This is what a beginner’s RPS code might look like

options = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]
computer_choice = options[rand(options.length)] 
puts "What's your choice?"
puts "rock, paper, or scissors"
user_input = gets.chomp.downcase # read user input and convert to lower case
loop do 
  if (user_input == "rock" || user_input == "paper" || user_input == "scissors")
    if (user_input == computer_choice)
      puts "We got the same, let's keep playing!"
    elsif (user_input == "rock" && computer_choice == "scissors")
      puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + ", you win! :)"
    elsif (user_input == "rock" && computer_choice == "paper")
      puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + ", computer wins :("
    elsif (user_input == "paper" && computer_choice == "scissors")
      puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + ", computer wins :("
    elsif (user_input == "paper" && computer_choice == "rock")
      puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + ", you win! :)"
    elsif (user_input == "scissors" && computer_choice == "rock")
      puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + ", computer wins :("
    elsif (user_input == "scissors" && computer_choice == "paper")
      puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + ", you win! :)"
    puts "Invalid choice, enter Rock, Paper, or Scissors"
