require "ostruct" describe Imap::Backup::Account::Connection do BACKUP_FOLDER = "backup_folder".freeze FOLDER_CONFIG = {name: BACKUP_FOLDER}.freeze FOLDER_NAME = "my_folder".freeze GMAIL_IMAP_SERVER = "".freeze LOCAL_PATH = "local_path".freeze LOCAL_UID = "local_uid".freeze PASSWORD = "secret".freeze ROOT_NAME = "foo".freeze SERVER = "".freeze USERNAME = "".freeze subject { } let(:imap) do instance_double(Net::IMAP, authenticate: nil, login: nil, disconnect: nil) end let(:imap_folders) { [] } let(:options) do { username: USERNAME, password: PASSWORD, local_path: LOCAL_PATH, folders: config_folders, server: server } end let(:config_folders) { [FOLDER_CONFIG] } let(:root_info) do instance_double(Net::IMAP::MailboxList, name: ROOT_NAME) end let(:serializer) do instance_double( Imap::Backup::Serializer::Mbox, folder: serialized_folder, force_uid_validity: nil, apply_uid_validity: new_uid_validity, uids: [LOCAL_UID] ) end let(:serialized_folder) { nil } let(:server) { SERVER } let(:new_uid_validity) { nil } before do allow(Net::IMAP).to receive(:new) { imap } allow(imap).to receive(:list).with("", "") { [root_info] } allow(imap).to receive(:list).with(ROOT_NAME, "*") { imap_folders } allow(Imap::Backup::Utils).to receive(:make_folder) end shared_examples "connects to IMAP" do it "logs in to the imap server" do expect(imap).to have_received(:login) end end describe "#initialize" do [ [:username, USERNAME], [:password, PASSWORD], [:local_path, LOCAL_PATH], [:server, SERVER] ].each do |attr, expected| it "expects #{attr}" do expect(subject.public_send(attr)).to eq(expected) end end it "creates the path" do expect(Imap::Backup::Utils).to receive(:make_folder) subject.username end end describe "#imap" do let(:result) { subject.imap } it "returns the IMAP connection" do expect(result).to eq(imap) end it "uses the password" do result expect(imap).to have_received(:login).with(USERNAME, PASSWORD) end context "with the GMail IMAP server" do ACCESS_TOKEN = "access_token".freeze let(:server) { GMAIL_IMAP_SERVER } let(:refresh_token) { true } let(:result) { nil } let(:authenticator) do instance_double( Gmail::Authenticator, credentials: credentials ) end let(:credentials) { ACCESS_TOKEN) } before do allow(Gmail::Authenticator). to receive(:refresh_token?) { refresh_token } allow(Gmail::Authenticator). to receive(:new). with(email: USERNAME, token: PASSWORD) { authenticator } end context "when the password is our copy of a GMail refresh token" do it "uses the OAuth2 access_token to authenticate" do subject.imap expect(imap).to have_received(:authenticate).with( "XOAUTH2", USERNAME, ACCESS_TOKEN ) end context "when the refresh token is invalid" do let(:credentials) { nil } it "raises" do expect { subject.imap }.to raise_error(String) end end end context "when the password is not our copy of a GMail refresh token" do let(:refresh_token) { false } it "uses the password" do subject.imap expect(imap).to have_received(:login).with(USERNAME, PASSWORD) end end end context "when the first login attempt fails" do before do outcomes = [-> { raise EOFError }, -> { true }] allow(imap).to receive(:login) { } end it "retries" do subject.imap expect(imap).to have_received(:login).twice end end context "when run" do before { subject.imap } include_examples "connects to IMAP" end end describe "#folders" do let(:imap_folders) do [instance_double(Net::IMAP::MailboxList, name: BACKUP_FOLDER)] end it "returns the list of folders" do expect(subject.folders).to eq([BACKUP_FOLDER]) end context "with non-ASCII folder names" do let(:imap_folders) do [instance_double(Net::IMAP::MailboxList, name: "Gel&APY-scht")] end it "converts them to UTF-8" do expect(subject.folders).to eq(["Gelöscht"]) end end end describe "#status" do let(:folder) do instance_double(Imap::Backup::Account::Folder, uids: [remote_uid]) end let(:remote_uid) { "remote_uid" } before do allow(Imap::Backup::Account::Folder).to receive(:new) { folder } allow(Imap::Backup::Serializer::Mbox).to receive(:new) { serializer } end it "returns the names of folders" do expect(subject.status[0][:name]).to eq(BACKUP_FOLDER) end it "returns local message uids" do expect(subject.status[0][:local]).to eq([LOCAL_UID]) end it "retrieves the available uids" do expect(subject.status[0][:remote]).to eq([remote_uid]) end end describe "#run_backup" do let(:folder) do instance_double( Imap::Backup::Account::Folder, name: "folder", exist?: exists, uid_validity: uid_validity ) end let(:exists) { true } let(:uid_validity) { 123 } let(:downloader) { instance_double(Imap::Backup::Downloader, run: nil) } before do allow(Imap::Backup::Downloader). to receive(:new).with(folder, serializer) { downloader } allow(Imap::Backup::Account::Folder).to receive(:new). with(subject, BACKUP_FOLDER) { folder } allow(Imap::Backup::Serializer::Mbox).to receive(:new). with(LOCAL_PATH, BACKUP_FOLDER) { serializer } end context "with supplied config_folders" do it "runs the downloader" do expect(downloader).to receive(:run) subject.run_backup end context "when a folder does not exist" do let(:exists) { false } it "does not run the downloader" do expect(downloader).to_not receive(:run) subject.run_backup end end end context "without supplied config_folders" do let(:imap_folders) do [instance_double(Net::IMAP::MailboxList, name: ROOT_NAME)] end before do allow(Imap::Backup::Account::Folder).to receive(:new). with(subject, ROOT_NAME) { folder } allow(Imap::Backup::Serializer::Mbox).to receive(:new). with(LOCAL_PATH, ROOT_NAME) { serializer } end context "when supplied config_folders is nil" do let(:config_folders) { nil } it "runs the downloader for each folder" do expect(downloader).to receive(:run).exactly(:once) subject.run_backup end end context "when supplied config_folders is an empty list" do let(:config_folders) { [] } it "runs the downloader for each folder" do expect(downloader).to receive(:run).exactly(:once) subject.run_backup end end context "when the imap server doesn't return folders" do let(:config_folders) { nil } let(:imap_folders) { nil } it "fails" do expect do subject.run_backup raise_error(RuntimeError, /Unable to get folder list/) end end end context "when run" do before { subject.run_backup } include_examples "connects to IMAP" end end describe "#restore" do let(:folder) do instance_double( Imap::Backup::Account::Folder, create: nil, uids: uids, name: FOLDER_NAME, uid_validity: uid_validity ) end let(:uids) { [99] } let(:uid_validity) { 123 } let(:serialized_folder) { "old name" } let(:uploader) do instance_double(Imap::Backup::Uploader, run: false) end let(:updated_uploader) do instance_double(Imap::Backup::Uploader, run: false) end let(:updated_folder) do instance_double( Imap::Backup::Account::Folder, create: nil, uid_validity: "new uid validity" ) end let(:updated_serializer) do instance_double( Imap::Backup::Serializer::Mbox, force_uid_validity: nil ) end before do allow(Imap::Backup::Account::Folder).to receive(:new). with(subject, FOLDER_NAME) { folder } allow(Imap::Backup::Serializer::Mbox).to receive(:new). with(anything, FOLDER_NAME) { serializer } allow(Imap::Backup::Account::Folder).to receive(:new). with(subject, "new name") { updated_folder } allow(Imap::Backup::Serializer::Mbox).to receive(:new). with(anything, "new name") { updated_serializer } allow(Imap::Backup::Uploader).to receive(:new). with(folder, serializer) { uploader } allow(Imap::Backup::Uploader).to receive(:new). with(updated_folder, updated_serializer) { updated_uploader } allow(Pathname).to receive(:glob). and_yield(, "#{FOLDER_NAME}.imap"))) end it "sets local uid validity" do expect(serializer).to receive(:apply_uid_validity).with(uid_validity) subject.restore end context "when folders exist with contents" do context "when the local folder is renamed" do let(:new_uid_validity) { "new name" } it "creates the new folder" do expect(updated_folder).to receive(:create) subject.restore end it "sets the renamed folder's uid validity" do expect(updated_serializer). to receive(:force_uid_validity).with("new uid validity") subject.restore end it "creates the uploader with updated folder and serializer" do expect(updated_uploader).to receive(:run) subject.restore end end context "when the local folder is not renamed" do it "runs the uploader" do expect(uploader).to receive(:run) subject.restore end end end context "when folders don't exist or are empty" do let(:uids) { [] } it "creates the folder" do expect(folder).to receive(:create) subject.restore end it "forces local uid validity" do expect(serializer).to receive(:force_uid_validity).with(uid_validity) subject.restore end it "runs the uploader" do expect(uploader).to receive(:run) subject.restore end end end describe "#reconnect" do it "disconnects from the server" do expect(imap).to receive(:disconnect) subject.reconnect end it "causes reconnection on future access" do expect(Net::IMAP).to receive(:new) subject.reconnect end end describe "#disconnect" do it "disconnects from the server" do expect(imap).to receive(:disconnect) subject.disconnect end end end