namespace :rubber do desc <<-DESC Convenience task for creating a staging instance for the given RUBBER_ENV/RAILS_ENV. By default this task assigns all known roles when creating the instance, but you can specify a different default in rubber.yml:staging_roles At the end, the instance will be up and running. If the staging instance already exists, the user will be warned, and if they chose to proceed, will skip the create and just bootstrap that instance. e.g. RUBBER_ENV=matt cap create_staging DESC required_task :create_staging do if rubber_instances.size > 0 value = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("The #{Rubber.env} environment already has instances, Are you SURE you want to create a staging instance that may interact with them [y/N]?: ") fatal("Exiting", 0) if value !~ /^y/ end instance_alias = ENV['ALIAS'] = rubber.get_env("ALIAS", "Hostname to use for staging instance", true, Rubber.env) if rubber_instances[instance_alias] "Instance already exists, skipping to bootstrap" else default_roles = rubber_env.staging_roles # default staging roles to all roles minus slaves (db without primary=true is a slave) default_roles ||= rubber_cfg.environment.known_roles.reject {|r| r =~ /slave/ || r =~ /^db$/ }.join(",") roles = ENV['ROLES'] = rubber.get_env("ROLES", "Roles to use for staging instance", true, default_roles) rubber.create end # stop everything before so monit doesn't start stuff during bootstrapping # if its already installed due to a bundled instance deploy.stop rescue nil rubber.bootstrap # stop everything after in case package upgrades during bootstrap start up # services - we should be able to safely do a deploy:start below deploy.stop rescue nil # some bootstraps update code (bootstrap_db) but if you don't have that role, need to do it here # Since release directory variable gets reused by cap, we have to just do the symlink here - doing # a update again will fail if ! fetch(:rubber_code_was_updated, false) deploy.update_code end deploy.create_symlink deploy.migrate deploy.start end desc <<-DESC Destroy the staging instance for the given RUBBER_ENV. DESC task :destroy_staging do ENV['ALIAS'] = rubber.get_env("ALIAS", "Hostname of staging instance to be destroyed", true, Rubber.env) rubber.destroy end desc <<-DESC Live tail of rails log files for all machines By default tails the rails logs for the current RUBBER_ENV, but one can set FILE=/path/file.*.glob to tail a different set DESC task :tail_logs, :roles => :app do last_host = "" log_file_glob = rubber.get_env("FILE", "Log files to tail", true, "#{current_path}/log/#{Rubber.env}*.log") trap("INT") { puts 'Exiting...'; exit 0; } # handle ctrl-c gracefully run "tail -qf #{log_file_glob}" do |channel, stream, data| puts if channel[:host] != last_host # blank line between different hosts host = "[#{[:host].gsub(/\..*/, '')}]" # get left-most subdomain data.lines { |line| puts "%-15s %s" % [host, line] } # add host name to the start of each line last_host = channel[:host] break if stream == :err end end # Use instead of task to define a capistrano task that runs serially instead of in parallel # The :groups option specifies how many groups to partition the servers into so that we can # do the task for N (= total/groups) servers at a time. When multiple roles are supplied, # this tries to be intelligent and slice up each role independently, but runs the slices together # so that things don't take too long, e.g. adding an :api role to some :app servers, when restarting # you don't want to do the api first, then the others as this would take a long time, so instead # it does some :api and some :app, then some more of each # def serial_task(ns, name, options = {}, &block) # first figure out server names for the passed in roles - when no roles # are passed in, use all servers serial_roles = Array(options[:roles].respond_to?(:call) ? options[:roles].call() : options[:roles]) servers = {} if serial_roles.empty? all_servers = top.roles.collect do |rolename, serverdefs| serverdefs.collect(&:host) end servers[:_serial_all] = all_servers.flatten.uniq.sort else # Get servers for each role top.roles.each do |rolename, serverdefs| if serial_roles.include?(rolename) servers[rolename] = serverdefs.collect(&:host) end end # Remove duplication of servers - roles which come first in list # have precedence, so the servers show up in that group added_servers = [] serial_roles.each do |rolename| servers[rolename] -= added_servers added_servers << servers[rolename] servers[rolename] = servers[rolename].uniq.sort end end # group each role's servers into slices and combine slices = [] servers.each do |rolename, svrs| # figure out size of each slice by dividing server count by # of groups slice_size = (svrs.size.to_f / (options.delete(:groups) || 2)).round slice_size = 1 if slice_size < 1 # add servers to slices slices += svrs.each_slice(slice_size).to_a end # for each slice, define a new task specific to the hosts in that slice task_syms = [] slices.each do |server_group| servers ={|s| s.gsub(/\..*/, '')}.join("_") task_sym = "_serial_task_#{name.to_s}_#{servers}".to_sym task_syms << task_sym ns.task task_sym, options.merge(:hosts => server_group), &block end # create the top level task that calls all the serial ones ns.task name, options do task_syms.each do |t| ns.send t end end end def find_alias(ip, instance_id, do_connect=true) if instance_id instance = rubber_instances.find {|i| i.instance_id == instance_id } local_alias = instance.full_name if instance end local_alias ||="/etc/hosts").grep(/#{ip}/).first.split[1] rescue nil if ! local_alias && do_connect task :_get_ip, :hosts => ip do local_alias = "* " + capture("hostname").strip end _get_ip rescue ConnectionError end return local_alias end def prepare_script(name, contents, stop_on_error_cmd=rubber_env.stop_on_error_cmd) script = "/tmp/#{name}" # this lets us abort a script if a command in the middle of it errors out contents = "#{stop_on_error_cmd}\n#{contents}" if stop_on_error_cmd put(contents, script) return script end def run_script(name, contents, opts = {}) args = opts.delete(:script_args) script = prepare_script(name, contents) run "bash #{script} #{args}", opts end def sudo_script(name, contents, opts = {}) user = opts.delete(:as) args = opts.delete(:script_args) script = prepare_script(name, contents) sudo_args = user ? "-H -u #{user}" : "" run "#{sudo} #{sudo_args} bash -l #{script} #{args}", opts end def top.rsudo(command, opts = {}, &block) user = opts.delete(:as) args = "-H -u #{user}" if user run "#{sudo opts} #{args} bash -l -c '#{command}'", opts, &block end def get_env(name, desc, required=false, default=nil) value = ENV.delete(name) msg = "#{desc}" msg << " [#{default}]" if default msg << ": " value = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask(msg) unless value value = value.size == 0 ? default : value fatal "#{name} is required, pass using environment or enter at prompt" if required && ! value # Explicitly convert to a String to avoid weird serialization issues with Psych. value.to_s end def fatal(msg, code=1) msg exit code end # Returns a map of "hostvar_<hostname>" => value for the given config value for each instance host # This is used to run capistrano tasks scoped to the correct role/host so that a config value # specific to a role/host will only be used for that role/host, e.g. the list of packages to # be installed. def get_host_options(cfg_name, &block) opts = {} rubber_instances.each do | ic| env = rubber_cfg.environment.bind(ic.role_names, cfg_value = env[cfg_name] if cfg_value if block cfg_value = end opts["hostvar_#{ic.full_name}"] = cfg_value if cfg_value && cfg_value.strip.size > 0 end end return opts end # some bootstraps update code (bootstrap_db), so keep track so we don't do it multiple times after "deploy:update_code" do set :rubber_code_was_updated, true end def update_code_for_bootstrap unless (fetch(:rubber_code_was_updated, false)) deploy.setup deploy.update_code end end end