require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'hx/path' describe Hx::Path::Pattern do it "should include Hx::Path::Selector" do Hx::Path::Pattern.should < Hx::Path::Selector end it "should parse pattern strings" do cases = [ { :pattern => "foo/**/bar", :prefix => "foo/", :suffix => "/bar" }, { :pattern => "foo/*/bar", :prefix => "foo/", :suffix => "/bar" }, { :pattern => "[blah", :prefix => "[blah", :suffix => "" }, { :pattern => "hoge*", :prefix => "hoge", :suffix => "" }, { :pattern => "*hoge", :prefix => "", :suffix => "hoge" } ] for test_case in cases pattern = Hx::Path.parse_pattern(test_case[:pattern]) pattern.prefix.should == test_case[:prefix] pattern.suffix.should == test_case[:suffix] end end it "should accept or reject paths" do pattern = Hx::Path.parse_pattern("foo/bar") pattern.should accept("foo/bar") pattern.should_not accept("foo/baz") end it "should provide an equivalent regexp" do pattern = Hx::Path.parse_pattern("foo/bar") pattern.regexp.should_not be_nil pattern.regexp.match("foo/bar").should_not be_nil pattern.regexp.match("foo/bar/baz").should be_nil pattern = Hx::Path.parse_pattern("foo/*/baz") pattern.regexp.should_not be_nil pattern.regexp.match("foo/baz").should be_nil pattern.regexp.match("foo/bar/baz").should_not be_nil end end PATHFILTER_PREFIX_CASES = [ { :patterns => ["foo/bar", "fudge/bear"], :prefix => "f", :suffix => "ar" }, { :patterns => ["foo/*/bar", "fudge/*/bear"], :prefix => "f", :suffix => "ar" }, { :patterns => ["foo/bar", "fudge/*/bear"], :prefix => "f", :suffix => "ar" }, { :patterns => ["bar*", "*bear"], :prefix => "", :suffix => "" }, { :patterns => ["foobarbaz", "foobar*barbaz"], :prefix => "foobar", :suffix => "baz" }, { :patterns => ["foobarbaz*", "foobar*barbaz"], :prefix => "foobar", :suffix => "" }, { :patterns => ["*foobarbaz", "foobar*barbaz"], :prefix => "", :suffix => "barbaz" } ] describe "Hx::Path::Selector disjunctions" do it "should be possible" do filters = ["foo/bar", "abcdefg"].map { |p| Hx::Path.parse_pattern(p) } filter = filters.inject { |a, b| a | b } filter.should be_a_kind_of(Hx::Path::Selector) end it "should accept and reject the right paths" do filters = ["foo/bar", "abcdefg"].map { |p| Hx::Path.parse_pattern(p) } filter = filters.inject { |a, b| a | b } filter.should accept("foo/bar") filter.should accept("abcdefg") filter.should_not accept("hoge") end for test_case_outer in PATHFILTER_PREFIX_CASES do |test_case| it "should produce optimal prefixes and suffixes" do filters = test_case[:patterns].map { |p| Hx::Path.parse_pattern(p) } filter = filters.inject { |a, b| a | b } filter.prefix.should == test_case[:prefix] filter.suffix.should == test_case[:suffix] end end end describe "negated Hx::Path::Selectors" do before :each do @pattern = ~Hx::Path.parse_pattern("foo*bar") end it "should be possible" do @pattern.should be_a_kind_of(Hx::Path::Selector) end it "should reject what they match" do @pattern.should_not accept("foobar") @pattern.should accept("hoge") end it "should have empty prefix and suffix" do @pattern.prefix.should == "" @pattern.suffix.should == "" end end describe "Hx::Path::Selector conjunctions" do it "should be possible" do filters = ["foo*", "*bar"].map { |p| Hx::Path.parse_pattern(p) } filter = filters.inject { |a, b| a & b } filter.should be_a_kind_of(Hx::Path::Selector) end it "should accept only paths matching both filters" do filters = ["foo*", "*bar"].map { |p| Hx::Path.parse_pattern(p) } filter = filters.inject { |a, b| a & b } filter.should accept("foobar") filter.should accept("fooxbar") filter.should_not accept("lemur") filter.should_not accept("foobear") filter.should_not accept("rebar") end for test_case_outer in PATHFILTER_PREFIX_CASES do |test_case| it "should produce optimal prefixes and suffixes" do filters = test_case[:patterns].map { |p| Hx::Path.parse_pattern(p) } filter = filters.inject { |a, b| a & b } filter.prefix.should == test_case[:prefix] filter.suffix.should == test_case[:suffix] end end end