require "fakefs/safe" module Sandbox TimeoutError = class Safe < Full def activate! activate_fakefs keep_singleton_methods(:Kernel, KERNEL_S_METHODS) keep_singleton_methods(:Symbol, SYMBOL_S_METHODS) keep_singleton_methods(:String, STRING_S_METHODS) keep_singleton_methods(:IO, IO_S_METHODS) keep_methods(:Kernel, KERNEL_METHODS) keep_methods(:NilClass, NILCLASS_METHODS) keep_methods(:Symbol, SYMBOL_METHODS) keep_methods(:TrueClass, TRUECLASS_METHODS) keep_methods(:FalseClass, FALSECLASS_METHODS) keep_methods(:Enumerable, ENUMERABLE_METHODS) keep_methods(:String, STRING_METHODS) # FIXME: Blacklisting Object methods is not a scalable solution. # Whitelisting using #keep_methods is safer. remove_method(:Object, :java_import) Kernel.class_eval do def `(*args) raise NoMethodError, "` is unavailable" end def system(*args) raise NoMethodError, "system is unavailable" end end end def activate_fakefs require "fileutils" # unfortunately, the authors of FakeFS used `extend self` in FileUtils, instead of `module_function`. # I fixed it for them (FakeFS::FileUtils.methods - Module.methods - Kernel.methods).each do |module_method_name| FakeFS::FileUtils.send(:module_function, module_method_name) end import FakeFS ref FakeFS::Dir ref FakeFS::File ref FakeFS::FileTest import FakeFS::FileUtils #import FileUtils because it is a module # this is basically what FakeFS.activate! does, but we want to do it in the sandbox # so we have to live with this: eval <<-RUBY Object.class_eval do remove_const(:Dir) remove_const(:File) remove_const(:FileTest) remove_const(:FileUtils) const_set(:Dir, FakeFS::Dir) const_set(:File, FakeFS::File) const_set(:FileUtils, FakeFS::FileUtils) const_set(:FileTest, FakeFS::FileTest) end class Object def require(*args) true end end [Dir, File, FileUtils, FileTest].each do |fake_class| fake_class.class_eval do def self.class_eval raise NoMethodError, "class_eval is unavailable" end def self.instance_eval raise NoMethodError, "instance_eval is unavailable" end end end RUBY FakeFS::FileSystem.clear end def eval(code, options={}) if seconds = options[:timeout] sandbox_timeout(code, seconds) do super code end else super code end end private def sandbox_timeout(name, seconds) val, exc = nil thread = Thread.start(name) do begin val = yield rescue Exception => exc end end thread.join(seconds) if thread.alive? if thread.respond_to? :kill! thread.kill! else thread.kill end timed_out = true end if timed_out raise TimeoutError, "#{self.class} timed out" elsif exc raise exc else val end end IO_S_METHODS = %w[ new foreach open ] KERNEL_S_METHODS = %w[ Array binding block_given? catch chomp chomp! chop chop! eval fail Float format global_variables gsub gsub! Integer iterator? lambda local_variables loop method_missing proc raise scan sleep split sprintf String sub sub! throw ].freeze SYMBOL_S_METHODS = %w[ all_symbols ].freeze STRING_S_METHODS = %w[ new ].freeze KERNEL_METHODS = %w[ == === =~ Array binding block_given? catch chomp chomp! chop chop! class clone dup eql? equal? eval extend fail Float format freeze frozen? global_variables gsub gsub! hash id initialize_clone initialize_copy initialize_dup inspect instance_eval instance_of? instance_variables instance_variable_get instance_variable_set instance_variable_defined? Integer is_a? iterator? kind_of? lambda local_variables loop methods method_missing nil? private_methods print proc protected_methods public_methods raise remove_instance_variable respond_to? respond_to_missing? scan send singleton_methods singleton_method_added singleton_method_removed singleton_method_undefined sleep split sprintf String sub sub! taint tainted? throw to_a to_s type untaint __send__ ].freeze NILCLASS_METHODS = %w[ & inspect nil? to_a to_f to_i to_s ^ | ].freeze SYMBOL_METHODS = %w[ === id2name inspect to_i to_int to_s to_sym ].freeze TRUECLASS_METHODS = %w[ & to_s ^ | ].freeze FALSECLASS_METHODS = %w[ & to_s ^ | ].freeze ENUMERABLE_METHODS = %w[ all? any? collect detect each_with_index entries find find_all grep initialize_dup initialize_clone include? inject map max member? min partition reduce reject select sort sort_by sum to_a zip ].freeze STRING_METHODS = %w[ % * + << <=> == =~ bytesize capitalize capitalize! casecmp center chars chomp chomp! chop chop! concat count crypt delete delete! downcase downcase! dump each each_byte each_line empty? eql? force_encoding gsub gsub! hash hex include? index initialize initialize_copy insert inspect intern length ljust lines lstrip lstrip! match next next! oct replace reverse reverse! rindex rjust rstrip rstrip! scan size slice slice! split squeeze squeeze! strip strip! start_with? sub sub! succ succ! sum swapcase swapcase! to_f to_i to_s to_str to_sym tr tr! tr_s tr_s! upcase upcase! upto [] []= ].freeze end end