth].each do |seq| threads = [] seq.each do |note| threads << Thread.new do b = Bloops.new b.tempo = 240 snd = b.sound Bloops::SQUARE snd.punch = GameOptions.data['sound_volume']/2 snd.sustain = 0.7 snd.decay = 0.2 b.tune snd, note[1] b.play sleep 0.1 while !b.stopped? end end threads.each { |th| th.join } end end end end else GameOptions.data['errors'] = ERROR_SOUND_NOT_ENABLED end end def self.play_sample(audio_cue_symbol) # future use end end end