# Material Design Lite, for Rails! A gemified version of [Google's Material Design Lite](http://www.getmdl.io/) library. ## Installation To your Rails application's Gemfile, add ```ruby gem 'material_design_lite-rails', '~> 1.2' ``` And then run $ bundle #### Javascripts To your `application.js` file, add: ``` //= require material ``` #### Stylesheets Do one of the following: To your `application.css` , add ``` *= require material ``` **OR** If you're using sass, use sass's [`@import`](https://github.com/rails/sass-rails#important-note) in your `application.scss`. ``` @import "material"; ``` This gem only provides the compiled CSS file from [`google/material-design-lite`](https://github.com/google/material-design-lite). If you're looking for the individual Sass files, so you can take only parts of Material Design Lite, you should use the [`rubysamurai/material_design_lite-sass`](https://github.com/rubysamurai/material_design_lite-sass) gem instead. #### Icons Material Design Lite uses a font called 'Material Icons'. You can either load this font from google, or host it yourself. ##### Load font from google Add the following line to your `application.html.erb` view layout file, in the `` section: ``` <%= stylesheet_link_tag "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" %> ``` **OR** ##### Host font locally Use the `material_icons` gem to [host the font locally](https://github.com/Angelmmiguel/material_icons). ## Versioning This gem is versioned semantically, in line with [`google/material-design-lite`](https://github.com/google/material-design-lite) If there needs to be a release of this gem without a corresponding release to `google/material-design-lite'` to the repo, an additional digit will be added (so if this gem's version is ``, google's version would still be `1.0.0`). The first three digits will always be the same as `google/material-design-lite`. ## TODO: - [ ] Add tests (make sure CSS/JS loads, and check version) - [ ] Add view helpers, to ease burden of manually adding all the classes. - [ ] Fix issue where you need to manually create `node_modules` directory ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/cllns/material_design_lite-rails/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request