When /^I visit the form builder admin page$/ do visit noodall_admin_forms_path end Then /^I should see a form with at least the following fields:$/ do |table| table.rows.each do |row| page.should have_selector("input[value='#{row[0]}']") end end When /^I fill the following fields:$/ do |table| table.hashes.each do |row| @new_form_name = row["Value"] if @new_form_name.nil? fill_in row["Field"], :with => row["Value"] end end When /^I add the fields I want on the form$/ do # Some selenium dodads here # 5.times do |i| # #get index of new fieldset # index = 1 # response.should have_selector('#form-fields fieldset') do |fieldset| # index += 1 # end # click_link_within 'div#main-form', 'Add' # save_and_open_page # # within "fieldset#field-#{index}" do |fieldset| # fieldset.fill_in 'Name', :with => "Field #{i}" # end # end end Then /^I should see the new form in the Form List$/ do page.should have_content(@new_form_name) end Given /^I am creating a form$/ do visit new_noodall_admin_form_path end Then /^I should see a new field with the options "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1| #get index of new fieldset index = 0 page.should have_selector('table.content tbody tr') do |fieldset| index += 1 end page.should have_selector("input#form_fields_#{index}__type") end Given /^a form exists that has had many responses$/ do form = Factory(:form) 9.times do Factory(:response, :form => form) end end When /^I click "([^\"]*)" on the forms row in the Form List$/ do |arg1| within('#content-table table tbody tr:first-child') do click_link arg1 end end Then /^I should receive a CSV file containing all the responses to that form$/ do CSV.parse(page.body).should have(10).things # 9 rows plus header end Given /^forms have been created with the form builder$/ do 5.times do Factory(:form) end end Then /^I should see a form select element containing the exisitng forms$/ do Noodall::Form.all.each do |form| page.should have_selector("select#node_wide_slot_0_form_id option:contains('#{form.title}')") end end When /^I select a form$/ do @_form = Noodall::Form.first select @_form.title, :from => 'Form' end Then /^I should see the form I selected$/ do @_form.fields.each do |field| page.should have_selector("label[for=form_response_#{field.underscored_name}]") end end Given /^a form exists$/ do Factory(:form) end Given /^content exists with a form added via the contact module$/ do @_node = Factory(:page_a) @_form = Factory(:form) @_node.wide_slot_0 = Factory(:contact_form, :form_id => @_form.id) @_node.save end When /^a website visitor visits the content$/ do visit node_path(@_node) end Then /^they should see the form$/ do Then %{I should see the form I selected} end When /^they fill in and submit the form$/ do @_form = Noodall::Form.find(@_node.wide_slot_0.form_id) @_form.fields.each do |field| if field.name == 'Email' fill_in "form_response[#{field.underscored_name}]", :with => 'hello@example.com' else fill_in "form_response[#{field.underscored_name}]", :with => 'Weopunggggggggst' end end When %{they submit the form} end Then /^the email address of the form should receive an email detailing the information submitted$/ do Then %{"#{@_form.email}" should receive an email} @_form.fields do |field| Then %{they should see "#{field.name}:" in the email body} end end Then /^they should receive an email confirming the request has been sent$/ do Then %{"hello@example.com" should receive an email} @_form.fields do |field| Then %{they should see "#{field.name}:" in the email body} end end Then /^the response should be stored in the database along with the time submitted, IP address, and page it was submitted from$/ do @_form.reload @response = @_form.responses.last @response.created_at.should_not be nil @response.ip.should == '' @response.referrer.should == node_url(@_node) end Then /^it should be checked by a spam filter$/ do #err end Then /^it should be rejected if the spam filter deems the response to be spam$/ do within('form #errorExplanation') do page.should have_content('spam') end end Then /^the website visitor should see an spam message$/ do Then %{it should be rejected if the spam filter deems the response to be spam} end Then /^it should be checked against the validation speficied in the form builder$/ do @_form.required_fields.each do |field| within('#errorExplanation') do page.should have_content(field.name) end end end Then /^it should be rejected if the the response does not meet the validation$/ do Then %{it should be checked against the validation speficied in the form builder} end Then /^the website visitor should see an error message$/ do page.should have_selector('form #errorExplanation') end When /^a website visitor fills in and submits a form$/ do When %{they fill in and submit the form} end When /^they submit the form$/ do click_button 'Send' end When /^a form response is deemed to be spam$/ do When %{a website visitor visits the content} defensio_dummy = double("defensio dummy") defensio_dummy.stub(:post_document){ [200, {'spaminess' => 1, "allow" => false}] } defensio_dummy.stub(:put_document){ [200, {"allow" => false}] } Noodall::FormResponse.stub(:defensio).and_return(defensio_dummy) When %{they fill in and submit the form} end Then /^it should marked as spam$/ do Noodall::Form.last.responses.last.approved.should == false end When /^I click "([^"]*)"$/ do |arg1| click_link(arg1) end Given /^a form exists with the following fields:$/ do |table| fields = table.rows_hash.map do |name, type| factory, opts = type.split(': ') if opts.blank? Factory(factory.parameterize('_'), :name => name) else Factory(factory.parameterize('_'), :name => name, :options => opts) end end @_form = Factory(:form, :fields => fields) end When /^I am editing the form$/ do visit noodall_admin_form_path(@_form) end When /^I click the "([^\"]*)" arrow next to "([^\"]*)" twice$/ do |arrow, field| When %{I click the "#{arrow}" arrow next to "#{field}" once} When %{I click the "#{arrow}" arrow next to "#{field}" once} end Then /^the "([^"]*)" field should be at position (\d+)$/ do |field, position| index = 0 all('table.content tbody tr').each do |fieldset| index = index+1 break if fieldset.has_css?("input[value=#{field}]") end position.to_i.should == index end When /^I click the "([^\"]*)" arrow next to "([^\"]*)" once$/ do |arrow, field| all('table.content tbody tr').each do |fieldset| fieldset.find("a:contains('#{arrow}')").click if fieldset.has_css?("input[value=#{field}]") end end When /^I view the form on the website$/ do @_node = Factory(:page_a) @_node.wide_slot_0 = Factory(:contact_form, :form_id => @_form.id) @_node.save When %{a website visitor visits the content} end Then /^I should see the fields in the order I set$/ do within('div.form-wrap') do page.should have_content("Title") end end When /^I am editing the last form$/ do visit noodall_admin_form_path(Noodall::Form.last) end Given /^a form exists with the following:$/ do |fields| @_form = Factory(:form, fields.rows_hash) end Given /^I am viewing the form's responses$/ do visit noodall_admin_form_form_responses_path(@_form) end Given /^I mark the response as not spam$/ do When %{I follow "Not Spam?"} # This is tied to the current page, could be abstracted a little more end