# = uploadutils.rb # # TODO Incorporate password into scp and ftp ? # # TODO rsync needs --delete option #++ require 'openssl' require 'shellwords' require 'tmpdir' #require 'net/smtp' # UPLOAD FILES TO A HOST # # Upload files to host. These means of uploading are current # supported: ftp, sftp, scp and rsync. # # user Username for host. # host Host server's domain name. # root Document root path on host. # copy Directory of files to publish, or # Files to publish using from and to. # # dryrun If true only pretend to upload. # quiet Supress all output. # verbose Provide extra details. # # The copy parameter allows you to simply specify a file # or directory which will be published to host's document # root location. # # If you need more control over which files to publish # where, you can use the copy parameter instead. Provide # an array of pattern strings in the form of "{from} {to}". # If the desitination is the host's document root you do # not need to specify the {to} part. For example: # # copy = [ 'web/*', 'doc/api/* doc/api' ] # # The first copies the files under your project's web directory # to the host's document root. The second copies your projects # doc/api files to the doc/api location on the host. # # The internal template used for the outbound destination # is 'username@host:root/'. module UploadUtils module_function # # Upload via given protocol. # def upload( protocol, opts ) send(protocol.to_s.downcase,opts) end # # Use ftp to upload files. # def ftp( keys ) keys = keys.to_openhash # set transfer rules if keys.stage trans = stage_transfer(keys.stage) else files(keys.dir, keys.copy).each do |from| trans << [from,from] end end # append location of publication dir to from dir = keys.dir trans.collect!{ |from,to| [File.join(dir,from), to] } if keys.dryrun puts "ftp open #{keys.user}@#{keys.host}:#{keys.root}/" keys.trans.each do |f, t| puts "ftp put #{f} #{t}" end else require 'net/ftp' Net::FTP.open(keys.host) do |ftp| ftp.login(keys.user) #password? ftp.chdir(keys.root) keys.trans.each do |f, t| puts "ftp #{f} #{t}" unless keys.quiet ftp.putbinaryfile( f, t, 1024 ) end end end end # # Use sftp to upload files. # def sftp( keys ) keys = keys.to_openobject # set transfer rules if keys.stage trans = stage_transfer(keys.stage) else files(keys.dir, keys.copy).each do |from| trans << [from,from] end end # append location of publication dir to from dir = keys.dir trans.collect!{ |from,to| [File.join(dir,from), to] } if keys.dryrun puts "sftp open #{keys.user}@#{keys.host}:#{keys.root}/" keys.trans.each do |f,t| puts "sftp put #{f} #{t}" end else require 'net/sftp' Net::SFTP.start(keys.host, keys.user, keys.pass) do |sftp| #sftp.login( user ) sftp.chdir(keys.root) keys.trans.each do |f,t| puts "sftp #{f} #{t}" unless keys.quiet sftp.put_file(f,t) #, 1024 ) end end end end # # Use rsync to upload files. # def rsync( keys ) keys = keys.to_openobject flags = [] flags << "-n" if keys.dryrun flags << "-q" if keys.quiet flags << "-v" if keys.verbose flags << "--progress" unless keys.quiet flags = flags.join(' ').strip flags = ' ' + flags unless flags.empty? manfile = '.publish.mainfest' if keys.stage dir = stage_linkdir(keys.dir, keys.stage) Dir.chdir(dir) do cpy = files(keys.copy) end manifest = File.join(dir,manfile) cmd = %{rsync#{flags} -L -arz --files-from='#{manifest}' #{dir} #{keys.user}@#{keys.host}:/#{keys.root}} else dir = keys.dir cpy = files(dir, keys.copy) manifest = File.join(dir,manfile) cmd = %{rsync#{flags} -arz --files-from='#{manifest}' #{dir} #{keys.user}@#{keys.host}:/#{keys.root}} end #Dir.chdir(keys.dir) do begin File.open(manifest, 'w'){ |f| f << cpy.join("\n") } ENV['RSYNC_PASSWORD'] = keys.pass if keys.pass puts cmd unless keys.quiet system cmd ensure ENV.delete('RSYNC_PASSWORD') if keys.pass end #end end # private (can't do b/c of module_function) # parse publishing options. def upload_parameters( keys ) keys = OpenObject.new(keys) keys.copy = keys.copy || '**/*' keys.host = keys.host || keys.domain keys.user = keys.user || keys.username keys.root = keys.root || '/' #keys.pass = keys.pass || keys.password # validate raise ArgumentError, "missing publish parameter -- host" unless keys.host raise ArgumentError, "missing publish parameter -- user" unless keys.user raise ArgumentError, "missing publish parameter -- copy" unless keys.copy #raise ArgumentError, "missing publish parameter -- root" unless keys.root #keys.root = '' if keys.root.nil? #keys.root = keys.root[1..-1] if keys.root[0,1] == '/' keys.root = '' if opts.root.nil? keys.root.sub!(/^\//,'') if String===keys.copy and File.directory?(keys.copy) copy = File.join(keys.copy, '*') end keys.copy = [keys.copy].flatten.compact # trans = [] # keys.copy.each do |from| # #from, to = *Shellwords.shellwords(c) # #to = from if to.nil? # #to = to[1..-1] if to[0,1] == '/' # from.sub('*','**/*') unless from =~ /\*\*/ # files = Dir.glob(from) # files.each do |f| # #t = File.join(to,File.basename(f)) # #t = t[1..-1] if t[0,1] == '/' # trans << [f,f] # end # end # keys.trans = trans return keys end # Put together the list of files to copy. def files( dir, copy ) Dir.chdir(dir) do del, add = copy.partition{ |f| /^[-]/ =~ f } # remove - and + prefixes del.collect!{ |f| f.sub(/^[-]/,'') } add.collect!{ |f| f.sub(/^[+]/,'') } del.concat(must_exclude) files = [] add.each{ |g| files += Dir.multiglob_recurse(g) } del.each{ |g| files -= Dir.multiglob_recurse(g) } files.collect!{ |f| f.sub(/^\//,'') } return files end end # Combine three part stage list into a two part from->to list. # # Using the stage list of three space separated fields. # # fromdir file todir # # This is used to generate a from -> to list of the form: # # fromdir/file todir/file # def stage_transfer( list ) trans = [] list.each do |line| trans << Shellwords.shellwords(line) end trans.collect! do |from, base, to| file = File.join(from,base) to = File.join(to,base) [from, to] end end # When using stage options this will create temporary linked location. def stage_linkdir( dir, list ) folder = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'ratchets', 'project', object_id.abs.to_s) FileUtils.mkdir_p(folder) Dir.chdir(dir) do stage_transfer(list).each do |file, to| link = File.join(folder,to) FileUtils.ln_s(link,file) end end return folder end =begin #-- # SHELLS OUT! Need net/scp library to fix. #++ # Use scp to upload files. def scp( keys ) keys = upload_parameters(keys) flags = [] flags << "-v" if keys.verbose flags << "-q" if keys.quiet flags = flags.join(' ').strip flags = ' ' + flags unless flags.empty? upload_stage(keys) do #|tmpdir| cmd = "scp -r#{flags} * #{keys.user}@#{keys.host}:/#{keys.root}" puts cmd unless keys.quiet system cmd unless keys.dryrun end end # Use rsync to upload files. def rsync( keys ) keys = upload_parameters(keys) flags = [] flags << "-n" if keys.dryrun flags << "-v" if keys.verbose flags << "-q" if keys.quiet flags = flags.join(' ').strip flags = ' ' + flags unless flags.empty? upload_stage(keys) do #|tmpdir| begin ENV['RSYNC_PASSWORD'] = keys.pass if keys.pass cmd = "rsync -R#{flags} -arz * #{keys.user}@#{keys.host} /#{keys.root}" ensure ENV.delete('RSYNC_PASSWORD') if keys.pass end end end # Use ftp to upload files. def ftp( keys ) keys = upload_parameters(keys) if keys.dryrun puts "ftp open #{keys.user}@#{keys.host}:#{keys.root}/" keys.trans.each do |f, t| puts "ftp put #{f} #{t}" end else require 'net/ftp' Net::FTP.open(keys.host) do |ftp| ftp.login(keys.user) #password? ftp.chdir(keys.root) keys.trans.each do |f, t| puts "ftp #{f} #{t}" unless keys.quiet ftp.putbinaryfile( f, t, 1024 ) end end end end # Use sftp to upload files. def sftp( keys ) keys = upload_parameters(keys) if keys.dryrun puts "sftp open #{keys.user}@#{keys.host}:#{keys.root}/" keys.trans.each do |f,t| puts "sftp put #{f} #{t}" end else require 'net/sftp' Net::SFTP.start(keys.host, keys.user, keys.pass) do |sftp| #sftp.login( user ) sftp.chdir(keys.root) keys.trans.each do |f,t| puts "sftp #{f} #{t}" unless keys.quiet sftp.put_file(f,t) #, 1024 ) end end end end # Creates a stage from which the whole directory can be uploaded. # This is needed for scp and rsync which have to shelled out, # and can't conveniently copy one file at a time. def upload_stage(keys) #:yield: tmp = "scp_#{object_id.abs}_#{ Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}" tmpdir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir,tmp) puts "mkdir -p #{tmpdir}" unless keys.quiet FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmpdir) # go ahead and do this even if dryrun fu = keys.dryrun ? FileUtils::DryRun : FileUtils keys.trans.each do |f, t| to = File.join(tmpdir, t) fu.mv(f,to) end puts "cd #{tmpdir}" unless keys.quiet Dir.chdir(tmpdir) do yield #(tmpdir) end puts "rm -r #{tmpdir}" unless keys.quiet FileUtils.rm_r(tmpdir) # now remove the temp dir end =end end