namespace :rubber do desc <<-DESC Sets up persistent volumes in the cloud All volumes defined in rubber.yml will be created if necessary, and attached/mounted on their associated instances DESC required_task :setup_volumes do rubber_instances.filtered.each do |ic| env = rubber_cfg.environment.bind(ic.role_names, created_vols = [] vol_specs = env.volumes || [] vol_specs.each do |vol_spec| created_vols << setup_volume(ic, vol_spec) end created_vols.compact! created_parts = [] partition_specs = env.local_volumes || [] partition_specs.each do |partition_spec| created_parts << setup_partition(ic, partition_spec) end created_parts.compact! zero_partitions(ic, created_parts) created_vols += created_parts created_vols = created_vols.compact.uniq raid_specs = env.raid_volumes || [] raid_specs.each do |raid_spec| # we want to format if we created the ec2 volumes, or if we don't have any # ec2 volumes and are just creating raid array from ephemeral stores format = raid_spec['source_devices'].all? {|dev| created_vols.include?(dev)} setup_raid_volume(ic, raid_spec, format) end lvm_volume_group_specs = env.lvm_volume_groups || [] lvm_volume_group_specs.each do |lvm_volume_group_spec| setup_lvm_group(ic, lvm_volume_group_spec) end end end desc <<-DESC Shows the configured persistent volumes DESC required_task :describe_volumes do results = [] format = "%-20s %-15s %-15s %-20s" results << format % %w[Id Status Attached Instance] volumes = cloud.describe_volumes() volumes.each do |volume| results << format % [volume[:id], volume[:status], volume[:attachment_status], volume[:attachment_instance_id]] end results.each {|r| r} end desc <<-DESC Destroys the configured persistent volumes DESC required_task :destroy_volume do volume_id = get_env('VOLUME_ID', "Volume ID", true) destroy_volume(volume_id) end desc <<-DESC Detaches the configured persistent volumes DESC required_task :detach_volume do volume_id = get_env('VOLUME_ID', "Volume ID", true) detach_volume(volume_id) end def create_volume(size, zone) volumeId = cloud.create_volume(size.to_s, zone) fatal "Failed to create volume" if volumeId.nil? return volumeId end def attach_volume(vol_id, instance_id, device) cloud.attach_volume(vol_id, instance_id, device) end def setup_volume(ic, vol_spec) created = nil key = "#{}_#{vol_spec['device']}" artifacts = rubber_instances.artifacts vol_id = artifacts['volumes'][key] # first create the volume if we don't have a global record (artifacts) for it if ! vol_id "Creating volume for #{ic.full_name}:#{vol_spec['device']}" vol_id = create_volume(vol_spec['size'], vol_spec['zone']) artifacts['volumes'][key] = vol_id created = vol_spec['device'] end # then, attach it if we don't have a record (on instance) of attachment ic.volumes ||= [] if ! ic.volumes.include?(vol_id) "Attaching volume #{vol_id} to #{ic.full_name}:#{vol_spec['device']}" attach_volume(vol_id, ic.instance_id, vol_spec['device']) ic.volumes << vol_id print "Waiting for volume to attach" while true do print "." sleep 2 volume = cloud.describe_volumes(vol_id).first break if volume[:attachment_status] == "attached" end print "\n" # we don't mount/format at this time if we are doing a RAID array if vol_spec['mount'] && vol_spec['filesystem'] # then format/mount/etc if we don't have an entry in hosts file task :_setup_volume, :hosts => ic.external_ip do rubber.sudo_script 'setup_volume', <<-ENDSCRIPT if ! grep -q '#{vol_spec['mount']}' /etc/fstab; then if mount | grep -q '#{vol_spec['mount']}'; then umount '#{vol_spec['mount']}' fi mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak cat /etc/fstab.bak | grep -v '#{vol_spec['mount']}' > /etc/fstab echo '#{vol_spec['device']} #{vol_spec['mount']} #{vol_spec['filesystem']} noatime 0 0 # rubber volume #{vol_id}' >> /etc/fstab #{('yes | mkfs -t ' + vol_spec['filesystem'] + ' ' + vol_spec['device']) if created} #{("mkdir -p '#{vol_spec['mount']}'") if vol_spec['mount']} #{("mount '#{vol_spec['mount']}'") if vol_spec['mount']} fi ENDSCRIPT end _setup_volume end end return created end def setup_partition(ic, partition_spec) created = nil part_id = partition_spec['partition_device'] # Only create the partition if we haven't already done so ic.partitions ||= [] if ! ic.partitions.include?(part_id) # then format/mount/etc if we don't have an entry in hosts file task :_setup_partition, :hosts => ic.external_ip do rubber.sudo_script 'setup_partition', <<-ENDSCRIPT if ! fdisk -l 2>&1 | grep -q '#{partition_spec['partition_device']}'; then if grep -q '#{partition_spec['disk_device']}\\b' /etc/fstab; then umount #{partition_spec['disk_device']} mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak cat /etc/fstab.bak | grep -v '#{partition_spec['disk_device']}\\b' > /etc/fstab fi # partition format is: Start (blank is first available),Size(MB due to -uM),Id(83=linux,82=swap,etc),Bootable echo "#{partition_spec['start']},#{partition_spec['size']},#{partition_spec['type']},#{partition_spec['bootable']}" | sfdisk -L -uM #{partition_spec['disk_device']} fi ENDSCRIPT end _setup_partition ic.partitions << part_id created = part_id end return created end def zero_partitions(ic, partitions) env = rubber_cfg.environment.bind(ic.role_names, partitions = partitions.clone # don't zero out the ones that we weren't told to partitions.delete_if do |part| spec = env.local_volumes.find {|s| s['partition_device'] == part} ! spec['zero'] end if partitions.size > 0 zero_script = "" partitions.each do |partition| zero_script << "nohup dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M of=#{partition} &> /dev/null &\n" end # then format/mount/etc if we don't have an entry in hosts file task :_zero_partitions, :hosts => ic.external_ip do rubber.sudo_script 'zero_partitions', <<-ENDSCRIPT # zero out parition for performance (see amazon DevGuide) echo "Zeroing out raid partitions to improve performance, this may take a while" #{zero_script} sleep 1 echo "Waiting for partitions to zero out" while true; do if ! ps ax | grep -q "[d]d.*/dev/zero"; then exit; fi echo -n . sleep 5 done ENDSCRIPT end _zero_partitions end end def setup_raid_volume(ic, raid_spec, create=false) if create mdadm_init = "yes | mdadm --create #{raid_spec['device']} --metadata=1.1 --level #{raid_spec['raid_level']} --raid-devices #{raid_spec['source_devices'].size} #{raid_spec['source_devices'].sort.join(' ')}" else mdadm_init = "yes | mdadm --assemble #{raid_spec['device']} #{raid_spec['source_devices'].sort.join(' ')}" end task :_setup_raid_volume, :hosts => ic.external_ip do rubber.sudo_script 'setup_raid_volume', <<-ENDSCRIPT if ! grep -q '#{raid_spec['device']}' /etc/fstab; then if mount | grep -q '#{raid_spec['mount']}'; then umount '#{raid_spec['mount']}' fi mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak cat /etc/fstab.bak | grep -v '#{raid_spec['mount']}' > /etc/fstab echo '#{raid_spec['device']} #{raid_spec['mount']} #{raid_spec['filesystem']} noatime 0 0 # rubber raid volume' >> /etc/fstab # seems to help devices initialize, otherwise mdadm fails because # device not ready even though ec2 says the volume is attached fdisk -l &> /dev/null #{mdadm_init} # set reconstruction speed echo $((30*1024)) > /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_min echo 'MAILADDR #{rubber_env.admin_email}' > /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf echo 'DEVICE /dev/hd*[0-9] /dev/sd*[0-9]' >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf mdadm --detail --scan >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf mv /etc/rc.local /etc/rc.local.bak echo "mdadm --assemble --scan" > /etc/rc.local chmod +x /etc/rc.local #{('yes | mkfs -t ' + raid_spec['filesystem'] + ' ' + raid_spec['filesystem_opts'] + ' ' + raid_spec['device']) if create} mkdir -p '#{raid_spec['mount']}' mount '#{raid_spec['mount']}' fi ENDSCRIPT end _setup_raid_volume end def setup_lvm_group(ic, lvm_volume_group_spec) physical_volumes = lvm_volume_group_spec['physical_volumes'].kind_of?(Array) ? lvm_volume_group_spec['physical_volumes'] : [lvm_volume_group_spec['physical_volumes']] volume_group_name = lvm_volume_group_spec['name'] extent_size = lvm_volume_group_spec['extent_size'] || 32 volumes = lvm_volume_group_spec['volumes'] || [] def create_logical_volume_in_bash(volume, volume_group_name) device_name = "/dev/#{volume_group_name}/#{volume['name']}" resize_command = case volume['filesystem'] when 'xfs' "xfs_growfs '#{volume['mount']}'" when 'reiserfs' "resize_reiserfs -f #{device_name}" when 'jfs' "mount -o remount,resize #{volume['mount']}" when /^ext/ <<-RESIZE_COMMAND umount #{device_name} ext2resize #{device_name} mount #{volume['mount']} RESIZE_COMMAND else raise "Do not know how to resize filesystem '#{volume['filesystem']}'" end <<-ENDSCRIPT # Add the logical volume mount point to /etc/fstab. if ! grep -q '#{volume['name']}' /etc/fstab; then if mount | grep -q '#{volume['mount']}'; then umount '#{volume['mount']}' fi mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak cat /etc/fstab.bak | grep -v '#{volume['mount']}\\b' > /etc/fstab echo '#{device_name} #{volume['mount']} #{volume['filesystem']} noatime 0 0 # rubber LVM volume' >> /etc/fstab fi # Check if the logical volume exists or not. if ! lvdisplay #{device_name} >> /dev/null 2>&1; then # Create the logical volume. lvcreate -L #{volume['size']}G -i #{volume['stripes'] || 1} -n#{volume['name']} #{volume_group_name} # Format the logical volume. yes | mkfs -t #{volume['filesystem']} #{volume['filesystem_opts']} #{device_name} # Create the mount point. mkdir -p '#{volume['mount']}' # Mount the volume. mount '#{volume['mount']}' else # Try to extend the volume size. if lvextend -L #{volume['size']}G -i #{volume['stripes'] || 1} #{device_name} >> /dev/null 2&>1; then # If we actually resized the volume, then we need to resize the filesystem. #{resize_command} fi fi ENDSCRIPT end task :_setup_lvm_group, :hosts => ic.external_ip do rubber.sudo_script 'setup_lvm_group', <<-ENDSCRIPT # Check and see if the physical volume is already set up for LVM. If not, initialize it to be so. for device in #{physical_volumes.join(' ')} do if ! pvdisplay $device >> /dev/null 2>&1; then if grep $device /etc/mtab; then umount $device fi pvcreate $device # See if the volume group already exists. If so, add the new physical volume to it. if vgdisplay #{volume_group_name} >> /dev/null 2>&1; then vgextend #{volume_group_name} $device fi fi done # If the volume group does not exist yet, construct it with all the physical volumes. if ! vgdisplay #{volume_group_name} >> /dev/null 2>&1; then vgcreate #{volume_group_name} #{physical_volumes.join(' ')} -s #{extent_size} fi # Set up each of the logical volumes. #{volumes.collect { |volume| create_logical_volume_in_bash(volume, volume_group_name) }.join("\n\n") } ENDSCRIPT end _setup_lvm_group end def detach_volume(volume_id) "Detaching volume #{volume_id}" cloud.detach_volume(volume_id) rescue"Volume was not attached") print "Waiting for volume to detach" while true do print "." sleep 2 volume = cloud.describe_volumes(volume_id).first status = volume && volume[:attachment_status] break if !status || status == "detached" end print "\n" "Detaching volume #{volume_id} from rubber instances file" rubber_instances.each do |ic| ic.volumes.delete(volume_id) if ic.volumes end end def destroy_volume(volume_id) detach_volume(volume_id) "Deleting volume #{volume_id}" cloud.destroy_volume(volume_id) "Removing volume #{volume_id} from rubber instances file" artifacts = rubber_instances.artifacts artifacts['volumes'].delete_if {|k,v| v == volume_id} end end