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Trolltech reserves all rights not expressly ** granted herein. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef KDEVVARLENGTHARRAY_H #define KDEVVARLENGTHARRAY_H //#include #include #include #include ///Foreach macro that also works with QVarLengthArray or KDevVarLengthArray ///@warning Unlike the Qt foreach macro, this does not temporarily copy the array, which its size must not be changed while the iteration. #define FOREACH_ARRAY(item, container) for(int a = 0, mustDo = 1; a < container.size(); ++a) if((mustDo == 0 || mustDo == 1) && (mustDo = 2)) for(item(container[a]); mustDo; mustDo = 0) QT_BEGIN_HEADER QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QT_MODULE(Core) //When this is uncommented, a QVector will be used instead of a variable-length array. This is useful for debugging, to find problems in KDevVarLengthArray // #define FAKE_KDEVVARLENGTH_ARRAY #ifdef FAKE_KDEVVARLENGTH_ARRAY template class KDevVarLengthArray : public QVector { public: ///Inserts the given item at the given position, moving all items behind the position back void insert(const T& item, int position) { QVector::insert(position, item); } // Removes exactly one occurrence of the given value from the array. Returns false if none was found. bool removeOne(const T& value) { int i = this->indexOf(value); if(i == -1) return false; erase(i); return true; } void erase(int pos) { this->remove(pos); } void append(const T& item) { QVector::append(item); } void pop_back() { Q_ASSERT(!this->isEmpty()); QVector::pop_back(); } void append(const T *buf, int size) { for(int a = 0; a < size; ++a) append(buf[a]); } }; #else template class KDevVarLengthArray { public: inline explicit KDevVarLengthArray(int size = 0); inline KDevVarLengthArray(const KDevVarLengthArray &other) : a(Prealloc), s(0), ptr(reinterpret_cast(array)) { append(other.constData(), other.size()); } inline ~KDevVarLengthArray() { if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) { T *i = ptr + s; while (i-- > ptr) i->~T(); } if (ptr != reinterpret_cast(array)) qFree(ptr); } inline KDevVarLengthArray &operator=(const KDevVarLengthArray &other) { if (this != &other) { clear(); append(other.constData(), other.size()); } return *this; } inline int size() const { return s; } inline int count() const { return s; } inline bool isEmpty() const { return (s == 0); } inline void resize(int size); inline void clear() { resize(0); } inline int capacity() const { return a; } inline void reserve(int size); inline T &operator[](int idx) { Q_ASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < s); return ptr[idx]; } inline const T &operator[](int idx) const { Q_ASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < s); return ptr[idx]; } ///Returns the index of the given item in this array, or -1 int indexOf(const T& t) const { for(int a = 0; a < s; ++a) if(t == ptr[a]) return a; return -1; } inline KDevVarLengthArray& operator<<(const T &t) { append(t); return *this; } inline void append(const T &t) { const int idx = s++; ///This is currently the difference to KDevVarLengthArray(which uses s == a), and it prevents a crash. if (s >= a) realloc(s, s<<1); if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) { new (ptr + idx) T(t); } else { ptr[idx] = t; } } void append(const T *buf, int size); inline T *data() { return ptr; } inline const T *data() const { return ptr; } inline const T * constData() const { return ptr; } ///Returns whether the given item is contained in this array bool contains(const T& value) const { for(int a = 0; a < s; ++a) if(ptr[a] == value) return true; return false; } ///Inserts the given item at the given position, moving all items behind the position back void insert(const T& item, int position) { Q_ASSERT(position >= 0 && position <= size()); resize(s+1); for(int a = s-1; a > position; --a) { ptr[a] = ptr[a-1]; } ptr[position] = item; } ///Removes the given position from the array, moving all items behind it one back. void erase(int position) { Q_ASSERT(position >= 0 && position < s); for(int a = position; a < s-1; ++a) { ptr[a] = ptr[a+1]; } resize(s-1); } // Removes exactly one occurrence of the given value from the array. Returns false if none was found. bool removeOne(const T& value) { for(int a = 0; a < s; ++a) { if(ptr[a] == value) { erase(a); return true; } } return false; } T& back() { return ptr[s-1]; } const T& back() const { return ptr[s-1]; } void pop_back() { Q_ASSERT(s > 0); resize(s-1); } private: void realloc(int size, int alloc); int a; int s; T *ptr; union { // ### Qt 5: Use 'Prealloc * sizeof(T)' as array size char array[sizeof(qint64) * (((Prealloc * sizeof(T)) / sizeof(qint64)) + 1)]; qint64 q_for_alignment_1; double q_for_alignment_2; }; }; template Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE KDevVarLengthArray::KDevVarLengthArray(int asize) : s(asize) { if (s > Prealloc) { ptr = reinterpret_cast(qMalloc(s * sizeof(T))); a = s; } else { ptr = reinterpret_cast(array); a = Prealloc; } if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) { T *i = ptr + s; while (i != ptr) new (--i) T; } } template Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE void KDevVarLengthArray::resize(int asize) { Q_ASSERT(asize >= 0 && asize < 100000); realloc(asize, qMax(asize, a)); } template Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE void KDevVarLengthArray::reserve(int asize) { if (asize > a) realloc(s, asize); } template Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE void KDevVarLengthArray::append(const T *abuf, int asize) { Q_ASSERT(abuf); if (asize <= 0) return; const int idx = s; const int news = s + asize; if (news >= a) realloc(news, news<<1); else s = news; if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) { T *i = ptr + idx; T *j = i + asize; while (i < j) new (i++) T(*abuf++); } else { qMemCopy(&ptr[idx], abuf, asize * sizeof(T)); } } template Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE void KDevVarLengthArray::realloc(int asize, int aalloc) { Q_ASSERT(aalloc >= asize); T *oldPtr = ptr; int osize = s; s = asize; if (aalloc != a) { ptr = reinterpret_cast(qMalloc(aalloc * sizeof(T))); if (ptr) { a = aalloc; if (QTypeInfo::isStatic) { T *i = ptr + osize; T *j = oldPtr + osize; while (i != ptr) { new (--i) T(*--j); j->~T(); } } else { qMemCopy(ptr, oldPtr, osize * sizeof(T)); } } else { ptr = oldPtr; s = 0; asize = 0; } } if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) { if (asize < osize) { T *i = oldPtr + osize; T *j = oldPtr + asize; while (i-- != j) i->~T(); } else { T *i = ptr + asize; T *j = ptr + osize; while (i != j) new (--i) T; } } if (oldPtr != reinterpret_cast(array) && oldPtr != ptr) qFree(oldPtr); } #endif QT_END_NAMESPACE QT_END_HEADER #endif // QVARLENGTHARRAY_H