# myfinance-client-ruby
A Ruby client for the [Myfinance](http://www.myfinance.com.br) REST API
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Myfinance API docs: https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'myfinance'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install myfinance
## Usage
##### Given your token, create an instance of Myfinance::Client, as below:
client = Myfinance.client("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE")
##### Now you have access to every API endpoint:
* [Entities API](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/entities) as `client.entities`
* [PayableAccounts API](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/payable_accounts) as `client.payable_accounts`
* [ReceivableAccounts API](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/receivable_accounts) as `client.receivable_accounts`
* [Attachments API](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/attachments) as `client.attachments`
* [Accounts API](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/multiple_accounts) as `client.accounts`
* [DepositAccounts API](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/deposit_accounts) as `client.deposit_accounts`
* [Categories API](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/categories) as `client.categories`
* [ClassificationCenters API](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/classification_centers) as `client.classification_centers`
* [People API](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/people) as `client.people`
### Endpoints
#### [Entities](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/entities)
HTTP method |
Endpoint |
Client method |
#### [PayableAccounts](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/payable_accounts)
#### [ReceivableAccounts](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/receivable_accounts)
#### [Attachments](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/attachments)
#### [Accounts](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/multiple_accounts)
HTTP method |
Endpoint |
Client method |
#### [DepositAccounts](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/deposit_accounts)
#### [Categories](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/categories)
#### [ClassificationCenters](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/classification_centers)
#### [People](https://app.myfinance.com.br/docs/api/people)
### Configuration
require 'myfinance'
Myfinance.configure do |m|
m.url = 'https://sandbox.myfinance.com.br' # defaults to 'https://app.myfinance.com.br' if omitted
m.user_agent = 'My App v1.0' # optional, but you should pass a custom user-agent identifying your app
### Multiple accounts
When an account has multiple accounts, an `ACCOUNT_ID` header is required for the requests. To instantiate a new client with an `ACCOUNT_ID` header:
client = Myfinance.client("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE", ACCOUNT_ID) # where ACCOUNT_ID is the ID of the account
If you instantiate a new client without an `account_id` and the user has more than one account, the lib will raise a [`Myfinance::RequestError`](https://github.com/myfreecomm/myfinance-client-ruby/blob/master/lib/myfinance/response.rb#L33) error. The list of available accounts will be in the body of the object.
rescue Myfinance::RequestError => e
e.body # { "error" => "O cabeçalho da requisição não possui o atributo ACCOUNT_ID.", "accounts" => [{"account" => { "id" => 3, .. } }, { ... }] }
e.message # O cabeçalho da requisição não possui o atributo ACCOUNT_ID.
e.code # 422
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org).
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/myfreecomm/myfinance-client-ruby. This project is intended to be a safe and welcoming space for collaboration.
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).