class Firehose.LongPoll extends Firehose.Transport # CORS is supported in IE 8+ @ieSupported: => $.browser.msie and parseInt($.browser.version) > 7 and window.XDomainRequest @supported: => # IE 8+, FF 3.5+, Chrome 4+, Safari 4+, Opera 12+, iOS 3.2+, Android 2.1+ $.support.cors || Firehose.LongPoll.ieSupported() constructor: (args) -> super args # Configrations specifically for web sockets @config.longPoll ||= {} # Protocol schema we should use for talking to WS server. @config.longPoll.url ||= "http:#{@config.uri}" # How many ms should we wait before timing out the AJAX connection? @config.longPoll.timeout ||= 20000 # TODO - What is @_lagTime for? Can't we just use the @_timeout value? # We use the lag time to make the client live longer than the server. @_lagTime = 5000 @_timeout = @config.longPoll.timeout + @_lagTime @_offlineTimer @_okInterval = 0 @registerIETransport() registerIETransport: => if Firehose.LongPoll.ieSupported() # TODO - Ask Steel what this is for. Looks like some kind of polygot fill, but I want # to take the 'json' transport out and do that myself. $.ajaxTransport 'json', (options, orignalOptions, jqXhr) -> xdr = null send: (_, callback) -> xdr = new XDomainRequest() xdr.onload = -> statusCode = if xdr.responseText.length > 0 then 200 else 204 callback(statusCode, 'success', text: xdr.responseText) xdr.onerror = xdr.ontimeout = -> callback(400, 'failed', text: xdr.responseText), options.url) xdr.send( abort: -> if xdr xdr.onerror = $.noop() xdr.abort() # also, override the support check $.support.cors = true; connect: (delay = 0) => @config.connected() super(delay) _request: => $.ajax @config.longPoll.url, crossDomain: true cache: false data: @config.params timeout: @_timeout success: @_success error: @_error _success: (data, status, jqXhr) => # TODO we actually want to do this when the thing calls out... mmm right now it takes # up to 30s before we can call this thing. # Call the 'connected' callback if the connection succeeds. @_open(data) unless @_succeeded if jqXhr.status == 204 # If we get a 204 back, that means the server timed-out and sent back a 204 with a # X-Http-Next-Request header # # Why did we use a 204 and not a 408? Because FireFox is really stupid about 400 level error # codes and would claims its a 0 error code, which we use for something else. Firefox is IE # in thise case @connect(@_okInterval) else @config.message(@config.parse(data)) @connect(@_okInterval) # We need this custom handler to have the connection status # properly displayed _error: (jqXhr, status, error) => clearTimeout(@_offlineTimer) @config.disconnected() @_offlineTimer = setTimeout(@config.connected, @_retryDelay + @_lagTime) @connect(@_retryDelay)