# Rack::Test
Code: https://github.com/rack-test/rack-test
## Description
Rack::Test is a small, simple testing API for Rack apps. It can be used on its
own or as a reusable starting point for Web frameworks and testing libraries
to build on.
## Features
* Maintains a cookie jar across requests
* Easily follow redirects when desired
* Set request headers to be used by all subsequent requests
* Small footprint. Approximately 200 LOC
## Examples
require "test/unit"
require "rack/test"
class HomepageTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Rack::Test::Methods
def app
app = lambda { |env| [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, ['All responses are OK']] }
builder = Rack::Builder.new
builder.run app
def test_response_is_ok
get "/"
assert last_response.ok?
assert_equal last_response.body, "All responses are OK"
def set_request_headers
headers 'Accept-Charset', 'utf-8'
get "/"
assert last_response.ok?
assert_equal last_response.body, "All responses are OK"
def test_response_is_ok_for_other_paths
get "/other_paths"
assert last_response.ok?
assert_equal last_response.body, "All responses are OK"
If you want to test one app in isolation, you just return that app as shown above. But if you want to test the entire app stack, including middlewares, cascades etc. you need to parse the app defined in config.ru.
OUTER_APP = Rack::Builder.parse_file("config.ru").first
class TestApp < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Rack::Test::Methods
def app
def test_root
get "/"
assert last_response.ok?
## Install
To install the latest release as a gem:
`gem install rack-test`
Or via Bundler:
`gem "rack-test", require: "rack/test"`
## Authors
- Contributions from Bryan Helmkamp, Simon Rozet, Pat Nakajima and others
- Much of the original code was extracted from Merb 1.0's request helper
## License
`rack-test` is released under the [MIT License](MIT-LICENSE.txt).
## Contribution
Contributions are welcome. Please make sure to:
* Use a regular forking workflow
* Write tests for the new or changed behaviour
* Provide an explanation/motivation in your commit message / PR message
* Ensure History.txt is updated
## Releasing
* Ensure History.txt is up-to-date
* Bump VERSION in lib/rack/test/version.rb
* bundle exec thor :release