#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' require 'puppet_spec/files' require 'puppet/pops' require 'deep_merge/core' describe "The lookup function" do include PuppetSpec::Compiler include PuppetSpec::Files let(:env_name) { 'spec' } let(:code_dir_files) { {} } let(:code_dir) { tmpdir('code') } let(:ruby_dir) { tmpdir('ruby') } let(:env_modules) { {} } let(:env_hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- version: 5 hierarchy: - name: "Common" data_hash: yaml_data path: "common.yaml" YAML end let(:env_data) { {} } let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'modules' => env_modules, 'hiera.yaml' => env_hiera_yaml, 'data' => env_data } } end let(:ruby_dir_files) { {} } let(:logs) { [] } let(:scope_additions ) { {} } let(:notices) { logs.select { |log| log.level == :notice }.map { |log| log.message } } let(:warnings) { logs.select { |log| log.level == :warning }.map { |log| log.message } } let(:debugs) { logs.select { |log| log.level == :debug }.map { |log| log.message } } let(:env) { Puppet::Node::Environment.create(env_name.to_sym, [File.join(populated_env_dir, env_name, 'modules')]) } let(:environments) { Puppet::Environments::Directories.new(populated_env_dir, []) } let(:node) { Puppet::Node.new('test_lookup', :environment => env) } let(:compiler) { Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(node) } let(:lookup_func) { Puppet.lookup(:loaders).puppet_system_loader.load(:function, 'lookup') } let(:invocation_with_explain) { Puppet::Pops::Lookup::Invocation.new(compiler.topscope, {}, {}, true) } let(:explanation) { invocation_with_explain.explainer.explain } let(:populated_code_dir) do dir_contained_in(code_dir, code_dir_files) code_dir end let(:populated_ruby_dir) do dir_contained_in(ruby_dir, ruby_dir_files) ruby_dir end let(:env_dir) do d = File.join(populated_code_dir, 'environments') Dir.mkdir(d) d end let(:populated_env_dir) do dir_contained_in(env_dir, environment_files) env_dir end before(:each) do Puppet.settings[:codedir] = code_dir Puppet.push_context(:environments => environments, :current_environment => env) end after(:each) do Puppet.pop_context if Object.const_defined?(:Hiera) Hiera.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@config) if Hiera.instance_variable_defined?(:@config) Hiera.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@logger) if Hiera.instance_variable_defined?(:@logger) if Hiera.const_defined?(:Config) Hiera::Config.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@config) if Hiera::Config.instance_variable_defined?(:@config) end if Hiera.const_defined?(:Backend) && Hiera::Backend.respond_to?(:clear!) Hiera::Backend.clear! end end end def collect_notices(code, explain = false, &block) Puppet[:code] = code Puppet::Util::Log.with_destination(Puppet::Test::LogCollector.new(logs)) do scope = compiler.topscope scope['environment'] = env_name scope['domain'] = 'example.com' scope_additions.each_pair { |k, v| scope[k] = v } if explain begin invocation_with_explain.lookup('dummy', nil) do if block_given? compiler.compile { |catalog| block.call(compiler.topscope); catalog } else compiler.compile end end rescue RuntimeError => e invocation_with_explain.report_text { e.message } end else if block_given? compiler.compile { |catalog| block.call(compiler.topscope); catalog } else compiler.compile end end end nil end def lookup(key, options = {}, explain = false) nc_opts = options.empty? ? '' : ", #{Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFormatter.string(options)}" keys = key.is_a?(Array) ? key : [key] collect_notices(keys.map { |k| "notice(String(lookup('#{k}'#{nc_opts}), '%p'))" }.join("\n"), explain) if explain explanation else result = notices.map { |n| Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser.singleton.parse_literal(n) } key.is_a?(Array) ? result : result[0] end end def explain(key, options = {}) lookup(key, options, true)[1] explanation end context 'with faulty hiera.yaml configuration' do context 'in global layer' do let(:global_data) do { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent a: value a (from global) YAML } end let(:code_dir_files) do { 'hiera.yaml' => hiera_yaml, 'data' => global_data } end before(:each) do # Need to set here since spec_helper defines these settings in its "before each" Puppet.settings[:codedir] = populated_code_dir Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(code_dir, 'hiera.yaml') end context 'using a not yet supported hiera version' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 6 YAML it 'fails and reports error' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error("This runtime does not support hiera.yaml version 6 in #{code_dir}/hiera.yaml") end end context 'with multiply defined backend using hiera version 3' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } :version: 3 :backends: - yaml - json - yaml YAML it 'fails and reports error' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error( "Backend 'yaml' is defined more than once. First defined at line 3 at #{code_dir}/hiera.yaml:5") end end context 'using hiera version 4' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 4 YAML it 'fails and reports error' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error( "hiera.yaml version 4 cannot be used in the global layer in #{code_dir}/hiera.yaml") end end context 'using hiera version 5' do context 'with multiply defined hierarchy' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Common path: common.yaml - name: Other path: other.yaml - name: Common path: common.yaml YAML it 'fails and reports error' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error( "Hierarchy name 'Common' defined more than once. First defined at line 3 at #{code_dir}/hiera.yaml:7") end end context 'with hiera3_backend that is provided as data_hash function' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Common hiera3_backend: hocon path: common.conf YAML it 'fails and reports error' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error( "Use \"data_hash: hocon_data\" instead of \"hiera3_backend: hocon\" at #{code_dir}/hiera.yaml:4") end end context 'with no data provider function defined' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 defaults: datadir: data hierarchy: - name: Common path: common.txt YAML it 'fails and reports error' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error( "One of data_hash, lookup_key, data_dig, or hiera3_backend must be defined in hierarchy 'Common' in #{code_dir}/hiera.yaml") end end context 'with multiple data providers in defaults' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 defaults: data_hash: yaml_data lookup_key: eyaml_lookup_key datadir: data hierarchy: - name: Common path: common.txt YAML it 'fails and reports error' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error( "Only one of data_hash, lookup_key, data_dig, or hiera3_backend can be defined in defaults in #{code_dir}/hiera.yaml") end end context 'with non existing data provider function' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Common data_hash: nonesuch_txt_data path: common.yaml YAML it 'fails and reports error' do Puppet[:strict] = :error expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error( "Unable to find 'data_hash' function named 'nonesuch_txt_data' in #{code_dir}/hiera.yaml") end end context 'with a declared default_hierarchy' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Common path: common.yaml default_hierarchy: - name: Defaults path: defaults.yaml YAML it 'fails and reports error' do Puppet[:strict] = :error expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error( "'default_hierarchy' is only allowed in the module layer at #{code_dir}/hiera.yaml:5") end end context 'with missing variables' do let(:scope_additions) { { 'fqdn' => 'test.example.com' } } let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Common # don't report this line %{::nonesuch} path: "%{::fqdn}/%{::nonesuch}/data.yaml" YAML it 'fails and reports errors when strict == error' do Puppet[:strict] = :error expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error("Undefined variable '::nonesuch' at #{code_dir}/hiera.yaml:4") end end context 'using interpolation functions' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Common # don't report this line %{::nonesuch} path: "%{lookup('fqdn')}/data.yaml" YAML it 'fails and reports errors when strict == error' do Puppet[:strict] = :error expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error("Interpolation using method syntax is not allowed in this context in #{code_dir}/hiera.yaml") end end end end context 'in environment layer' do context 'using hiera version 4' do context 'with an unknown backend' do let(:env_hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 4 hierarchy: - name: Common backend: nonesuch path: common.yaml YAML it 'fails and reports error' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error( "No data provider is registered for backend 'nonesuch' at #{env_dir}/spec/hiera.yaml:4") end end context 'with multiply defined hierarchy' do let(:env_hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 4 hierarchy: - name: Common backend: yaml path: common.yaml - name: Other backend: yaml path: other.yaml - name: Common backend: yaml path: common.yaml YAML it 'fails and reports error' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error( "Hierarchy name 'Common' defined more than once. First defined at line 3 at #{env_dir}/spec/hiera.yaml:9") end end end context 'using hiera version 5' do context 'with a hiera3_backend declaration' do let(:env_hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Common hiera3_backend: something YAML it 'fails and reports error' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error( "'hiera3_backend' is only allowed in the global layer at #{env_dir}/spec/hiera.yaml:4") end end context 'with a declared default_hierarchy' do let(:env_hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Common path: common.yaml default_hierarchy: - name: Defaults path: defaults.yaml YAML it 'fails and reports error' do Puppet[:strict] = :error expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error( "'default_hierarchy' is only allowed in the module layer at #{env_dir}/spec/hiera.yaml:5") end end end end end context 'with an environment' do let(:env_data) do { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent --- a: value a (from environment) c: c_b: value c_b (from environment) mod_a::a: value mod_a::a (from environment) mod_a::hash_a: a: value mod_a::hash_a.a (from environment) mod_a::hash_b: a: value mod_a::hash_b.a (from environment) hash_b: hash_ba: bab: value hash_b.hash_ba.bab (from environment) hash_c: hash_ca: caa: value hash_c.hash_ca.caa (from environment) lookup_options: mod_a::hash_b: merge: hash hash_c: merge: hash YAML } end it 'finds data in the environment' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql('value a (from environment)') end context 'with log-level debug' do before(:each) { Puppet[:log_level] = 'debug' } it 'does not report a regular lookup as APL' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql('value a (from environment)') expect(debugs.count { |dbg| dbg =~ /\A\s*Automatic Parameter Lookup of/ }).to eql(0) end it 'reports regular lookup as lookup' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql('value a (from environment)') expect(debugs.count { |dbg| dbg =~ /\A\s*Lookup of/ }).to eql(1) end it 'does not report APL as lookup' do collect_notices("class mod_a($a) { notice($a) }; include mod_a") expect(debugs.count { |dbg| dbg =~ /\A\s*Lookup of/ }).to eql(0) end it 'reports APL as APL' do collect_notices("class mod_a($a) { notice($a) }; include mod_a") expect(debugs.count { |dbg| dbg =~ /\A\s*Automatic Parameter Lookup of/ }).to eql(1) end end context 'that has no lookup configured' do let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'data' => env_data } } end it 'does not find data in the environment' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error(Puppet::DataBinding::LookupError, /did not find a value for the name 'a'/) end context "but an environment.conf with 'environment_data_provider=hiera'" do let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'environment.conf' => "environment_data_provider=hiera\n", 'data' => env_data } } end it 'finds data in the environment and reports deprecation warning for environment.conf' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql('value a (from environment)') expect(warnings).to include(/Defining environment_data_provider='hiera' in environment.conf is deprecated. A 'hiera.yaml' file should be used instead/) end context 'and a hiera.yaml file' do let(:env_hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- version: 4 hierarchy: - name: common backend: yaml YAML end let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'hiera.yaml' => env_hiera_yaml, 'environment.conf' => "environment_data_provider=hiera\n", 'data' => env_data } } end it 'finds data in the environment and reports deprecation warnings for both environment.conf and hiera.yaml' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql('value a (from environment)') expect(warnings).to include(/Defining environment_data_provider='hiera' in environment.conf is deprecated/) expect(warnings).to include(/Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 4 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5/) end end end context "but an environment.conf with 'environment_data_provider=function'" do let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'environment.conf' => "environment_data_provider=function\n", 'functions' => { 'environment' => { 'data.pp' => <<-PUPPET.unindent } function environment::data() { { 'a' => 'value a' } } PUPPET } } } end it 'finds data in the environment and reports deprecation warning for environment.conf' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql('value a') expect(warnings).to include(/Defining environment_data_provider='function' in environment.conf is deprecated. A 'hiera.yaml' file should be used instead/) expect(warnings).to include(/Using of legacy data provider function 'environment::data'. Please convert to a 'data_hash' function/) end end end context 'that has interpolated paths configured' do let(:env_hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- version: 5 hierarchy: - name: "Varying" data_hash: yaml_data path: "#{data_path}" YAML end let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'hiera.yaml' => env_hiera_yaml, 'modules' => {}, 'data' => { 'x.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, y: value y from x YAML 'x_d.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, y: value y from x_d YAML 'x_e.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, y: value y from x_e YAML } } } end context 'using local variable reference' do let(:data_path) { 'x%{var.sub}.yaml' } it 'reloads the configuration if interpolated values change' do Puppet[:log_level] = 'debug' collect_notices("notice('success')") do |scope| expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'y')).to eql('value y from x') scope['var'] = { 'sub' => '_d' } expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'y')).to eql('value y from x_d') nested_scope = scope.compiler.newscope(scope) nested_scope['var'] = { 'sub' => '_e' } expect(lookup_func.call(nested_scope, 'y')).to eql('value y from x_e') end expect(notices).to eql(['success']) expect(debugs.any? { |m| m =~ /Hiera configuration recreated due to change of scope variables used in interpolation expressions/ }).to be_truthy end it 'does not include the lookups performed during stability check in explain output' do Puppet[:log_level] = 'debug' collect_notices("notice('success')") do |scope| var = { 'sub' => '_d' } scope['var'] = var expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'y')).to eql('value y from x_d') # Second call triggers the check expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'y')).to eql('value y from x_d') end expect(notices).to eql(['success']) expect(debugs.any? { |m| m =~ /Sub key: "sub"/ }).to be_falsey end end context 'using global variable reference' do let(:data_path) { 'x%{::var.sub}.yaml' } it 'reloads the configuration if interpolated that was previously undefined, gets defined' do Puppet[:log_level] = 'debug' collect_notices("notice('success')") do |scope| expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'y')).to eql('value y from x') scope['var'] = { 'sub' => '_d' } expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'y')).to eql('value y from x_d') end expect(notices).to eql(['success']) expect(debugs.any? { |m| m =~ /Hiera configuration recreated due to change of scope variables used in interpolation expressions/ }).to be_truthy end it 'does not reload the configuration if value changes locally' do Puppet[:log_level] = 'debug' collect_notices("notice('success')") do |scope| scope['var'] = { 'sub' => '_d' } expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'y')).to eql('value y from x_d') nested_scope = scope.compiler.newscope(scope) nested_scope['var'] = { 'sub' => '_e' } expect(lookup_func.call(nested_scope, 'y')).to eql('value y from x_d') end expect(notices).to eql(['success']) expect(debugs.any? { |m| m =~ /Hiera configuration recreated due to change of scope variables used in interpolation expressions/ }).to be_falsey end end end context 'that uses reserved' do let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'hiera.yaml' => hiera_yaml } } end context 'option' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: "Illegal" options: #{opt_spec} data_hash: yaml_data YAML context 'path' do let(:opt_spec) { 'path: data/foo.yaml' } it 'fails and reports the reserved option key' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error do |e| expect(e.message).to match(/Option key 'path' used in hierarchy 'Illegal' is reserved by Puppet/) end end end context 'uri' do let(:opt_spec) { 'uri: file:///data/foo.yaml' } it 'fails and reports the reserved option key' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error do |e| expect(e.message).to match(/Option key 'uri' used in hierarchy 'Illegal' is reserved by Puppet/) end end end end context 'default option' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } --- version: 5 defaults: options: #{opt_spec} hierarchy: - name: "Illegal" data_hash: yaml_data YAML context 'path' do let(:opt_spec) { 'path: data/foo.yaml' } it 'fails and reports the reserved option key' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error do |e| expect(e.message).to match(/Option key 'path' used in defaults is reserved by Puppet/) end end end context 'uri' do let(:opt_spec) { 'uri: file:///data/foo.yaml' } it 'fails and reports the reserved option key' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error do |e| expect(e.message).to match(/Option key 'uri' used in defaults is reserved by Puppet/) end end end end end context 'with yaml data file' do let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'hiera.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, --- version: 5 YAML 'data' => { 'common.yaml' => common_yaml } } } end context 'that contains hash values with interpolated keys' do let(:common_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- a: "%{key}": "the %{value}" b: "Detail in %{lookup('a.a_key')}" YAML end it 'interpolates both key and value"' do Puppet[:log_level] = 'debug' collect_notices("notice('success')") do |scope| expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'a')).to eql({'' => 'the '}) scope['key'] = 'a_key' scope['value'] = 'interpolated value' expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'a')).to eql({'a_key' => 'the interpolated value'}) end expect(notices).to eql(['success']) end it 'navigates to a value behind an interpolated key"' do Puppet[:log_level] = 'debug' collect_notices("notice('success')") do |scope| scope['key'] = 'a_key' scope['value'] = 'interpolated value' expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'a.a_key')).to eql('the interpolated value') end expect(notices).to eql(['success']) end it 'navigates to a value behind an interpolated key using an interpolated value"' do Puppet[:log_level] = 'debug' collect_notices("notice('success')") do |scope| scope['key'] = 'a_key' scope['value'] = 'interpolated value' expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'b')).to eql('Detail in the interpolated value') end expect(notices).to eql(['success']) end end context 'that is empty' do let(:common_yaml) { '' } it 'fails with a "did not find"' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error do |e| expect(e.message).to match(/did not find a value for the name 'a'/) end end it 'logs a warning that the file does not contain a hash' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error(Puppet::DataBinding::LookupError) expect(warnings).to include(/spec\/data\/common.yaml: file does not contain a valid yaml hash/) end end context 'that contains illegal yaml' do let(:common_yaml) { "@!#%**&:\n" } it 'fails lookup and that the key is not found' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error do |e| expect(e.message).to match(/Unable to parse/) end end end context 'that contains a legal yaml that is not a hash' do let(:common_yaml) { "- A list\n- of things" } it 'fails with a "did not find"' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error do |e| expect(e.message).to match(/did not find a value for the name 'a'/) end end it 'logs a warning that the file does not contain a hash' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error(Puppet::DataBinding::LookupError) expect(warnings).to include(/spec\/data\/common.yaml: file does not contain a valid yaml hash/) end end context 'that contains a legal yaml hash with illegal types' do let(:common_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- a: !ruby/object:Puppet::Graph::Key value: x YAML end it 'fails lookup and reports a type mismatch' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error do |e| expect(e.message).to match(/key 'a'.*data_hash function 'yaml_data'.*using location.*wrong type, expects Puppet::LookupValue, got Runtime/) end end end context 'that contains illegal interpolations' do context 'in the form of an alias that is not the entire string' do let(:common_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } a: "%{alias('x')} and then some" x: value x YAML it 'fails lookup and reports a type mismatch' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error("'alias' interpolation is only permitted if the expression is equal to the entire string") end end context 'in the form of an unknown function name' do let(:common_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } a: "%{what('x')}" x: value x YAML it 'fails lookup and reports a type mismatch' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error("Unknown interpolation method 'what'") end end end context 'that contains an array with duplicates' do let(:common_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } a: - alpha - bravo - charlie - bravo YAML it 'retains the duplicates when using default merge strategy' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql(%w(alpha bravo charlie bravo)) end it 'does deduplification when using merge strategy "unique"' do expect(lookup('a', :merge => 'unique')).to eql(%w(alpha bravo charlie)) end end end context 'with lookup_options configured using patterns' do let(:mod_common) { <<-YAML.unindent mod::hash_a: aa: aaa: aaa (from module) ab: aba: aba (from module) mod::hash_b: ba: baa: baa (from module) bb: bba: bba (from module) lookup_options: '^mod::ha.*_a': merge: deep '^mod::ha.*_b': merge: deep YAML } let(:mod_base) do { 'hiera.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, version: 5 YAML 'data' => { 'common.yaml' => mod_common } } end let(:env_modules) do { 'mod' => mod_base } end let(:env_hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- version: 5 hierarchy: - name: X paths: - first.yaml - second.yaml YAML end let(:env_lookup_options) { <<-YAML.unindent } lookup_options: b: merge: hash '^[^b]$': merge: deep '^c': merge: first '^b': merge: first '^mod::ha.*_b': merge: hash YAML let(:env_data) do { 'first.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent + env_lookup_options, a: aa: aaa: a.aa.aaa b: ba: baa: b.ba.baa bb: bba: b.bb.bba c: ca: caa: c.ca.caa mod::hash_a: aa: aab: aab (from environment) ab: aba: aba (from environment) abb: abb (from environment) mod::hash_b: ba: bab: bab (from environment) bc: bca: bca (from environment) sa: sa1: ['e', 'd', '--f'] YAML 'second.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, a: aa: aab: a.aa.aab b: ba: bab: b.ba.bab bb: bbb: b.bb.bbb c: ca: cab: c.ca.cab sa: sa1: ['b', 'a', 'f', 'c'] YAML } end it 'finds lookup_options that matches a pattern' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql({'aa' => { 'aaa' => 'a.aa.aaa', 'aab' => 'a.aa.aab' }}) end it 'gives a direct key match higher priority than a matching pattern' do expect(lookup('b')).to eql({'ba' => { 'baa' => 'b.ba.baa' }, 'bb' => { 'bba'=>'b.bb.bba' }}) end it 'uses the first matching pattern' do expect(lookup('c')).to eql({'ca' => { 'caa' => 'c.ca.caa', 'cab' => 'c.ca.cab' }}) end it 'uses lookup_option found by pattern from module' do expect(lookup('mod::hash_a')).to eql({ 'aa' => { 'aaa' => 'aaa (from module)', 'aab' => 'aab (from environment)' }, 'ab' => { 'aba' => 'aba (from environment)', 'abb' => 'abb (from environment)' } }) end it 'merges lookup_options found by pattern in environment and module (environment wins)' do expect(lookup('mod::hash_b')).to eql({ 'ba' => { 'bab' => 'bab (from environment)' }, 'bb' => { 'bba' => 'bba (from module)' }, 'bc' => { 'bca' => 'bca (from environment)' } }) end context 'and patterns in module are not limited to module keys' do let(:mod_common) { <<-YAML.unindent mod::hash_a: aa: aaa: aaa (from module) ab: aba: aba (from module) lookup_options: '^.*_a': merge: deep YAML } it 'fails with error' do expect { lookup('mod::a') }.to raise_error(Puppet::DataBinding::LookupError, /all lookup_options patterns must match a key starting with module name/) end end context 'and there are no lookup options that do not use patterns' do let(:env_lookup_options) { <<-YAML.unindent } lookup_options: '^[^b]$': merge: deep '^c': merge: first '^b': merge: first '^mod::ha.*_b': merge: hash YAML it 'finds lookup_options that matches a pattern' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql({'aa' => { 'aaa' => 'a.aa.aaa', 'aab' => 'a.aa.aab' }}) end end context 'and lookup options use a hash' do let(:env_lookup_options) { <<-YAML.unindent } lookup_options: 'sa': merge: strategy: deep knockout_prefix: -- sort_merged_arrays: true YAML it 'applies knockout_prefix and sort_merged_arrays' do expect(lookup('sa')).to eql({ 'sa1' => %w(a b c d e) }) end it 'overrides knockout_prefix and sort_merged_arrays with explicitly given values' do expect( lookup('sa', 'merge' => { 'strategy' => 'deep', 'knockout_prefix' => '##', 'sort_merged_arrays' => false })).to( eql({ 'sa1' => %w(b a f c e d --f) })) end end end context 'and an environment Hiera v5 configuration using globs' do let(:env_hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Globs globs: - "globs/*.yaml" - "globs_%{domain}/*.yaml" YAML end let(:env_data) do { 'globs' => { 'a.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, glob_a: value glob_a YAML 'b.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent glob_b: a: value glob_b.a b: value glob_b.b YAML }, 'globs_example.com' => { 'a.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, glob_c: value glob_a YAML 'b.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent glob_b: c: value glob_b.c d: value glob_b.d YAML } } end end context 'and an environment Hiera v5 configuration using mapped_paths' do let(:scope_additions) do { 'mapped' => { 'array_var' => ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'hash_var' => { 'x' => 'a', 'y' => 'b', 'z' => 'c' }, 'string_var' => 's' }, 'var' => 'global_var' # overridden by mapped path variable } end let(:env_hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Mapped Paths mapped_paths: #{mapped_paths} - name: Global Path path: "%{var}.yaml" YAML end let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'hiera.yaml' => env_hiera_yaml, 'data' => env_data } } end context 'that originates from an array' do let (:mapped_paths) { '[mapped.array_var, var, "paths/%{var}.yaml"]' } let(:env_data) do { 'paths' => { 'a.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, path_a: value path_a path_h: a: value path_h.a c: value path_h.c YAML 'b.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, path_h: b: value path_h.b d: value path_h.d YAML 'd.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent path_h: b: value path_h.b (from d.yaml) d: value path_h.d (from d.yaml) YAML }, 'global_var.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, path_h: e: value path_h.e YAML 'other_var.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent path_h: e: value path_h.e (from other_var.yaml) YAML } end it 'finds environment data using mapped_paths' do expect(lookup('path_a')).to eql('value path_a') expect(warnings).to be_empty end it 'includes mapped path in explain output' do explanation = explain('path_h', 'merge' => 'deep') ['a', 'b', 'c'].each do |var| expect(explanation).to match(/^\s+Path "#{env_dir}\/spec\/data\/paths\/#{var}\.yaml"\n\s+Original path: "paths\/%\{var\}\.yaml"/) end expect(warnings).to be_empty end it 'performs merges between mapped paths and global path interpolated using same key' do expect(lookup('path_h', 'merge' => 'hash')).to eql( { 'a' => 'value path_h.a', 'b' => 'value path_h.b', 'c' => 'value path_h.c', 'd' => 'value path_h.d', 'e' => 'value path_h.e' }) expect(warnings).to be_empty end it 'keeps track of changes in key overridden by interpolated key' do Puppet[:log_level] = 'debug' collect_notices("notice('success')") do |scope| expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'path_h', 'merge' => 'hash')).to eql( { 'a' => 'value path_h.a', 'b' => 'value path_h.b', 'c' => 'value path_h.c', 'd' => 'value path_h.d', 'e' => 'value path_h.e' }) scope.with_local_scope('var' => 'other_var') do expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'path_h', 'merge' => 'hash')).to eql( { 'a' => 'value path_h.a', 'b' => 'value path_h.b', 'c' => 'value path_h.c', 'd' => 'value path_h.d', 'e' => 'value path_h.e (from other_var.yaml)' }) end end expect(notices).to eql(['success']) expect(debugs.any? { |m| m =~ /Hiera configuration recreated due to change of scope variables used in interpolation expressions/ }).to be_truthy end it 'keeps track of changes in elements of mapped key' do Puppet[:log_level] = 'debug' collect_notices("notice('success')") do |scope| expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'path_h', 'merge' => 'hash')).to eql( { 'a' => 'value path_h.a', 'b' => 'value path_h.b', 'c' => 'value path_h.c', 'd' => 'value path_h.d', 'e' => 'value path_h.e' }) scope['mapped']['array_var'] = ['a', 'c', 'd'] expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'path_h', 'merge' => 'hash')).to eql( { 'a' => 'value path_h.a', 'b' => 'value path_h.b (from d.yaml)', 'c' => 'value path_h.c', 'd' => 'value path_h.d (from d.yaml)', 'e' => 'value path_h.e' }) end expect(notices).to eql(['success']) expect(debugs.any? { |m| m =~ /Hiera configuration recreated due to change of scope variables used in interpolation expressions/ }).to be_truthy end end context 'that originates from a hash' do let (:mapped_paths) { '[mapped.hash_var, var, "paths/%{var.0}.%{var.1}.yaml"]' } let(:env_data) do { 'paths' => { 'x.a.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, path_xa: value path_xa path_m: a: value path_m.a c: value path_m.c YAML 'y.b.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent path_m: b: value path_m.b d: value path_m.d YAML }, 'global_var.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent path_m: e: value path_m.e YAML } end it 'finds environment data using mapped_paths' do expect(lookup('path_xa')).to eql('value path_xa') expect(warnings).to be_empty end it 'includes mapped path in explain output' do explanation = explain('path_h', 'merge' => 'deep') ['x\.a', 'y\.b', 'z\.c'].each do |var| expect(explanation).to match(/^\s+Path "#{env_dir}\/spec\/data\/paths\/#{var}\.yaml"\n\s+Original path: "paths\/%\{var\.0\}\.%\{var\.1\}\.yaml"/) end expect(warnings).to be_empty end it 'performs merges between mapped paths' do expect(lookup('path_m', 'merge' => 'hash')).to eql( { 'a' => 'value path_m.a', 'b' => 'value path_m.b', 'c' => 'value path_m.c', 'd' => 'value path_m.d', 'e' => 'value path_m.e' }) expect(warnings).to be_empty end end context 'that originates from a string' do let (:mapped_paths) { '[mapped.string_var, var, "paths/%{var}.yaml"]' } let(:env_data) do { 'paths' => { 's.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, path_s: value path_s YAML } } end it 'includes mapped path in explain output' do expect(explain('path_s')).to match(/^\s+Path "#{env_dir}\/spec\/data\/paths\/s\.yaml"\n\s+Original path: "paths\/%\{var\}\.yaml"/) expect(warnings).to be_empty end it 'finds environment data using mapped_paths' do expect(lookup('path_s')).to eql('value path_s') expect(warnings).to be_empty end end context 'where the enty does not exist' do let (:mapped_paths) { '[mapped.nosuch_var, var, "paths/%{var}.yaml"]' } it 'finds environment data using mapped_paths' do expect(explain('hello')).to match(/No such key: "hello"/) expect(warnings).to be_empty end end end context 'and an environment Hiera v3 configuration' do let(:env_hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- :backends: yaml :yaml: :datadir: #{env_dir}/#{env_name}/hieradata YAML end let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'hiera.yaml' => env_hiera_yaml, 'hieradata' => { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, g: Value g YAML } } } end it 'will raise an error if --strict is set to error' do Puppet[:strict] = :error expect { lookup('g') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /hiera.yaml version 3 cannot be used in an environment/) end it 'will log a warning and ignore the file if --strict is set to warning' do Puppet[:strict] = :warning expect { lookup('g') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /did not find a value for the name 'g'/) end it 'will not log a warning and ignore the file if --strict is set to off' do Puppet[:strict] = :off expect { lookup('g') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /did not find a value for the name 'g'/) expect(warnings).to include(/hiera.yaml version 3 found at the environment root was ignored/) end it 'will use the configuration if appointed by global setting but still warn when encountered by environment data provider' do Puppet[:strict] = :warning Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(env_dir, env_name, 'hiera.yaml') expect(lookup('g')).to eql('Value g') expect(warnings).to include(/hiera.yaml version 3 found at the environment root was ignored/) end end context 'and a global empty Hiera configuration' do let(:hiera_yaml_path) { File.join(code_dir, 'hiera.yaml') } let(:code_dir_files) do { 'hiera.yaml' => '', } end let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'hieradata' => { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, x: value x (from environment) YAML } } } end before(:each) do # Need to set here since spec_helper defines these settings in its "before each" Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = hiera_yaml_path end it 'uses a Hiera version 3 defaults' do expect(lookup('x')).to eql('value x (from environment)') end context 'obtained using /dev/null', :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do let(:code_dir_files) { {} } it 'uses a Hiera version 3 defaults' do Puppet[:hiera_config] = '/dev/null' expect(lookup('x')).to eql('value x (from environment)') end end end context 'and a global configuration' do let(:hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- :backends: - yaml - json - custom - hocon :yaml: :datadir: #{code_dir}/hieradata :json: :datadir: #{code_dir}/hieradata :hocon: :datadir: #{code_dir}/hieradata :hierarchy: - common - "%{domain}" :merge_behavior: deeper YAML end let(:code_dir_files) do { 'hiera.yaml' => hiera_yaml, 'hieradata' => { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, a: value a (from global) hash_b: hash_ba: bab: value hash_b.hash_ba.bab (from global) hash_c: hash_ca: cab: value hash_c.hash_ca.cab (from global) ipl_hiera_env: "environment value '%{hiera('mod_a::hash_a.a')}'" ipl_hiera_mod: "module value '%{hiera('mod_a::abc')}'" ipl_hiera_modc: "module value '%{hiera('mod_a::caller')}'" YAML 'example.com.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, x: value x (from global example.com.yaml) YAML 'common.json' => <<-JSON.unindent, { "hash_b": { "hash_ba": { "bac": "value hash_b.hash_ba.bac (from global json)" } }, "hash_c": { "hash_ca": { "cac": "value hash_c.hash_ca.cac (from global json)" } } } JSON 'common.conf' => <<-HOCON.unindent, // The 'xs' is a value used for testing xs = { subkey = value xs.subkey (from global hocon) } HOCON } } end let(:ruby_dir_files) do { 'hiera' => { 'backend' => { 'custom_backend.rb' => <<-RUBY.unindent, class Hiera::Backend::Custom_backend def lookup(key, scope, order_override, resolution_type, context) case key when 'hash_c' { 'hash_ca' => { 'cad' => 'value hash_c.hash_ca.cad (from global custom)' }} when 'hash' { 'array' => [ 'x5,x6' ] } when 'array' [ 'x5,x6' ] when 'datasources' Hiera::Backend.datasources(scope, order_override) { |source| source } when 'dotted.key' 'custom backend received request for dotted.key value' else throw :no_such_key end end end RUBY 'other_backend.rb' => <<-RUBY.unindent, class Hiera::Backend::Other_backend def lookup(key, scope, order_override, resolution_type, context) value = Hiera::Config[:other][key.to_sym] throw :no_such_key if value.nil? value end end RUBY } } } end before(:each) do # Need to set here since spec_helper defines these settings in its "before each" Puppet.settings[:codedir] = populated_code_dir Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(code_dir, 'hiera.yaml') end around(:each) do |example| # Faking the load path to enable 'require' to load from 'ruby_stuff'. It removes the need for a static fixture # for the custom backend $LOAD_PATH.unshift(populated_ruby_dir) begin Puppet.override(:environments => environments, :current_environment => env) do example.run end ensure if Kernel.const_defined?(:Hiera) && Hiera.const_defined?(:Backend) Hiera::Backend.send(:remove_const, :Custom_backend) if Hiera::Backend.const_defined?(:Custom_backend) Hiera::Backend.send(:remove_const, :Other_backend) if Hiera::Backend.const_defined?(:Other_backend) end $LOAD_PATH.shift end end context 'version 3' do it 'finds data in in global layer and reports deprecation warnings for hiera.yaml' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql('value a (from global)') expect(warnings).to include(/Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5/) end it 'explain contains output from global layer' do explanation = explain('a') expect(explanation).to include('Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 3)') expect(explanation).to include('Hierarchy entry "yaml"') expect(explanation).to include('Hierarchy entry "json"') expect(explanation).to include('Found key: "a" value: "value a (from global)"') end it 'ignores merge behavior specified in global hiera.yaml' do expect(lookup('hash_b')).to eql( { 'hash_ba' => { 'bab' => 'value hash_b.hash_ba.bab (from global)'} }) end it 'uses the merge from lookup options to merge all layers' do expect(lookup('hash_c')).to eql( { 'hash_ca' => { 'cab' => 'value hash_c.hash_ca.cab (from global)' } }) end it 'uses the explicitly given merge to override lookup options and to merge all layers' do expect(lookup('hash_c', 'merge' => 'deep')).to eql( { 'hash_ca' => { 'caa' => 'value hash_c.hash_ca.caa (from environment)', 'cab' => 'value hash_c.hash_ca.cab (from global)', 'cac' => 'value hash_c.hash_ca.cac (from global json)', 'cad' => 'value hash_c.hash_ca.cad (from global custom)' } }) end it 'paths are interpolated' do expect(lookup('x')).to eql('value x (from global example.com.yaml)') end it 'backend data sources are propagated to custom backend' do expect(lookup('datasources')).to eql(['common', 'example.com']) end it 'delegates configured hocon backend to hocon_data function' do expect(explain('xs')).to match(/Hierarchy entry "hocon"\n.*\n.*\n.*"common"\n\s*Found key: "xs"/m) end it 'can dig down into subkeys provided by hocon_data function' do expect(lookup('xs.subkey')).to eql('value xs.subkey (from global hocon)') end context 'with a module data provider' do let(:module_files) do { 'mod_a' => { 'hiera.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Common path: common.yaml YAML 'data' => { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent mod_a::abc: value mod_a::abc (from module) mod_a::caller: "calling module is %{calling_module}" YAML } } } end let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'hiera.yaml' => env_hiera_yaml, 'data' => env_data, 'modules' => module_files } } end it "interpolation function 'hiera' finds values in environment" do expect(lookup('ipl_hiera_env')).to eql("environment value 'value mod_a::hash_a.a (from environment)'") end it "interpolation function 'hiera' finds values in module" do expect(lookup('ipl_hiera_mod')).to eql("module value 'value mod_a::abc (from module)'") end it "interpolation function 'hiera' finds values in module and that module does not find %{calling_module}" do expect(lookup('ipl_hiera_modc')).to eql("module value 'calling module is '") end context 'but no environment data provider' do let(:environment_files) do { env_name => { 'modules' => module_files } } end it "interpolation function 'hiera' does not find values in a module" do expect(lookup('ipl_hiera_mod')).to eql("module value ''") end end end context 'using an eyaml backend' do let(:private_key_name) { 'private_key.pkcs7.pem' } let(:public_key_name) { 'public_key.pkcs7.pem' } let(:private_key) do <<-PKCS7.unindent -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEogIBAAKCAQEAwHB3GvImq59em4LV9DMfP0Zjs21eW3Jd5I9fuY0jLJhIkH6f CR7tyOpYV6xUj+TF8giq9WLxZI7sourMJMWjEWhVjgUr5lqp1RLv4lwfDv3Wk4XC 2LUuqj1IAErUXKeRz8i3lUSZW1Pf4CaMpnIiPdWbz6f0KkaJSFi9bqexONBx4fKQ NlgZwm2/aYjjrYng788I0QhWDKUqsQOi5mZKlHNRsDlk7J3Afhsx/jTLrCX/G8+2 tPtLsHyRN39kluM5vYHbKXDsCG/a88Z2yUE2+r4Clp0FUKffiEDBPm0/H0sQ4Q1o EfQFDQRKaIkhpsm0nOnLYTy3/xJc5uqDNkLiawIDAQABAoIBAE98pNXOe8ab93oI mtNZYmjCbGAqprTjEoFb71A3SfYbmK2Gf65GxjUdBwx/tBYTiuekSOk+yzKcDoZk sZnmwKpqDByzaiSmAkxunANFxdZtZvpcX9UfUX0j/t+QCROUa5gF8j6HrUiZ5nkx sxr1PcuItekaGLJ1nDLz5JsWTQ+H4M+GXQw7/t96x8v8g9el4exTiAHGk6Fv16kD 017T02M9qTTmV3Ab/enDIBmKVD42Ta36K/wc4l1aoUQNiRbIGVh96Cgd1CFXLF3x CsaNbYT4SmRXaYqoj6MKq+QFEGxadFmJy48NoSd4joirIn2lUjHxJebw3lLbNLDR uvQnQ2ECgYEA/nD94wEMr6078uMv6nKxPpNGq7fihwSKf0G/PQDqrRmjUCewuW+k /iXMe1Y/y0PjFeNlSbUsUvKQ5xF7F/1AnpuPHIrn3cjGVLb71W+zen1m8SnhsW/f 7dPgtcb4SCvfhmLgoov+P34YcNfGi6qgPUu6319IqoB3BIi7PvfEomkCgYEAwZ4+ V0bMjFdDn2hnYzjTNcF2aUQ1jPvtuETizGwyCbbMLl9522lrjC2DrH41vvqX35ct CBJkhQFbtHM8Gnmozv0vxhI2jP+u14mzfePZsaXuYrEgWRj+BCsYUHodXryxnEWj yVrTNskab1B5jFm2SCJDmKcycBOYpRBLCMx6W7MCgYBA99z7/6KboOIzzKrJdGup jLV410UyMIikoccQ7pD9jhRTPS80yjsY4dHqlEVJw5XSWvPb9DTTITi6p44EvBep 6BKMuTMnQELUEr0O7KypVCfa4FTOl8BX28f+4kU3OGykxc6R8qkC0VGwTohV1UWB ITsgGhZV4uOA9uDI3T8KMQKBgEnQY2HwmuDSD/TA39GDA3qV8+ez2lqSXRGIKZLX mMf9SaBQQ+uzKA4799wWDbVuYeIbB07xfCL83pJP8FUDlqi6+7Celu9wNp7zX1ua Nw8z/ErhzjxJe+Xo7A8aTwIkG+5A2m1UU/up9YsEeiJYvVaIwY58B42U2vfq20BS fD9jAoGAX2MscBzIsmN+U9R0ptL4SXcPiVnOl8mqvQWr1B4OLgxX7ghht5Fs956W bHipxOWMFCPJA/AhNB8q1DvYiD1viZbIALSCJVUkzs4AEFIjiPsCBKxerl7jF6Xp 1WYSaCmfvoCVEpFNt8cKp4Gq+zEBYAV4Q6TkcD2lDtEW49MuN8A= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- PKCS7 end let(:public_key) do <<-PKCS7.unindent -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC2TCCAcGgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAAMCAXDTE3MDExMzA5MTY1 MloYDzIwNjcwMTAxMDkxNjUyWjAAMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIB CgKCAQEAwHB3GvImq59em4LV9DMfP0Zjs21eW3Jd5I9fuY0jLJhIkH6fCR7tyOpY V6xUj+TF8giq9WLxZI7sourMJMWjEWhVjgUr5lqp1RLv4lwfDv3Wk4XC2LUuqj1I AErUXKeRz8i3lUSZW1Pf4CaMpnIiPdWbz6f0KkaJSFi9bqexONBx4fKQNlgZwm2/ aYjjrYng788I0QhWDKUqsQOi5mZKlHNRsDlk7J3Afhsx/jTLrCX/G8+2tPtLsHyR N39kluM5vYHbKXDsCG/a88Z2yUE2+r4Clp0FUKffiEDBPm0/H0sQ4Q1oEfQFDQRK aIkhpsm0nOnLYTy3/xJc5uqDNkLiawIDAQABo1wwWjAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/ MB0GA1UdDgQWBBSejWrVnw7QaBjNFCHMNFi+doSOcTAoBgNVHSMEITAfgBSejWrV nw7QaBjNFCHMNFi+doSOcaEEpAIwAIIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAAe85 BQ1ydAHFqo0ib38VRPOwf5xPHGbYGhvQi4/sU6aTuR7pxaOJPYz05jLhS+utEmy1 sknBq60G67yhQE7IHcfwrl1arirG2WmKGvAbjeYL2K1UiU0pVD3D+Klkv/pK6jIQ eOJRGb3qNUn0Sq9EoYIOXiGXQ641F0bZZ0+5H92kT1lmnF5oLfCb84ImD9T3snH6 pIr5RKRx/0YmJIcv3WdpoPT903rOJiRIEgIj/hDk9QZTBpm222Ul5yQQ5pBywpSp xh0bmJKAQWhQm7QlybKfyaQmg5ot1jEzWAvD2I5FjHQxmAlchjb6RreaRhExj+JE 5O117dMBdzDBjcNMOA== -----END CERTIFICATE----- PKCS7 end let(:keys_dir) do keys = tmpdir('keys') dir_contained_in(keys, { private_key_name => private_key, public_key_name => public_key }) keys end let(:private_key_path) { File.join(keys_dir, private_key_name) } let(:public_key_path) { File.join(keys_dir, public_key_name) } let(:hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent :backends: - eyaml - yaml :eyaml: :datadir: #{code_dir}/hieradata :pkcs7_private_key: #{private_key_path} :pkcs7_public_key: #{public_key_path} :yaml: :datadir: #{code_dir}/hieradata :hierarchy: - common YAML end let(:data_files) do { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, b: value 'b' (from global) c: c_a: value c_a (from global) YAML 'common.eyaml' => <<-YAML.unindent a: > ENC[PKCS7,MIIBmQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIBijCCAYYCAQAxggEhMIIBHQIBADAFMAACAQEw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEAH457bsfL8kYw9O50roE3dcE21nCnmPnQ2XSX LYRJ2C78LarbfFonKz0gvDW7tyhsLWASFCFaiU8T1QPBd2b3hoQK8E4B2Ual xga/K7r9y3OSgRomTm9tpTltC6re0Ubh3Dy71H61obwxEdNVTqjPe95+m2b8 6zWZVnzZzXXsTG1S17yJn1zaB/LXHbWNy4KyLLKCGAml+Gfl6ZMjmaplTmUA QIC5rI8abzbPP3TDMmbLOGNkrmLqI+3uS8tSueTMoJmWaMF6c+H/cA7oRxmV QCeEUVXjyFvCHcmbA+keS/RK9XF+vc07/XS4XkYSPs/I5hLQji1y9bkkGAs0 tehxQjBcBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBDHpA6Fcl/R16aIYcow oiO4gDAvfFH6jLUwXkcYtagnwdmhkd9TQJtxNWcIwMpvmk036MqIoGwwhQdg gV4beiCFtLU=] a_ref: "A reference to %{hiera('a')}" b_ref: "A reference to %{hiera('b')}" c_ref: "%{alias('c')}" YAML } end let(:code_dir_files) do { 'hiera.yaml' => hiera_yaml, 'hieradata' => data_files } end before(:each) do Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(code_dir, 'hiera.yaml') end it 'finds data in the global layer' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql("Encrypted value 'a' (from global)") end it 'can use a hiera interpolation' do expect(lookup('a_ref')).to eql("A reference to Encrypted value 'a' (from global)") end it 'can use a hiera interpolation that refers back to yaml' do expect(lookup('b_ref')).to eql("A reference to value 'b' (from global)") end it 'can use a hiera interpolation that refers back to yaml, but only in global layer' do expect(lookup(['c', 'c_ref'], 'merge' => 'deep')).to eql([{'c_a' => 'value c_a (from global)', 'c_b' => 'value c_b (from environment)'}, { 'c_a' => 'value c_a (from global)' }]) end it 'delegates configured eyaml backend to eyaml_lookup_key function' do expect(explain('a')).to match(/Hierarchy entry "eyaml"\n.*\n.*\n.*"common"\n\s*Found key: "a"/m) end end context 'using deep_merge_options' do let(:hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- :backends: - yaml :yaml: :datadir: #{code_dir}/hieradata :hierarchy: - common - other :merge_behavior: deeper :deep_merge_options: :unpack_arrays: ',' YAML end let(:code_dir_files) do { 'hiera.yaml' => hiera_yaml, 'hieradata' => { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, hash: array: - x1,x2 array: - x1,x2 str: a string mixed: x: hx y: hy YAML 'other.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, hash: array: - x3 - x4 array: - x3 - x4 str: another string mixed: - h1 - h2 YAML } } end it 'ignores configured merge_behavior when looking up arrays' do expect(lookup('array')).to eql(['x1,x2']) end it 'ignores configured merge_behavior when merging arrays' do expect(lookup('array', 'merge' => 'unique')).to eql(['x1,x2', 'x3', 'x4']) end it 'ignores configured merge_behavior when looking up hashes' do expect(lookup('hash')).to eql({'array' => ['x1,x2']}) end it 'ignores configured merge_behavior when merging hashes' do expect(lookup('hash', 'merge' => 'hash')).to eql({'array' => ['x1,x2']}) end end context 'using relative datadir paths' do let(:hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- :backends: - yaml :yaml: :datadir: relative_data :hierarchy: - common YAML end let(:populated_code_dir) do dir_contained_in(code_dir, code_dir_files.merge({ 'fake_cwd' => { 'relative_data' => { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent a: value a (from fake_cwd/relative_data/common.yaml) YAML } } })) code_dir end around(:each) do |example| cwd = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(File.join(code_dir, 'fake_cwd')) begin example.run ensure Dir.chdir(cwd) end end it 'finds data from data file beneath relative datadir' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql('value a (from fake_cwd/relative_data/common.yaml)') end end end context 'version 5' do let(:scope_additions) { { 'ipl_datadir' => 'hieradata' } } let(:hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- version: 5 defaults: datadir: "%{ipl_datadir}" hierarchy: - name: Yaml data_hash: yaml_data paths: - common.yaml - "%{domain}.yaml" - name: Json data_hash: json_data paths: - common.json - "%{domain}.json" - name: Hocon data_hash: hocon_data paths: - common.conf - "%{domain}.conf" - name: Custom hiera3_backend: custom paths: - common.custom - "%{domain}.custom" - name: Other hiera3_backend: other options: other_option: value of other_option paths: - common.other - "%{domain}.other" YAML end it 'finds global data and reports no deprecation warnings' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql('value a (from global)') expect(warnings).to be_empty end it 'explain contains output from global layer' do explanation = explain('a') expect(explanation).to include('Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5)') expect(explanation).to include('Hierarchy entry "Yaml"') expect(explanation).to include('Hierarchy entry "Json"') expect(explanation).to include('Hierarchy entry "Hocon"') expect(explanation).to include('Hierarchy entry "Custom"') expect(explanation).to include('Found key: "a" value: "value a (from global)"') end it 'uses the explicitly given merge to override lookup options and to merge all layers' do expect(lookup('hash_c', 'merge' => 'deep')).to eql( { 'hash_ca' => { 'caa' => 'value hash_c.hash_ca.caa (from environment)', 'cab' => 'value hash_c.hash_ca.cab (from global)', 'cac' => 'value hash_c.hash_ca.cac (from global json)', 'cad' => 'value hash_c.hash_ca.cad (from global custom)' } }) end it 'backend data sources are propagated to custom backend' do expect(lookup('datasources')).to eql(['common', 'example.com']) end it 'backend specific options are propagated to custom backend' do expect(lookup('other_option')).to eql('value of other_option') end it 'dotted keys are passed down to custom backend' do expect(lookup('dotted.key')).to eql('custom backend received request for dotted.key value') end it 'multiple hiera3_backend declarations can be used and are merged into the generated config' do expect(lookup(['datasources', 'other_option'])).to eql([['common', 'example.com'], 'value of other_option']) expect(Hiera::Config.instance_variable_get(:@config)).to eql( { :backends => ['custom', 'other'], :hierarchy => ['common', '%{domain}'], :custom => { :datadir => "#{code_dir}/hieradata" }, :other => { :other_option => 'value of other_option', :datadir=>"#{code_dir}/hieradata" }, :logger => 'puppet' }) end it 'provides a sensible error message when the hocon library is not loaded' do Puppet.features.stubs(:hocon?).returns(false) expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error do |e| expect(e.message).to match(/Lookup using Hocon data_hash function is not supported without hocon library/) end end context 'with missing path declaraion' do context 'and yaml_data function' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Yaml data_hash: yaml_data YAML it 'fails and reports the missing path' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error(/one of 'path', 'paths' 'glob', 'globs' or 'mapped_paths' must be declared in hiera.yaml when using this data_hash function/) end end context 'and json_data function' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Json data_hash: json_data YAML it 'fails and reports the missing path' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error(/one of 'path', 'paths' 'glob', 'globs' or 'mapped_paths' must be declared in hiera.yaml when using this data_hash function/) end end context 'and hocon_data function' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Hocon data_hash: hocon_data YAML it 'fails and reports the missing path' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error(/one of 'path', 'paths' 'glob', 'globs' or 'mapped_paths' must be declared in hiera.yaml when using this data_hash function/) end end context 'and eyaml_lookup_key function' do let(:hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Yaml lookup_key: eyaml_lookup_key YAML it 'fails and reports the missing path' do expect { lookup('a') }.to raise_error(/one of 'path', 'paths' 'glob', 'globs' or 'mapped_paths' must be declared in hiera.yaml when using this lookup_key function/) end end end end context 'with a hiera3_backend that has no paths' do let(:hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent --- version: 5 hierarchy: - name: Custom hiera3_backend: custom YAML end it 'calls the backend' do expect(lookup('hash_c')).to eql( { 'hash_ca' => { 'cad' => 'value hash_c.hash_ca.cad (from global custom)' }}) end end end context 'and a module' do let(:mod_a_files) { {} } let(:populated_env_dir) do dir_contained_in(env_dir, DeepMerge.deep_merge!(environment_files, env_name => { 'modules' => mod_a_files })) env_dir end context 'that has no lookup configured' do let(:mod_a_files) do { 'mod_a' => { 'data' => { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent --- mod_a::b: value mod_a::b (from mod_a) YAML } } } end it 'does not find data in the module' do expect { lookup('mod_a::b') }.to raise_error(Puppet::DataBinding::LookupError, /did not find a value for the name 'mod_a::b'/) end context 'with a Hiera v3 configuration' do let(:mod_a_files) do { 'mod_a' => { 'hiera.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent --- :backends: yaml YAML } } end it 'raises a warning' do expect(lookup('mod_a::a')).to eql('value mod_a::a (from environment)') expect(warnings).to include(/hiera.yaml version 3 found at module root was ignored/) end end context "but a metadata.json with 'module_data_provider=hiera'" do let(:mod_a_files_1) { DeepMerge.deep_merge!(mod_a_files, 'mod_a' => { 'metadata.json' => <<-JSON.unindent }) } { "name": "example/mod_a", "version": "0.0.2", "source": "git@github.com/example/mod_a.git", "dependencies": [], "author": "Bob the Builder", "license": "Apache-2.0", "data_provider": "hiera" } JSON let(:populated_env_dir) do dir_contained_in(env_dir, DeepMerge.deep_merge!(environment_files, env_name => { 'modules' => mod_a_files_1 })) env_dir end it 'finds data in the module and reports deprecation warning for metadata.json' do expect(lookup('mod_a::b')).to eql('value mod_a::b (from mod_a)') expect(warnings).to include(/Defining "data_provider": "hiera" in metadata.json is deprecated. A 'hiera.yaml' file should be used instead/) end context 'and a hiera.yaml file' do let(:mod_a_files_2) { DeepMerge.deep_merge!(mod_a_files_1, 'mod_a' => { 'hiera.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent }) } --- version: 4 hierarchy: - name: common backend: yaml YAML let(:populated_env_dir) do dir_contained_in(env_dir, DeepMerge.deep_merge!(environment_files, env_name => { 'modules' => mod_a_files_2 })) env_dir end it 'finds data in the module and reports deprecation warnings for both metadata.json and hiera.yaml' do expect(lookup('mod_a::b')).to eql('value mod_a::b (from mod_a)') expect(warnings).to include(/Defining "data_provider": "hiera" in metadata.json is deprecated/) expect(warnings).to include(/Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 4 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5/) end end end end context 'using deep merge and module values that aliases environment values' do let(:mod_a_files) do { 'mod_a' => { 'data' => { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, --- mod_a::hash: b: value b (from module) lookup_options: mod_a::hash: merge: deep YAML }, 'hiera.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, --- version: 5 hierarchy: - name: "Common" path: "common.yaml" - name: "Other" path: "other.yaml" YAML } } end let(:env_data) do { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent a: value a (from environment) mod_a::hash: a: value mod_a::hash.a (from environment) c: '%{alias("a")}' YAML } end it 'continues with module lookup after alias is resolved in environment' do expect(lookup('mod_a::hash')).to eql( { 'a' => 'value mod_a::hash.a (from environment)', 'b' => 'value b (from module)', 'c' => 'value a (from environment)' }) end end context 'using a data_hash that reads a yaml file' do let(:defaults) { { 'mod_a::xd' => 'value mod_a::xd (from default)', 'mod_a::xd_found' => 'value mod_a::xd_found (from default)', 'scope_xd' => 'value scope_xd (from default)' }} let(:overrides) { { 'mod_a::xo' => 'value mod_a::xo (from override)', 'scope_xo' => 'value scope_xo (from override)' }} let(:scope_additions) do { 'scope_scalar' => 'scope scalar value', 'scope_hash' => { 'a' => 'scope hash a', 'b' => 'scope hash b' } } end let(:mod_a_files) do { 'mod_a' => { 'data' => { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent --- mod_a::a: value mod_a::a (from mod_a) mod_a::b: value mod_a::b (from mod_a) mod_a::xo: value mod_a::xo (from mod_a) mod_a::xd_found: value mod_a::xd_found (from mod_a) mod_a::interpolate_xo: "-- %{lookup('mod_a::xo')} --" mod_a::interpolate_xd: "-- %{lookup('mod_a::xd')} --" mod_a::interpolate_scope_xo: "-- %{scope_xo} --" mod_a::interpolate_scope_xd: "-- %{scope_xd} --" mod_a::hash_a: a: value mod_a::hash_a.a (from mod_a) b: value mod_a::hash_a.b (from mod_a) mod_a::hash_b: a: value mod_a::hash_b.a (from mod_a) b: value mod_a::hash_b.b (from mod_a) mod_a::interpolated: "-- %{lookup('mod_a::a')} --" mod_a::a_a: "-- %{lookup('mod_a::hash_a.a')} --" mod_a::a_b: "-- %{lookup('mod_a::hash_a.b')} --" mod_a::b_a: "-- %{lookup('mod_a::hash_b.a')} --" mod_a::b_b: "-- %{lookup('mod_a::hash_b.b')} --" mod_a::interpolate_array: - "-- %{lookup('mod_a::a')} --" - "-- %{lookup('mod_a::b')} --" mod_a::interpolate_literal: "-- %{literal('hello')} --" mod_a::interpolate_scope: "-- %{scope_scalar} --" mod_a::interpolate_scope_not_found: "-- %{scope_nope} --" mod_a::interpolate_scope_dig: "-- %{scope_hash.a} --" mod_a::interpolate_scope_dig_not_found: "-- %{scope_hash.nope} --" mod_a::quoted_interpolation: '-- %{lookup(''"mod_a::a.quoted.key"'')} --' "mod_a::a.quoted.key": "value mod_a::a.quoted.key (from mod_a)" YAML }, 'hiera.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, --- version: 5 hierarchy: - name: "Common" data_hash: yaml_data path: "common.yaml" YAML } } end it 'finds data in the module' do expect(lookup('mod_a::b')).to eql('value mod_a::b (from mod_a)') end it 'environment data has higher priority than module data' do expect(lookup('mod_a::a')).to eql('value mod_a::a (from environment)') end it 'environment data has higher priority than module data in interpolated module data' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolated')).to eql('-- value mod_a::a (from environment) --') end it 'overrides have higher priority than found data' do expect(lookup('mod_a::xo', { 'override' => overrides })).to eql('value mod_a::xo (from override)') end it 'overrides have higher priority than found data in lookup interpolations' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolate_xo', { 'override' => overrides })).to eql('-- value mod_a::xo (from override) --') end it 'overrides have higher priority than found data in scope interpolations' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolate_scope_xo', { 'override' => overrides })).to eql('-- value scope_xo (from override) --') end it 'defaults have lower priority than found data' do expect(lookup('mod_a::xd_found', { 'default_values_hash' => defaults })).to eql('value mod_a::xd_found (from mod_a)') end it 'defaults are used when data is not found' do expect(lookup('mod_a::xd', { 'default_values_hash' => defaults })).to eql('value mod_a::xd (from default)') end it 'defaults are used when data is not found in lookup interpolations' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolate_xd', { 'default_values_hash' => defaults })).to eql('-- value mod_a::xd (from default) --') end it 'defaults are used when data is not found in scope interpolations' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolate_scope_xd', { 'default_values_hash' => defaults })).to eql('-- value scope_xd (from default) --') end it 'merges hashes from environment and module unless strategy hash is used' do expect(lookup('mod_a::hash_a')).to eql({'a' => 'value mod_a::hash_a.a (from environment)'}) end it 'merges hashes from environment and module when merge strategy hash is used' do expect(lookup('mod_a::hash_a', :merge => 'hash')).to eql( {'a' => 'value mod_a::hash_a.a (from environment)', 'b' => 'value mod_a::hash_a.b (from mod_a)'}) end it 'will not merge hashes from environment and module in interpolated expressions' do expect(lookup(['mod_a::a_a', 'mod_a::a_b'])).to eql( ['-- value mod_a::hash_a.a (from environment) --', '-- --']) # root key found in environment, no hash merge is performed end it 'interpolates arrays' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolate_array')).to eql(['-- value mod_a::a (from environment) --', '-- value mod_a::b (from mod_a) --']) end it 'can dig into arrays using subkeys' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolate_array.1')).to eql('-- value mod_a::b (from mod_a) --') end it 'treats an out of range subkey as not found' do expect(explain('mod_a::interpolate_array.2')).to match(/No such key: "2"/) end it 'interpolates a literal' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolate_literal')).to eql('-- hello --') end it 'interpolates scalar from scope' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolate_scope')).to eql('-- scope scalar value --') end it 'interpolates not found in scope as empty string' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolate_scope_not_found')).to eql('-- --') end it 'interpolates dotted key from scope' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolate_scope_dig')).to eql('-- scope hash a --') end it 'treates interpolated dotted key but not found in scope as empty string' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolate_scope_dig_not_found')).to eql('-- --') end it 'can use quoted keys in interpolation' do expect(lookup('mod_a::quoted_interpolation')).to eql('-- value mod_a::a.quoted.key (from mod_a) --') # root key found in environment, no hash merge is performed end it 'merges hashes from environment and module in interpolated expressions if hash merge is specified in lookup options' do expect(lookup(['mod_a::b_a', 'mod_a::b_b'])).to eql( ['-- value mod_a::hash_b.a (from environment) --', '-- value mod_a::hash_b.b (from mod_a) --']) end end context 'using a lookup_key that uses a path' do let(:mod_a_files) do { 'mod_a' => { 'functions' => { 'pp_lookup_key.pp' => <<-PUPPET.unindent function mod_a::pp_lookup_key($key, $options, $context) { if !$context.cache_has_key(undef) { $context.cache_all(yaml_data($options, $context)) $context.cache(undef, true) } if $context.cache_has_key($key) { $context.cached_value($key) } else { $context.not_found } } PUPPET }, 'hiera.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, --- version: 5 hierarchy: - name: "Common" lookup_key: mod_a::pp_lookup_key path: common.yaml YAML 'data' => { 'common.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent mod_a::b: value mod_a::b (from mod_a) YAML } } } end it 'finds data in the module' do expect(lookup('mod_a::b')).to eql('value mod_a::b (from mod_a)') end end context 'using a lookup_key that is a puppet function' do let(:puppet_function) { <<-PUPPET.unindent } function mod_a::pp_lookup_key(Puppet::LookupKey $key, Hash[String,String] $options, Puppet::LookupContext $context) >> Puppet::LookupValue { case $key { 'mod_a::really_interpolated': { $context.interpolate("-- %{lookup('mod_a::a')} --") } 'mod_a::recursive': { lookup($key) } default: { if $context.cache_has_key(mod_a::a) { $context.explain || { 'reusing cache' } } else { $context.explain || { 'initializing cache' } $context.cache_all({ mod_a::a => 'value mod_a::a (from mod_a)', mod_a::b => 'value mod_a::b (from mod_a)', mod_a::c => 'value mod_a::c (from mod_a)', mod_a::hash_a => { a => 'value mod_a::hash_a.a (from mod_a)', b => 'value mod_a::hash_a.b (from mod_a)' }, mod_a::hash_b => { a => 'value mod_a::hash_b.a (from mod_a)', b => 'value mod_a::hash_b.b (from mod_a)' }, mod_a::interpolated => "-- %{lookup('mod_a::a')} --", mod_a::a_a => "-- %{lookup('mod_a::hash_a.a')} --", mod_a::a_b => "-- %{lookup('mod_a::hash_a.b')} --", mod_a::b_a => "-- %{lookup('mod_a::hash_b.a')} --", mod_a::b_b => "-- %{lookup('mod_a::hash_b.b')} --", 'mod_a::a.quoted.key' => 'value mod_a::a.quoted.key (from mod_a)', mod_a::sensitive => Sensitive('reduct me please'), mod_a::type => Object[{name => 'FindMe', 'attributes' => {'x' => String}}], mod_a::version => SemVer('3.4.1'), mod_a::version_range => SemVerRange('>=3.4.1'), mod_a::timestamp => Timestamp("1994-03-25T19:30:00"), mod_a::timespan => Timespan("3-10:00:00") }) } if !$context.cache_has_key($key) { $context.not_found } $context.explain || { "returning value for $key" } $context.cached_value($key) } } } PUPPET let(:mod_a_files) do { 'mod_a' => { 'functions' => { 'pp_lookup_key.pp' => puppet_function }, 'hiera.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, --- version: 5 hierarchy: - name: "Common" lookup_key: mod_a::pp_lookup_key YAML } } end it 'finds data in the module' do expect(lookup('mod_a::b')).to eql('value mod_a::b (from mod_a)') end it 'environment data has higher priority than module data' do expect(lookup('mod_a::a')).to eql('value mod_a::a (from environment)') end it 'finds quoted keys in the module' do expect(lookup('"mod_a::a.quoted.key"')).to eql('value mod_a::a.quoted.key (from mod_a)') end it 'will not resolve interpolated expressions' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolated')).to eql("-- %{lookup('mod_a::a')} --") end it 'resolves interpolated expressions using Context#interpolate' do expect(lookup('mod_a::really_interpolated')).to eql("-- value mod_a::a (from environment) --") end it 'will not merge hashes from environment and module unless strategy hash is used' do expect(lookup('mod_a::hash_a')).to eql({ 'a' => 'value mod_a::hash_a.a (from environment)' }) end it 'merges hashes from environment and module when merge strategy hash is used' do expect(lookup('mod_a::hash_a', :merge => 'hash')).to eql({ 'a' => 'value mod_a::hash_a.a (from environment)', 'b' => 'value mod_a::hash_a.b (from mod_a)' }) end it 'traps recursive lookup trapped' do expect(explain('mod_a::recursive')).to include('Recursive lookup detected') end it 'private cache is persisted over multiple calls' do collect_notices("notice(lookup('mod_a::b')) notice(lookup('mod_a::c'))", true) expect(notices).to eql(['value mod_a::b (from mod_a)', 'value mod_a::c (from mod_a)']) expect(explanation).to match(/initializing cache.*reusing cache/m) expect(explanation).not_to match(/initializing cache.*initializing cache/m) end it 'the same key is requested only once' do collect_notices("notice(lookup('mod_a::b')) notice(lookup('mod_a::b'))", true) expect(notices).to eql(['value mod_a::b (from mod_a)', 'value mod_a::b (from mod_a)']) expect(explanation).to match(/Found key: "mod_a::b".*Found key: "mod_a::b"/m) expect(explanation).to match(/returning value for mod_a::b/m) expect(explanation).not_to match(/returning value for mod_a::b.*returning value for mod_a::b/m) end context 'and calling function via API' do it 'finds and delivers rich data' do collect_notices("notice('success')") do |scope| expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'mod_a::sensitive')).to be_a(Puppet::Pops::Types::PSensitiveType::Sensitive) expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'mod_a::type')).to be_a(Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType) expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'mod_a::version')).to eql(SemanticPuppet::Version.parse('3.4.1')) expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'mod_a::version_range')).to eql(SemanticPuppet::VersionRange.parse('>=3.4.1')) expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'mod_a::timestamp')).to eql(Puppet::Pops::Time::Timestamp.parse('1994-03-25T19:30:00')) expect(lookup_func.call(scope, 'mod_a::timespan')).to eql(Puppet::Pops::Time::Timespan.parse('3-10:00:00')) end expect(notices).to eql(['success']) end end context 'with declared but incompatible return_type' do let(:puppet_function) { <<-PUPPET.unindent } function mod_a::pp_lookup_key(Puppet::LookupKey $key, Hash[String,String] $options, Puppet::LookupContext $context) >> Runtime['ruby','Symbol'] { undef } PUPPET it 'fails and reports error' do expect{lookup('mod_a::a')}.to raise_error( "Return type of 'lookup_key' function named 'mod_a::pp_lookup_key' is incorrect, expects a RichData value, got Runtime") end end end context 'using a data_dig that is a ruby function' do let(:mod_a_files) do { 'mod_a' => { 'lib' => { 'puppet' => { 'functions' => { 'mod_a' => { 'ruby_dig.rb' => <<-RUBY.unindent Puppet::Functions.create_function(:'mod_a::ruby_dig') do dispatch :ruby_dig do param 'Array[String[1]]', :segments param 'Hash[String,Any]', :options param 'Puppet::LookupContext', :context return_type 'Puppet::LookupValue' end def ruby_dig(segments, options, context) sub_segments = segments.dup root_key = sub_segments.shift case root_key when 'mod_a::options' hash = { 'mod_a::options' => options } when 'mod_a::lookup' return call_function('lookup', segments.join('.')) else hash = { 'mod_a::a' => 'value mod_a::a (from mod_a)', 'mod_a::b' => 'value mod_a::b (from mod_a)', 'mod_a::hash_a' => { 'a' => 'value mod_a::hash_a.a (from mod_a)', 'b' => 'value mod_a::hash_a.b (from mod_a)' }, 'mod_a::hash_b' => { 'a' => 'value mod_a::hash_b.a (from mod_a)', 'b' => 'value mod_a::hash_b.b (from mod_a)' }, 'mod_a::interpolated' => "-- %{lookup('mod_a::a')} --", 'mod_a::really_interpolated' => "-- %{lookup('mod_a::a')} --", 'mod_a::a_a' => "-- %{lookup('mod_a::hash_a.a')} --", 'mod_a::a_b' => "-- %{lookup('mod_a::hash_a.b')} --", 'mod_a::b_a' => "-- %{lookup('mod_a::hash_b.a')} --", 'mod_a::b_b' => "-- %{lookup('mod_a::hash_b.b')} --", 'mod_a::bad_type' => :oops, 'mod_a::bad_type_in_hash' => { 'a' => :oops }, } end context.not_found unless hash.include?(root_key) value = sub_segments.reduce(hash[root_key]) do |memo, segment| context.not_found unless memo.is_a?(Hash) && memo.include?(segment) memo[segment] end root_key == 'mod_a::really_interpolated' ? context.interpolate(value) : value end end RUBY } } } }, 'hiera.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, --- version: 5 defaults: options: option_b: z: Default option value b.z hierarchy: - name: "Common" data_dig: mod_a::ruby_dig uri: "http://www.example.com/passed/as/option" options: option_a: Option value a option_b: x: Option value b.x y: Option value b.y - name: "Extra" data_dig: mod_a::ruby_dig YAML } } end it 'finds data in the module' do expect(lookup('mod_a::b')).to eql('value mod_a::b (from mod_a)') end it 'environment data has higher priority than module data' do expect(lookup('mod_a::a')).to eql('value mod_a::a (from environment)') end it 'will not resolve interpolated expressions' do expect(lookup('mod_a::interpolated')).to eql("-- %{lookup('mod_a::a')} --") end it 'resolves interpolated expressions using Context#interpolate' do expect(lookup('mod_a::really_interpolated')).to eql("-- value mod_a::a (from environment) --") end it 'does not accept return of runtime type from function' do # Message is produced by the called function, not by the lookup framework expect(explain('mod_a::bad_type')).to include("value returned from function 'ruby_dig' has wrong type") end it 'does not accept return of runtime type embedded in hash from function' do # Message is produced by the called function, not by the lookup framework expect(explain('mod_a::bad_type_in_hash')).to include("value returned from function 'ruby_dig' has wrong type") end it 'will not merge hashes from environment and module unless strategy hash is used' do expect(lookup('mod_a::hash_a')).to eql({'a' => 'value mod_a::hash_a.a (from environment)'}) end it 'hierarchy entry options are passed to the function' do expect(lookup('mod_a::options.option_b.x')).to eql('Option value b.x') end it 'default options are passed to the function' do expect(lookup('mod_a::options.option_b.z')).to eql('Default option value b.z') end it 'default options are not merged with hierarchy options' do expect(lookup('mod_a::options')).to eql( { 'option_a' => 'Option value a', 'option_b' => { 'y' => 'Option value b.y', 'x' => 'Option value b.x' }, 'uri' => 'http://www.example.com/passed/as/option' }) end it 'hierarchy entry "uri" is passed as location option to the function' do expect(lookup('mod_a::options.uri')).to eql('http://www.example.com/passed/as/option') end it 'recursive lookup is trapped' do expect(explain('mod_a::lookup.mod_a::lookup')).to include('Recursive lookup detected') end context 'with merge strategy hash' do it 'merges hashes from environment and module' do expect(lookup('mod_a::hash_a', :merge => 'hash')).to eql({'a' => 'value mod_a::hash_a.a (from environment)', 'b' => 'value mod_a::hash_a.b (from mod_a)'}) end it 'will "undig" value from data_dig function, merge root hashes, and then dig to get values by subkey' do expect(lookup(['mod_a::hash_a.a', 'mod_a::hash_a.b'], :merge => 'hash')).to eql( ['value mod_a::hash_a.a (from environment)', 'value mod_a::hash_a.b (from mod_a)']) end end end context 'that has a default_hierarchy' do let(:mod_a_hiera_yaml) { <<-YAML.unindent } version: 5 hierarchy: - name: "Common" path: common.yaml - name: "Common 2" path: common2.yaml default_hierarchy: - name: "Default" path: defaults.yaml - name: "Default 2" path: defaults2.yaml YAML let(:mod_a_common) { <<-YAML.unindent } mod_a::a: value mod_a::a (from module) mod_a::d: a: value mod_a::d.a (from module) mod_a::f: a: a: value mod_a::f.a.a (from module) lookup_options: mod_a::e: merge: deep YAML let(:mod_a_common2) { <<-YAML.unindent } mod_a::b: value mod_a::b (from module) mod_a::d: c: value mod_a::d.c (from module) mod_a::f: a: b: value mod_a::f.a.b (from module) YAML let(:mod_a_defaults) { <<-YAML.unindent } mod_a::a: value mod_a::a (from module defaults) mod_a::b: value mod_a::b (from module defaults) mod_a::c: value mod_a::c (from module defaults) mod_a::d: b: value mod_a::d.b (from module defaults) mod_a::e: a: a: value mod_a::e.a.a (from module defaults) mod_a::g: a: a: value mod_a::g.a.a (from module defaults) lookup_options: mod_a::d: merge: hash mod_a::g: merge: deep YAML let(:mod_a_defaults2) { <<-YAML.unindent } mod_a::e: a: b: value mod_a::e.a.b (from module defaults) mod_a::g: a: b: value mod_a::g.a.b (from module defaults) YAML let(:mod_a_files) do { 'mod_a' => { 'data' => { 'common.yaml' => mod_a_common, 'common2.yaml' => mod_a_common2, 'defaults.yaml' => mod_a_defaults, 'defaults2.yaml' => mod_a_defaults2 }, 'hiera.yaml' => mod_a_hiera_yaml } } end it 'the default hierarchy does not interfere with environment hierarchy' do expect(lookup('mod_a::a')).to eql('value mod_a::a (from environment)') end it 'the default hierarchy does not interfere with regular hierarchy in module' do expect(lookup('mod_a::b')).to eql('value mod_a::b (from module)') end it 'the default hierarchy is consulted when no value is found elsewhere' do expect(lookup('mod_a::c')).to eql('value mod_a::c (from module defaults)') end it 'the default hierarchy does not participate in a merge' do expect(lookup('mod_a::d', 'merge' => 'hash')).to eql('a' => 'value mod_a::d.a (from module)', 'c' => 'value mod_a::d.c (from module)') end it 'lookup_options from regular hierarchy does not effect values found in the default hierarchy' do expect(lookup('mod_a::e')).to eql('a' => { 'a' => 'value mod_a::e.a.a (from module defaults)' }) end it 'lookup_options from default hierarchy affects values found in the default hierarchy' do expect(lookup('mod_a::g')).to eql('a' => { 'a' => 'value mod_a::g.a.a (from module defaults)', 'b' => 'value mod_a::g.a.b (from module defaults)'}) end it 'merge parameter does not override lookup_options defined in the default hierarchy' do expect(lookup('mod_a::g', 'merge' => 'hash')).to eql( 'a' => { 'a' => 'value mod_a::g.a.a (from module defaults)', 'b' => 'value mod_a::g.a.b (from module defaults)'}) end it 'lookup_options from default hierarchy does not effect values found in the regular hierarchy' do expect(lookup('mod_a::d')).to eql('a' => 'value mod_a::d.a (from module)') end it 'the default hierarchy lookup is included in the explain output' do explanation = explain('mod_a::c') expect(explanation).to match(/Searching default_hierarchy of module "mod_a".+Original path: "defaults.yaml"/m) end end end context 'and an eyaml lookup_key function' do let(:private_key_name) { 'private_key.pkcs7.pem' } let(:public_key_name) { 'public_key.pkcs7.pem' } let(:private_key) do <<-PKCS7.unindent -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEogIBAAKCAQEAwHB3GvImq59em4LV9DMfP0Zjs21eW3Jd5I9fuY0jLJhIkH6f CR7tyOpYV6xUj+TF8giq9WLxZI7sourMJMWjEWhVjgUr5lqp1RLv4lwfDv3Wk4XC 2LUuqj1IAErUXKeRz8i3lUSZW1Pf4CaMpnIiPdWbz6f0KkaJSFi9bqexONBx4fKQ NlgZwm2/aYjjrYng788I0QhWDKUqsQOi5mZKlHNRsDlk7J3Afhsx/jTLrCX/G8+2 tPtLsHyRN39kluM5vYHbKXDsCG/a88Z2yUE2+r4Clp0FUKffiEDBPm0/H0sQ4Q1o EfQFDQRKaIkhpsm0nOnLYTy3/xJc5uqDNkLiawIDAQABAoIBAE98pNXOe8ab93oI mtNZYmjCbGAqprTjEoFb71A3SfYbmK2Gf65GxjUdBwx/tBYTiuekSOk+yzKcDoZk sZnmwKpqDByzaiSmAkxunANFxdZtZvpcX9UfUX0j/t+QCROUa5gF8j6HrUiZ5nkx sxr1PcuItekaGLJ1nDLz5JsWTQ+H4M+GXQw7/t96x8v8g9el4exTiAHGk6Fv16kD 017T02M9qTTmV3Ab/enDIBmKVD42Ta36K/wc4l1aoUQNiRbIGVh96Cgd1CFXLF3x CsaNbYT4SmRXaYqoj6MKq+QFEGxadFmJy48NoSd4joirIn2lUjHxJebw3lLbNLDR uvQnQ2ECgYEA/nD94wEMr6078uMv6nKxPpNGq7fihwSKf0G/PQDqrRmjUCewuW+k /iXMe1Y/y0PjFeNlSbUsUvKQ5xF7F/1AnpuPHIrn3cjGVLb71W+zen1m8SnhsW/f 7dPgtcb4SCvfhmLgoov+P34YcNfGi6qgPUu6319IqoB3BIi7PvfEomkCgYEAwZ4+ V0bMjFdDn2hnYzjTNcF2aUQ1jPvtuETizGwyCbbMLl9522lrjC2DrH41vvqX35ct CBJkhQFbtHM8Gnmozv0vxhI2jP+u14mzfePZsaXuYrEgWRj+BCsYUHodXryxnEWj yVrTNskab1B5jFm2SCJDmKcycBOYpRBLCMx6W7MCgYBA99z7/6KboOIzzKrJdGup jLV410UyMIikoccQ7pD9jhRTPS80yjsY4dHqlEVJw5XSWvPb9DTTITi6p44EvBep 6BKMuTMnQELUEr0O7KypVCfa4FTOl8BX28f+4kU3OGykxc6R8qkC0VGwTohV1UWB ITsgGhZV4uOA9uDI3T8KMQKBgEnQY2HwmuDSD/TA39GDA3qV8+ez2lqSXRGIKZLX mMf9SaBQQ+uzKA4799wWDbVuYeIbB07xfCL83pJP8FUDlqi6+7Celu9wNp7zX1ua Nw8z/ErhzjxJe+Xo7A8aTwIkG+5A2m1UU/up9YsEeiJYvVaIwY58B42U2vfq20BS fD9jAoGAX2MscBzIsmN+U9R0ptL4SXcPiVnOl8mqvQWr1B4OLgxX7ghht5Fs956W bHipxOWMFCPJA/AhNB8q1DvYiD1viZbIALSCJVUkzs4AEFIjiPsCBKxerl7jF6Xp 1WYSaCmfvoCVEpFNt8cKp4Gq+zEBYAV4Q6TkcD2lDtEW49MuN8A= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- PKCS7 end let(:public_key) do <<-PKCS7.unindent -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC2TCCAcGgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAAMCAXDTE3MDExMzA5MTY1 MloYDzIwNjcwMTAxMDkxNjUyWjAAMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIB CgKCAQEAwHB3GvImq59em4LV9DMfP0Zjs21eW3Jd5I9fuY0jLJhIkH6fCR7tyOpY V6xUj+TF8giq9WLxZI7sourMJMWjEWhVjgUr5lqp1RLv4lwfDv3Wk4XC2LUuqj1I AErUXKeRz8i3lUSZW1Pf4CaMpnIiPdWbz6f0KkaJSFi9bqexONBx4fKQNlgZwm2/ aYjjrYng788I0QhWDKUqsQOi5mZKlHNRsDlk7J3Afhsx/jTLrCX/G8+2tPtLsHyR N39kluM5vYHbKXDsCG/a88Z2yUE2+r4Clp0FUKffiEDBPm0/H0sQ4Q1oEfQFDQRK aIkhpsm0nOnLYTy3/xJc5uqDNkLiawIDAQABo1wwWjAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/ MB0GA1UdDgQWBBSejWrVnw7QaBjNFCHMNFi+doSOcTAoBgNVHSMEITAfgBSejWrV nw7QaBjNFCHMNFi+doSOcaEEpAIwAIIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAAe85 BQ1ydAHFqo0ib38VRPOwf5xPHGbYGhvQi4/sU6aTuR7pxaOJPYz05jLhS+utEmy1 sknBq60G67yhQE7IHcfwrl1arirG2WmKGvAbjeYL2K1UiU0pVD3D+Klkv/pK6jIQ eOJRGb3qNUn0Sq9EoYIOXiGXQ641F0bZZ0+5H92kT1lmnF5oLfCb84ImD9T3snH6 pIr5RKRx/0YmJIcv3WdpoPT903rOJiRIEgIj/hDk9QZTBpm222Ul5yQQ5pBywpSp xh0bmJKAQWhQm7QlybKfyaQmg5ot1jEzWAvD2I5FjHQxmAlchjb6RreaRhExj+JE 5O117dMBdzDBjcNMOA== -----END CERTIFICATE----- PKCS7 end let(:keys_dir) do keys = tmpdir('keys') dir_contained_in(keys, { private_key_name => private_key, public_key_name => public_key }) keys end let(:private_key_path) { File.join(keys_dir, private_key_name) } let(:public_key_path) { File.join(keys_dir, public_key_name) } let(:env_hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent version: 5 hierarchy: - name: EYaml path: common.eyaml lookup_key: eyaml_lookup_key options: pkcs7_private_key: #{private_key_path} pkcs7_public_key: #{public_key_path} YAML end let(:scope_additions) { { 'ipl_suffix' => 'aa' } } let(:data_files) do { 'common.eyaml' => <<-YAML.unindent # a: Encrypted value 'a' (from environment) a: > ENC[PKCS7,MIIBmQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIBijCCAYYCAQAxggEhMIIBHQIBADAFMAACAQEw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEAUwwNRA5ZKM87SLnjnJfzDFRQbeheSYMTOhcr sgTPCGtzEAzvRBrkdIRAvDZVRfadV9OB+bJsYrhWIkU1bYiOn1m78ginh96M 44RuspnIZYnL9Dhs+JyC8VvB5nlvlEph2RGt+KYg9iU4JYhwZ2+8+yxB6/UK H5HGKDCjBbEc8o9MbCckLsciIh11hKKgT6K0yhKB/nBxxM78nrX0BxmAHX2u bejKDRa9S/0uS7Y91nvnbIkaQpZ4KteSQ+J4/lQBMlMAeE+2F9ncM8jFKnQC rzzdbn1O/zwsEt5J5CRP1Sc+8hM644+IqkLs+17segxArHVGOsEqyDcHbXEK 9jspfzBcBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBCIq/L5HeJgA9XQm67j JHUngDDS5s52FsuSIMin7Z/pV+XuaJGFkL80ia4bXnCWilmtM8oUa/DZuBje dCILO7I8QqU=] hash_a: "hash_%{ipl_suffix}": # aaa: Encrypted value hash_a.hash_aa.aaa (from environment) aaa: > ENC[PKCS7,MIIBqQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIBmjCCAZYCAQAxggEhMIIBHQIBADAFMAACAQEw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEAhvGXL5RxVUs9wdqJvpCyXtfCHrm2HbG/u30L n8EuRD9ravlsgIISAnd27JPtrxA+0rZq4EQRGz6OcovnH9vTg86/lVBhhPnz b83ArptGJhRvTYUJ19GZI3AYjJbhWj/Jo5NL56oQJaPBccqHxMApm/U0wlus QtASL94cLuh4toVIBQCQzD5/Bx51p2wQobm9p4WKSl1zJhDceurmoLZXqhuN JwwEBwXopJvgid3ZDPbdX8nI6vHhb/8wDq9yb5DOsrkgqDqQgwPU9sUUioQj Hr1pGyeOWnbEe99iEb2+m7TWsC0NN7OBo06mAgFNbBLjvn2k4PiCxrOOgJ8S LI5eXjBsBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBCWNS6j3m/Xvrp5RFaN ovm/gEB4oPlYJswoXuWqcEBfwZzbpy96x3b2Le/yoa72ylbPAUc5GfLENvFQ zXpTtSmQE0fixY4JMaBTke65ZRvoiOQO] array_a: # - "array_a[0]" - > ENC[PKCS7,MIIBeQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIBajCCAWYCAQAxggEhMIIBHQIBADAFMAACAQEw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEAmXZfyfU77vVCZqHpR10qhD0Jy9DpMGBgal97 vUO2VHX7KlCgagK0kz8/uLRIthkYzcpn8ISmw/+CIAny3jOjxOsylJiujqyu hx/JEFl8bOKOg40Bd0UuBaw/qZ+CoAtOorhiIW7x6t7DpknItC6gkH/cSJ4/ p3MdhoARRuwj2fvuaChVsD39l2rXjgJj0OJOaDXdbuisG75VRZf5l8IH6+44 Q7m6W7BU69LX+ozn+W3filQoiJ5MPf8w/KXAObMSbKYIDsrZUyIWyyNUbpW0 MieIkHj93bX3gIEcenECLdWaEzcPa7MHgl6zevQKg4H0JVmcvKYyfHYqcrVE PqizKDA8BgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBDf259KZEay1widVSFy I9zGgBAICjm0x2GeqoCnHdiAA+jt] # - "array_a[1]" - > ENC[PKCS7,MIIBeQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIBajCCAWYCAQAxggEhMIIBHQIBADAFMAACAQEw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEATVy4hHG356INFKOswAhoravh66iJljp+Vn3o UVD1kyRiqY5tz3UVSptzUmzD+YssX/f73AKCjUI3HrPNL7kAxsk6fWS7nDEj AuxtCqGYeBha6oYJYziSGIHfAdY3MiJUI1C9g/OQB4TTvKdrlDArPiY8THJi bzLLMbVQYJ6ixSldwkdKD75vtikyamx+1LSyVBSg8maVyPvLHtLZJuT71rln WON3Ious9PIbd+izbcCzaoqh5UnTfDCjOuAYliXalBxamIIwNzSV1sdR8/qf t22zpYK4J8lgCBV2gKfrOWSi9MAs6JhCeOb8wNLMmAUTbc0WrFJxoCwAPX0z MAjsNjA8BgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBC4v4bNE4gFlbLmVY+9 BtSLgBBm7U0wu6d6s9wF9Ek9IHPe] # ref_a: "A resolved = '%{hiera('a')}'" ref_a: > ENC[PKCS7,MIIBiQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIBejCCAXYCAQAxggEhMIIBHQIBADAFMAACAQEw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEAFSuUp+yk+oaA7b5ekT0u360CQ9Q2sIQ/bTcM jT3XLjm8HIGYPcysOEnuo8WcAxJFY5iya4yQ7Y/UhMWXaTi7Vzv/6BmyPDwz +7Z2Mf0r0PvS5+ylue6aem/3bXPOmXTKTf68OCehTRXlDUs8/av9gnsDzojp yiUTBZvKxhIP2n//GyoHgyATveHT0lxPVpdMycB347DtWS7IduCxx0+KiOOw DXYFlYbIVxVInwgERxtsfYSr+Fu0/mkjtRsQm+dPzMQOATE9Val2gGKsV6bi kdm1OM9HrwVsFj6Lma6FYmr89Bcm/1uEc8fiOMtNK3z2+nwunWBMNCGneMYD C5IJejBMBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBAeiZDGQyXHkZlV5ceT iCxpgCDDatuVvbPEEi8rKOC7xhPHZ22zLEEV//l7C9jxq+DZcA==] YAML } end let(:env_data) { data_files } context 'and a module using eyaml with different options' do let(:private_module_key) do <<-PKCS7.unindent -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEogIBAAKCAQEAuqVpctipK4OMWM+RwKcd/mR4pg6qE3+ItPVC9TlvBrmDaN/y YZRjQR+XovXSGuy/CneSQ9Qss0Ff3FKAmEeH0qN0V47a81hgLpjhLCX1n+Ov7r1Q DC1ciTpVzHE4krN3rJ/RmDohitIqT1IYYhdcEdaMG9E26HIzn1QIwaDiYU3mfqWM 8CZExa0CeIsEzHRLSxuMi/xX0ENImCRUzY9GH88Cu2gUhpKlbVzJmVqGPgp94pJY YM+SUb0XP1yRySpJMnVg98oCUrQO2OoE/Gax/djAi6hrJUzejPsEKdZ1yxM6OyJW NjWZYs8izAxBqm7pv1hx5+X7AIPqwZTMVrB7TQIDAQABAoIBAHIex13QOYeAlGSM 7bpUtBMiTV6DItxvIyA5wen8ZvU+oqmSHDorp5BfB7E9Cm0qChkVSRot9fLYawtk anoxakuRY4ZRs3AMvipfkXYT854CckTP/cykQ6soPuOU6plQIEEtKtMf3/hoTjRX ps77J3FEtEAh6Kexg/zMPdpeS2xgULhk0P9ZQEg+JhLA5dq0p0nz3SBkuzcxei79 +Za/Tg1osD0AINOajdvPnKxvlmWJN0+LpGwVjFNhkoUXPeDyvq0z2V/Uqwz4HP2I UGv4tz3SbzFc3Ie4lzgUZzCQgUK3u60pq1uyA6BRtxwdEmpn5v++jGXBGJZpWwcW UNblESUCgYEA4aTH9+LHsNjLPs2FmSc7hNjwHG1rAHcDXTX2ccySjRcQvH4Z7xBL di+SzZ2Tf8gSLycPRgRVCbrgCODpjoV2D5wWnyUHfWm4+GQxHURYa4UDx69tsSKE OTRASJo7/Mz0M1a6YzgCzVRM/TO676ucmawzKUY5OUm1oehtODAiZOcCgYEA08GM AMBOznys02xREJI5nLR6AveuTbIjF2efEidoxoW+1RrMOkcqaDTrJQ5PLM+oDDwD iPzVjnroSbwJzFB71atIg7b7TwltgkXy7wNTedO2cm5u/I0q8tY2Jaa4Mz8JUnbe yafvtS0/mY6A5k+8/2UIMFin2rqU9NC9EUPIo6sCgYBhOvAwELibq89osIbxB8bN 5+0PUtbYzG/WqnoXb193DIlZr7zdFththPJtR4lXdo7fYqViNluuZahEKyZ5E2lc MJZO3VXs5LGf1wyS3/B55EdMtHs/6O+w9qL8pflTZb2UobqPJoOOltTWBoR24iwI y/r/vhLKbMini9AEdjlb4QKBgGdYsax4Lr4GCQ8ScSnmQ6ngRyAFo5MV2pyEnRTu GOuywKUe9AeJTgAXu5+VMT0Mh9aYv5zu0Ic+IvpBhIKr0RRCCR0Hg/VaA5Et9FeE RwxRMFz+2rn1Z72moDyV9pZEMJeHnknK5WmGEOEvtGczCWmX9Hwr+Jf+sc4dxfiU HWsLAoGAXWSX73p/6R4eRfF5zU2UFJPvDzhmwObAuvU4zKs9x7PMxZfvyt/eBCO1 fj2+hIR72RxVuHbLApF1BT6gPVLtNdvaNuCs8YlHcnx/Oi088F0ni7fL/xYBUvaB 7wTf188UJxP1ofVMZW00P4I9mR6BrOulv455gCwsmg2X7WtJU48= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- PKCS7 end let(:public_module_key) do <<-PKCS7.unindent -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC2TCCAcGgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAAMCAXDTE3MDUzMTE2Mjc0 M1oYDzIwNjcwNTE5MTYyNzQzWjAAMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIB CgKCAQEAuqVpctipK4OMWM+RwKcd/mR4pg6qE3+ItPVC9TlvBrmDaN/yYZRjQR+X ovXSGuy/CneSQ9Qss0Ff3FKAmEeH0qN0V47a81hgLpjhLCX1n+Ov7r1QDC1ciTpV zHE4krN3rJ/RmDohitIqT1IYYhdcEdaMG9E26HIzn1QIwaDiYU3mfqWM8CZExa0C eIsEzHRLSxuMi/xX0ENImCRUzY9GH88Cu2gUhpKlbVzJmVqGPgp94pJYYM+SUb0X P1yRySpJMnVg98oCUrQO2OoE/Gax/djAi6hrJUzejPsEKdZ1yxM6OyJWNjWZYs8i zAxBqm7pv1hx5+X7AIPqwZTMVrB7TQIDAQABo1wwWjAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/ MB0GA1UdDgQWBBQkhoMgOyPzEe7tOOimNH2//PYF2TAoBgNVHSMEITAfgBQkhoMg OyPzEe7tOOimNH2//PYF2aEEpAIwAIIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAhRWc Nz3PcUJllao5G/v4AyvjLgwB2JgjJgh6D3ILoOe9TrDSXD7ZV3F30vFae+Eztk86 pmM8x57E0HsuuY+Owf6/hvELtwbzf9N/lc9ySZSogGFoQeJ8rnCJAQ0FaPjqb7AN xTaY9HTzr4dZG1f+sw32RUu2fDe7Deqgf85uMSZ1mtRTt9zvo8lMQxVA2nVOfwz2 Nxf+qSNYSCtf0/6iwfzHy0qPjaJnywgBCi3Lg2IMSqGUatxzH+9HWrBgD+ZYxmDz 2gW+EIU1Y/We/tbjIWaR1PD+IzeRJi5fHq60RKHPSdp7TGtV48bQRvyZXC7sVCRa yxfX1IGYhCDzbFRQNg== -----END CERTIFICATE----- PKCS7 end let(:module_keys_dir) do keys = tmpdir('keys') dir_contained_in(keys, { private_key_name => private_module_key, public_key_name => public_module_key }) keys end let(:private_module_key_path) { File.join(module_keys_dir, private_key_name) } let(:public_module_key_path) { File.join(module_keys_dir, public_key_name) } let(:mod_a_files) do { 'mod_a' => { 'hiera.yaml' => <<-YAML.unindent, version: 5 hierarchy: - name: EYaml path: common.eyaml lookup_key: eyaml_lookup_key options: pkcs7_private_key: #{private_module_key_path} pkcs7_public_key: #{public_module_key_path} YAML 'data' => { 'common.eyaml' => <<-YAML.unindent --- # "%{lookup('a')} (from module)" mod_a::a: > ENC[PKCS7,MIIBiQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIBejCCAXYCAQAxggEhMIIBHQIBADAFMAACAQEw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEAC+lvda8mX6XkgCBstNw4IQUDyFcS6M0mS9gZ ev4VBDeUK4AUNVnzzdbW0Mnj9LbqlpzFx96VGqSxsRBpe7BVD0kVo5jQsEMn nbrWOD1lvXYrXZMXBeD9xJbMbH5EiiFhbaXcEKRAVGaLVQKjXDENDQ/On+it 1+wmmVwJynDJR0lsCz6dcSKvw6wnxBcv32qFyePvJuIf04CHMhaS4ykedYHK vagUn5uVXOv/8G0JPlZnQLyxjE0v0heb0Zj0mvcP2+Y5BSW50AQVrMWJNtdW aFEg6H5hpjduQfQh3iWVuDLnWhbP0sY2Grn5dTOxQP8aTDSsiTUcSeIAmjr/ K8YRCjBMBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBAjL7InlBjRuohLLcBx 686ogCDkhCan8bCE7aX2nr75QtLF3q89pFIR4/NGl5+oGEO+qQ==] YAML } } } end let(:populated_env_dir) do dir_contained_in(env_dir, DeepMerge.deep_merge!(environment_files, env_name => { 'modules' => mod_a_files })) env_dir end it 'repeatedly finds data in environment and module' do expect(lookup(['array_a', 'mod_a::a', 'hash_a'])).to eql([ ['array_a[0]', 'array_a[1]'], "Encrypted value 'a' (from environment) (from module)", {'hash_aa'=>{'aaa'=>'Encrypted value hash_a.hash_aa.aaa (from environment)'}}]) end end it 'finds data in the environment' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql("Encrypted value 'a' (from environment)") end it 'evaluates interpolated keys' do expect(lookup('hash_a')).to include('hash_aa') end it 'evaluates interpolations in encrypted values' do expect(lookup('ref_a')).to eql("A resolved = 'Encrypted value 'a' (from environment)'") end it 'can read encrypted values inside a hash' do expect(lookup('hash_a.hash_aa.aaa')).to eql('Encrypted value hash_a.hash_aa.aaa (from environment)') end it 'can read encrypted values inside an array' do expect(lookup('array_a')).to eql(['array_a[0]', 'array_a[1]']) end context 'declared in global scope as a Hiera v3 backend' do let(:environment_files) { {} } let(:data_file_content) { <<-YAML.unindent } a: > ENC[PKCS7,MIIBmQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIBijCCAYYCAQAxggEhMIIBHQIBADAFMAACAQEw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEAH457bsfL8kYw9O50roE3dcE21nCnmPnQ2XSX LYRJ2C78LarbfFonKz0gvDW7tyhsLWASFCFaiU8T1QPBd2b3hoQK8E4B2Ual xga/K7r9y3OSgRomTm9tpTltC6re0Ubh3Dy71H61obwxEdNVTqjPe95+m2b8 6zWZVnzZzXXsTG1S17yJn1zaB/LXHbWNy4KyLLKCGAml+Gfl6ZMjmaplTmUA QIC5rI8abzbPP3TDMmbLOGNkrmLqI+3uS8tSueTMoJmWaMF6c+H/cA7oRxmV QCeEUVXjyFvCHcmbA+keS/RK9XF+vc07/XS4XkYSPs/I5hLQji1y9bkkGAs0 tehxQjBcBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBDHpA6Fcl/R16aIYcow oiO4gDAvfFH6jLUwXkcYtagnwdmhkd9TQJtxNWcIwMpvmk036MqIoGwwhQdg gV4beiCFtLU=] YAML let(:hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent :backends: eyaml :eyaml: :datadir: #{code_dir}/hieradata :pkcs7_private_key: #{private_key_path} :pkcs7_public_key: #{public_key_path} :hierarchy: - common YAML end let(:data_files) do { 'common.eyaml' => data_file_content } end let(:code_dir_files) do { 'hiera.yaml' => hiera_yaml, 'hieradata' => data_files } end before(:each) do Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(code_dir, 'hiera.yaml') end it 'finds data in the global layer' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql("Encrypted value 'a' (from global)") end it 'delegates configured eyaml backend to eyaml_lookup_key function' do expect(explain('a')).to match(/Hierarchy entry "eyaml"\n.*\n.*\n.*"common"\n\s*Found key: "a"/m) end context 'using intepolated paths to the key pair' do let(:scope_additions) { { 'priv_path' => private_key_path, 'pub_path' => public_key_path } } let(:hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent :backends: eyaml :eyaml: :datadir: #{code_dir}/hieradata :pkcs7_private_key: "%{priv_path}" :pkcs7_public_key: "%{pub_path}" :hierarchy: - common YAML end it 'finds data in the global layer' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql("Encrypted value 'a' (from global)") end end context 'with special extension declared in options' do let(:environment_files) { {} } let(:hiera_yaml) do <<-YAML.unindent :backends: eyaml :eyaml: :extension: xyaml :datadir: #{code_dir}/hieradata :pkcs7_private_key: #{private_key_path} :pkcs7_public_key: #{public_key_path} :hierarchy: - common YAML end let(:data_files) do { 'common.xyaml' => data_file_content } end it 'finds data in the global layer' do expect(lookup('a')).to eql("Encrypted value 'a' (from global)") end it 'delegates configured eyaml backend to eyaml_lookup_key function' do expect(explain('a')).to match(/Hierarchy entry "eyaml"\n.*\n.*\n.*"common"\n\s*Found key: "a"/m) end end end end end end