// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2009 Apple Inc. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test htmlbody ok equals same stop start Q$ */ // note: need to test interaction with Validators here // possibly move Validator support to TextFieldView specifically. var pane, view, view1, view2; module("SC.TextFieldView",{ setup: function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); pane = SC.MainPane.create({ childViews: [ SC.TextFieldView.extend({ hint:'First Name', value:'', title:'First Name' }), SC.TextFieldView.extend({ hint:'Name', value:'SproutCore', isEnabled: NO }), SC.TextFieldView.extend({ layerId: 'fieldWithCustomId' }) ] }); pane.append(); // make sure there is a layer... SC.RunLoop.end(); view = pane.childViews[0]; view1 = pane.childViews[1]; view2 = pane.childViews[2]; }, teardown: function() { pane.remove(); pane = view = null ; } }); test("renders an text field input tag with appropriate attributes", function() { equals(view.get('value'), '', 'value should be empty'); equals(view1.get('value'), 'SproutCore', 'value should not be empty '); equals(view.get('isEnabled'),YES,'field enabled' ); equals(view1.get('isEnabled'),NO,'field not enabled' ); var q = Q$('input', view.get('layer')); equals(q.attr('type'), 'text', 'should have type as text'); equals(q.attr('name'), view.get('layerId'), 'should have name as view_layerid'); }); test("renders an text field with a custom layerId with correct id and name html attributes", function() { equals(view2.$().attr('id'), 'fieldWithCustomId', 'label html element should have the custom id'); equals(view2.$input().attr('name'), 'fieldWithCustomId', 'input html element should have the custom name'); }); test("isEnabled=NO should add disabled class", function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('isEnabled', NO); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(view.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'should have disabled class'); }); // test("isEnabled=NO should add disabled attr to input", function() { // SC.RunLoop.begin(); // view1.set('isEnabled', NO); // SC.RunLoop.end(); // ok(view1.$input().attr('disabled'), 'should have disabled attr'); // view1.set('isEditing',YES); // ok(view1.get('value') === 'SproutCore', 'value cannot be changed'); // }); test("isEnabled and isEditable mapping", function() { var obj= SC.TextFieldView.create(); obj.set('isEnabled',false); equals(obj.get('isEditable'),false); obj.set('isEnabled',true); equals(obj.get('isEditable'),true); });