module Origen class Application class Configuration require 'pathname' # Returns the configuration's application instance attr_reader :app attr_accessor :name, :initials, :instructions, :history_file, :release_directory, :release_email_subject, :production_targets, :mode, :vault, :output_directory, :reference_directory, :semantically_version, :log_directory, :pattern_name_translator, :pattern_directory, :pattern_output_directory, :pattern_prefix, :pattern_postfix, :pattern_header, :default_lsf_action, :release_instructions, :proceed_with_pattern, :test_program_output_directory, :erb_trim_mode, :test_program_source_directory, :test_program_template_directory, :referenced_pattern_list, :program_prefix, :copy_command, :diff_command, :compile_only_dot_erb_files, :web_directory, :web_domain, :strict_errors, :unmanaged_dirs, :unmanaged_files, :remotes, :external_app_dirs, :lint_test, :shared, :yammer_group, :rc_url, :rc_workflow, :user_aliases, :release_externally, :gem_name, :disqus_shortname # Mark any attributes that are likely to depend on properties of the target here, # this will raise an error if they are ever accessed before the target has been # instantiated (a concern for Origen core developers only). # # These attributes will also receive an enhanced accessor that accepts a block, see # below for more details on this. ATTRS_THAT_DEPEND_ON_TARGET = [ :output_directory, :reference_directory, :pattern_postfix, :pattern_prefix, :pattern_header, :release_directory, :pattern_name_translator, :pattern_directory, :pattern_output_directory, :proceed_with_pattern, :test_program_output_directory, :test_program_source_directory, :test_program_template_directory, :referenced_pattern_list, :program_prefix, :web_directory, :web_domain ] # Any attributes that want to accept a block, but not necessarily require the target # can be added here ATTRS_THAT_ACCEPT_A_BLOCK = ATTRS_THAT_DEPEND_ON_TARGET + [:release_instructions, :history_file, :log_directory, :copy_command, :diff_command, :remotes, :external_app_dirs ] # If a current plugin is present then its value for these attributes will be # used instead of that from the current application ATTRS_THAT_CURRENT_PLUGIN_CAN_OVERRIDE = [ :pattern_prefix, :pattern_postfix, :program_prefix, :pattern_header, :pattern_output_directory, :output_directory, :reference_directory, :test_program_output_directory, :test_program_template_directory, :referenced_pattern_list ] def log_deprecations # unless imports.empty? # Origen.deprecate "App #{} uses config.imports this will be removed in Origen V3 and a Gemfile/.gemspec should be used instead" # end end def initialize(app) @app = app @mode = @name = 'Unknown' @initials = 'NA' @semantically_version = false @compile_only_dot_erb_files = true # Functions used here since Origen.root is not available when this is first instantiated @output_directory = -> { "#{Origen.root}/output" } @reference_directory = -> { "#{Origen.root}/.ref" } @release_directory = -> { Origen.root } @release_email_subject = false @log_directory = -> { "#{Origen.root}/log" } @pattern_name_translator = ->(name) { name } @pattern_directory = -> { "#{Origen.root}/pattern" } @pattern_output_directory = -> { "#{Origen.root}/output/patterns" } @history_file = -> { "#{Origen.root}/doc/history" } @default_lsf_action = :clear @proceed_with_pattern = ->(_name) { true } @erb_trim_mode = '%' @referenced_pattern_list = -> { "#{Origen.root}/list/referenced.list" } @copy_command = -> { Origen.running_on_windows? ? 'copy' : 'cp' } @diff_command = -> { Origen.running_on_windows? ? 'start winmerge' : 'tkdiff' } @imports = [] @imports_dev = [] @external_app_dirs = [] @unmanaged_dirs = [] @unmanaged_files = [] @remotes = [] @lint_test = {} @user_aliases = {} end # This defines an enhanced accessor for these attributes that allows them to be assigned # to an anonymous function to calculate the value based on some property of the target # objects. # # Without this the objects from the target could not be referenced in config/application.rb # because they don't exist yet, for example this will not work because $dut has not yet # been instantiated: # # config/application.rb # # config.output_directory = "#{Origen.root}/output/#{$dut.class}" # # However this accessor provides a way to do that via the following syntax: # # config/application.rb # # config.output_directory do # "#{Origen.root}/output/#{$dut.class}" # end # # Or on one line: # # config/application.rb # # config.output_directory { "#{Origen.root}/output/#{$dut.class}" } # # Or if you prefer the more explicit: # # config/application.rb # # config.output_directory = ->{ "#{Origen.root}/output/#{$dut.class}" } ATTRS_THAT_ACCEPT_A_BLOCK.each do |name| define_method name do |override = true, &block| if block # _given? instance_variable_set("@#{name}".to_sym, block) else if override && ATTRS_THAT_CURRENT_PLUGIN_CAN_OVERRIDE.include?(name) && app.current? && var =, override: false) end var ||= instance_variable_get("@#{name}".to_sym) if var.respond_to?('call') if ATTRS_THAT_DEPEND_ON_TARGET.include?(name) # If an attempt has been made to access this attribute before the target has # been instantiated raise an error # Note here instead of just app to ensure we are talking to the top level application, # that is the only one that has a target unless fail "You have attempted to access Origen.config.#{name} before instantiating the target" end end else var end end end end (ATTRS_THAT_CURRENT_PLUGIN_CAN_OVERRIDE - ATTRS_THAT_ACCEPT_A_BLOCK).each do |name| if override && ATTRS_THAT_CURRENT_PLUGIN_CAN_OVERRIDE.include?(name) && app.current? && var =, override: false) end var || instance_variable_get("@#{name}".to_sym) end def pattern_name_translator(name = nil, &block) if block @pattern_name_translator = block else end end def proceed_with_pattern(name = nil, &block) if block @proceed_with_pattern = block else end end # Add a new pattern iterator def pattern_iterator yield Origen.generator.create_iterator end def mode=(val) @mode.set(val) end def lsf app.lsf.configuration end # Prevent a new attribute from a future version of Origen from dying before the # user can be prompted to upgrade def method_missing(method, *_args, &_block) method = method.to_s.sub('=', '') Origen.log.warning "WARNING - unknown configuration attribute: #{method}" end end end end