# # = Ruby Whois # # An intelligent pure Ruby WHOIS client and parser. # # # Category:: Net # Package:: Whois # Author:: Simone Carletti # License:: MIT License # #-- # #++ require 'whois/answer/parser/base' module Whois class Answer class Parser # # = whois.nic.it parser # # Parser for the whois.nic.it server. # class WhoisNicIt < Base include Ast # Returns the registry disclaimer that comes with the answer. property_supported :disclaimer do node("Disclaimer") end # If available, returns the domain name as stored by the registry. property_supported :domain do node("Domain") { |raw| raw.downcase } end # If available, returns the unique domain ID set by the registry. property_supported :domain_id do nil end # Returns the record status or an array of status, # in case the registry supports it. property_supported :status do node("Status") { |raw| raw.downcase.to_sym } end # Returns whether this record is available. property_supported :available? do node("Status") == "AVAILABLE" end # Returns whether this record is registered. property_supported :registered? do !available? end # If available, returns a Time object representing the date # the record was created, according to the registry answer. property_supported :created_on do node("Created") { |raw| Time.parse(raw) } end # If available, returns a Time object representing the date # the record was last updated, according to the registry answer. property_supported :updated_on do node("Last Update") { |raw| Time.parse(raw) } end # If available, returns a Time object representing the date # the record is set to expire, according to the registry answer. property_supported :expires_on do node("Expire Date") { |raw| Time.parse(raw) } end # If available, returns a Whois::Answer::Registrar record # containing the registrar details extracted from the registry answer. property_supported :registrar do node("Registrar") do |raw| Answer::Registrar.new( :id => raw["Name"], :name => raw["Name"], :organization => raw["Organization"] ) end end # If available, returns a Whois::Answer::Contact record # containing the registrant details extracted from the registry answer. property_supported :registrant do contact("Registrant") end # If available, returns a Whois::Answer::Contact record # containing the admin contact details extracted from the registry answer. property_supported :admin do contact("Admin Contact") end # If available, returns a Whois::Answer::Contact record # containing the technical contact details extracted from the registry answer. property_supported :technical do contact("Technical Contacts") end # If available, returns an array of name servers entries for this domain # if any name server is available in the registry answer. # Each name server is a lower case string. # # ==== Examples # # nameserver # # => nil # nameserver # # => ["ns2.google.com", "ns1.google.com", "ns3.google.com"] # property_supported :nameservers do node("Nameservers") end # Returns whether this answer changed compared to other. # # Comparing the Answer contents is not always as trivial as it seems. # Whois servers sometimes inject dynamic method into the whois answer such as # the timestamp the request was generated. # This causes two answers to be different even if they actually should be considered equal # because the registry data didn't change. # # This method should provide a bulletproof way to detect whether this answer # changed if compared with other. property_supported :changed? do |other| !unchanged?(other) end # The opposite of changed?. property_supported :unchanged? do |other| self == other || self.content.to_s == other.content.to_s # (self == other) || # (domain == other.domain && # created_on == other.created_on && # updated_on == other.updated_on && # expires_on == other.expires_on ) end protected def parse Scanner.new(content.to_s).parse end def contact(element) node(element) do |raw| address = (raw["Address"] || "").split("\n") Answer::Contact.new( :id => raw["ContactID"], :name => raw["Name"], :organization => raw["Organization"], :address => address[0], :city => address[1], :country_code => address[3], :created_on => raw["Created"] ? Time.parse(raw["Created"]) : nil, :updated_on => raw["Last Update"] ? Time.parse(raw["Created"]) : nil ) end end class Scanner def initialize(content) @input = StringScanner.new(content.to_s) end def parse @ast = {} while !@input.eos? trim_newline || parse_content end @ast end private def parse_content parse_disclaimer || parse_pair || parse_section || error("Unexpected token") end def trim_newline @input.scan(/\n/) end def parse_pair if @input.scan(/(.*?):(.*?)\n/) key, value = @input[1].strip, @input[2].strip @ast[key] = value else false end end def parse_disclaimer if @input.match?(/\*(.*?)\*\n/) disclaimer = [] while @input.scan(/\*(.*?)\*\n/) matched = @input[1].strip disclaimer << matched if matched =~ /\w+/ end @ast["Disclaimer"] = disclaimer.join(" ") else false end end def parse_section if @input.scan(/([^:]*?)\n/) section = @input[1].strip content = parse_section_pairs || parse_section_items @input.match?(/\n+/) || error("Unexpected end of section") @ast[section] = content else false end end def parse_section_items if @input.match?(/(\s+)([^:]*?)\n/) items = [] indentation = @input[1].length while item = parse_section_items_item(indentation) items << item end items else false end end def parse_section_items_item(indentation) if @input.scan(/\s{#{indentation}}(.*)\n/) @input[1] else false end end def parse_section_pairs contents = {} while content = parse_section_pair contents.merge!(content) end if !contents.empty? contents else false end end def parse_section_pair if @input.scan(/(\s+)(.*?):(\s+)(.*?)\n/) key = @input[2].strip values = [@input[4].strip] indentation = @input[1].length + @input[2].length + 1 + @input[3].length while value = parse_section_pair_newlinevalue(indentation) values << value end { key => values.join("\n") } else false end end def parse_section_pair_newlinevalue(indentation) if @input.scan(/\s{#{indentation}}(.*)\n/) @input[1] else false end end def error(message) if @input.eos? raise "Unexpected end of input." else raise "#{message}: #{@input.peek(@input.string.length)}" end end end end end end end