class Caboose::Block < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "blocks" #after_find :get_master_value # TODO belongs_to :page belongs_to :block_type belongs_to :parent, :foreign_key => 'parent_id', :class_name => 'Caboose::Block' has_many :children, :foreign_key => 'parent_id', :class_name => 'Caboose::Block', :dependent => :delete_all, :order => 'sort_order' has_attached_file :file, :path => ':path_prefixuploads/:id.:extension' do_not_validate_attachment_file_type :file has_attached_file :image, :path => ':path_prefixuploads/:id_:style.:extension', :default_url => "", :styles => { :tiny => '160x120>', :thumb => '400x300>', :large => '640x480>', :huge => '1400x1050>' } do_not_validate_attachment_file_type :image attr_accessible :id, :page_id, :parent_id, :block_type_id, :sort_order, :constrain, :full_width, :name, :value after_initialize :caste_value before_save :caste_value def caste_value if self.block_type_id.nil? bt = Caboose::BlockType.where(:field_type => 'text').first if bt.nil? bt = Caboose::BlockType.create(:name => 'text', :description => 'Text', :field_type => 'text', :default => '', :width => 800, :height => 400, :fixed_placeholder => false) end self.block_type_id = end #if self.block_type_id.field_type.nil? # self.block_type.field_type = 'text' #end #if self.block_type.field_type == 'checkbox' # v = self.value # self.value = v ? (v == 1 || v == '1' || v == true ? 1 : 0) : 0 #end end def full_name return if parent_id.nil? return "#{parent.full_name}_#{}" end def child_value(name) b = self.child(name) return nil if b.nil? return b.image if b.block_type.field_type == 'image' return b.file if b.block_type.field_type == 'file' return b.value end def child(name) Caboose::Block.where("parent_id = ? and name = ?",, name).first end def create_children(block_type_override = nil) bt = block_type_override ? block_type_override : block_type bt.children.each do |bt2| bt_id = #if bt2.parent_id # new_bt_id = Caboose::BlockType.where(:name => bt2.field_type) #end if self.child( b = Caboose::Block.create( :page_id => self.page_id, :parent_id =>, :block_type_id => bt_id, :name =>, :value => bt2.default ) b.create_children(bt2) end end end def render(block, options) #Caboose.log("block.render\ = #{}\nblock = #{block}\nblock.full_name = #{block.full_name}\noptions.class = #{options.class}\noptions = #{options}") if block && block.is_a?(String) #Caboose.log("Block #{block} is a string, finding block object... = #{}") b = self.child(block) if b.nil? self.create_children b = self.child(block) if b.nil? Caboose.log("No block exists with name \"#{block}\".") return false end end block = b end str = "" defaults = { :view => nil, :controller_view_content => nil, :modal => false, :empty_text => '', :editing => false, :css => nil, :js => nil, :csrf_meta_tags => nil, :csrf_meta_tags2 => nil, :logged_in_user => nil } #defaults = { :modal => false, :empty_text => '', :editing => false, :css => nil, :js => nil, :block => block } options2 = nil if options.is_a?(Hash) options2 = defaults.merge(options) else #options2 = { :modal => options.modal, :empty_text => options.empty_text, :editing => options.editing, :css => options.css, :js => options.js } options2 = { :view => options.view ? options.view : nil, :controller_view_content => options.controller_view_content ? options.controller_view_content : nil, :modal => options.modal ? options.modal : nil, :empty_text => options.empty_text ? options.empty_text : nil, :editing => options.editing ? options.editing : nil, :css => options.css ? options.css : nil, :js => options.js ? options.js : nil, :csrf_meta_tags => options.csrf_meta_tags ? options.csrf_meta_tags : nil, :csrf_meta_tags2 => options.csrf_meta_tags2 ? options.csrf_meta_tags2 : nil, :logged_in_user => options.logged_in_user ? options.logged_in_user : nil } end options2[:block] = block view = options2[:view] view = if view.nil? if block.block_type.use_render_function && block.block_type.render_function begin str = view.render(:partial => "caboose/blocks/render_function", :locals => options2) rescue Exception => ex msg = block ? (block.block_type ? "Error with #{} block (block_type_id #{}, block_id #{})\n" : "Error with block (block_id #{})\n") : '' Caboose.log("#{msg}#{ex.message}\n#{ex.backtrace.join("\n")}") str = "


" end else full_name = block.block_type.full_name full_name = "lksdjflskfjslkfjlskdfjlkjsdf" if full_name.nil? || full_name.length == 0 # Check the local site first site = options2[:site] if site.nil? self.block_message(block, "Error: site variable is nil.") end begin str = view.render(:partial => "../../sites/#{}/blocks/#{full_name}", :locals => options2) rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate => ex #Caboose.log("Can't find partial: ../../sites/#{}/blocks/#{full_name}") begin str = view.render(:partial => "../../sites/#{}/blocks/#{}", :locals => options2) rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate => ex #Caboose.log("Can't find partial: ../../sites/#{}/blocks/#{}") begin str = view.render(:partial => "../../sites/#{}/blocks/#{block.block_type.field_type}", :locals => options2) rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate #Caboose.log("Can't find partial: ../../sites/#{}/blocks/#{block.block_type.field_type}") begin str = view.render(:partial => "caboose/blocks/#{full_name}", :locals => options2) rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate #Caboose.log("Can't find partial: caboose/blocks/#{full_name}") begin str = view.render(:partial => "caboose/blocks/#{}", :locals => options2) rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate #Caboose.log("Can't find partial: caboose/blocks/#{}") begin str = view.render(:partial => "caboose/blocks/#{block.block_type.field_type}", :locals => options2) rescue Exception => ex #Caboose.log("Can't find partial: caboose/blocks/#{block.block_type.field_type}") str = "

#{self.block_message(block, ex)}

" end rescue Exception => ex str = "

#{self.block_message(block, ex)}

" end rescue Exception => ex str = "

#{self.block_message(block, ex)}

" end rescue Exception => ex str = "

#{self.block_message(block, ex)}

" end rescue Exception => ex str = "

#{self.block_message(block, ex)}

" end rescue Exception => ex str = "

#{self.block_message(block, ex)}

" end end return str end def block_message(block, ex) msg = block ? (block.block_type ? "Error with #{} block (block_type_id #{}, block_id #{})\n" : "Error with block (block_id #{})\n") : '' if ex.is_a?(String) Caboose.log("#{msg}#{ex}") else Caboose.log("#{msg}#{ex.message}\n#{ex.backtrace.join("\n")}") end return msg end def render_from_function(options) self.create_children #locals = => self, :empty_text => empty_text, :editing => editing) locals = erb = return erb.result(locals.instance_eval { binding }) end def partial(name, options) defaults = { :modal => false, :empty_text => '', :editing => false, :css => nil, :js => nil } options2 = nil if options.is_a?(Hash) options2 = defaults.merge(options) else options2 = { :modal => options.modal, :empty_text => options.empty_text, :editing => options.editing, :css => options.css, :js => options.js } end options2[:block] = self view = site = options[:site] begin str = view.render(:partial => "../../sites/#{}/blocks/#{name}", :locals => options2) rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate => ex begin str = view.render(:partial => "caboose/blocks/#{name}", :locals => options2) rescue Exception => ex Caboose.log("Partial caboose/blocks/#{name} doesn't exist.") str = "

#{self.partial_message(name, ex)}

" end end return str end def partial_message(name, ex) msg = "Error with partial #{name}:\n" if ex.is_a?(String) Caboose.log("#{msg}#{ex}") else Caboose.log("#{msg}#{ex.message}\n#{ex.backtrace.join("\n")}") end return msg end #def child_block_link # return "
New Block
" #end #def new_block_before_link # return "
New Block
" #end #def new_block_after_link # return "
New Block
" #end def title str = "#{}" if && > 0 str << " (#{})" end return str end def js_hash kids = self.children.collect { |b| b.js_hash } bt = self.block_type return { 'id' =>, 'page_id' => self.page_id, 'parent_id' => self.parent_id, 'parent_title' => self.parent ? self.parent.title : '', 'block_type_id' => self.block_type_id, 'sort_order' => self.sort_order, 'name' =>, 'value' => self.value, 'children' => kids, 'block_type' => { 'id' =>, 'parent_id' => bt.parent_id, 'name' =>, 'description' => bt.description, 'render_function' => bt.render_function, 'use_render_function' => bt.use_render_function, 'use_render_function_for_layout' => bt.use_render_function_for_layout, 'allow_child_blocks' => bt.allow_child_blocks, 'field_type' => bt.field_type, 'default' => bt.default, 'width' => bt.width, 'height' => bt.height, 'fixed_placeholder' => bt.fixed_placeholder, 'options' => bt.options, 'options_function' => bt.options_function, 'options_url' => bt.options_url }, 'file' => { 'url' => self.file.url }, 'image' => { 'tiny_url' => self.image.url(:tiny), 'thumb_url' => self.image.url(:thumb), 'large_url' => self.image.url(:large), } } end def log_helper(prefix = '') puts "#{prefix}#{}" self.children.each do |b| b.log_helper("#{prefix}-") end end # Returns the master block for this global block def get_global_value(site_id) return if !self.block_type.is_global return if !Caboose::Block.includes(:page).where(" <> ? and block_type_id = ? and pages.site_id = ?",, self.block_type_id, site_id).exists? b = Caboose::Block.includes(:page).where(" <> ? and block_type_id = ? and pages.site_id = ?",, self.block_type_id, site_id).reorder("").first self.value = b.value self.children.each do |b2| b2.get_global_value(site_id) if b2.block_type.is_global end end # Updates all the global blocks for the given site def update_global_value(value, site_id) return if !self.block_type.is_global return if !Caboose::Block.includes(:page).where(" <> ? and block_type_id = ? and pages.site_id = ?",, self.block_type_id, site_id).exists? sql = ["update blocks set value = ? where id in ( select from blocks B left join pages P on B.page_id = where <> ? and B.block_type_id = ? and P.site_id = ? )", value,, self.block_type_id, site_id] ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, sql)) end # Parses the value given for a checkbox multiple block def self.parse_checkbox_multiple_value(b, arr) current_value = b.value ? b.value.split('|') : [] v = arr[0] checked = arr[1].to_i == 1 if checked && !current_value.include?(v) current_value << v elsif !checked && current_value.include?(v) current_value.delete(v) end return current_value.join('|') end # Move a block up def move_up siblings = Caboose::Block.where(:parent_id => self.parent_id).reorder(:sort_order).all siblings.each_with_index do |b2, i| b2.sort_order = i end changed = false siblings.each_with_index do |b2, i| if i > 0 && == siblings[i-1].sort_order = i siblings[i-1].save b2.sort_order = i - 1 changed = true end end return changed end # Move a block down def move_down siblings = Caboose::Block.where(:parent_id => self.parent_id).reorder(:sort_order).all siblings.each_with_index do |b2, i| b2.sort_order = i end changed = false siblings.each_with_index do |b2, i| if i < (siblings.count-1) && == siblings[i+1].sort_order = i siblings[i+1].save b2.sort_order = i + 1 changed = true end end return changed end def constrain_all self.children.each do |b| return false if b.full_width == true end return true end end